One month!

Jul 30, 2010

So i am one month out.. I cant even beileve it! Where did all the time go. Where did the inches go. Because thats all that is leaveing my body. I droped two pound when my period came but really havent droped anything eles. Its driving me nuts.
But i am really proud of myself. And I am so greatful for my husband and family that are always there with there support. When i am down they are there to lift me up. I am so greatful for them and all my friends that keep me in there prayers.

Its been such a stressful week as we are surrounded by fires. It is super smoking out here and i am sick to my death with broncitics and a pretty bad sinus infection.  No working out not much eatting going on and having to force myself to drink all my fluids that at 7 30 at night i am way behind on need to try and keep down a protein shake down tonight. Kinda sad though because this is the week that i get to start trying to get in reagular food but with being so sick  i cant really do any of that this week..

My kids go back to school in about a week and i am so excited as it will be just me and the baby her for most of the day. I will get a few hours of me time to work out and just do things for me. I cant wait but i will be sad that my 5 y/o wont be home with me anymore to hang out with mummy. But i am excited that i will have time with my youngest by himself.

I feel like i am all over the palce today. Lots going on and my mind is jumping from one thing to the other.  I am so ready for bed its not even funny. I think i will take a long hot shower and get some nice cool pjs and just sit in the bed and watch some junk tv. .


About Me
Rosamond, CA
Apr 11, 2010
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