Amy Elizabeth Martin

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 5 out of 5 with 35 ratings

Amy Elizabeth Martin Bariatric Surgeon M.D., F.A.C.S.

6 yr Experience

6 yr in Bariatrics

11 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

6 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

50% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 16

35 Reviews for Amy Elizabeth Martin
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9/8/2003 - I attended an informational session w/ Dr. Elizabeth Martin. My first impression of her was wonderful. She seemed pretty down to earth. She was honest and forthcoming, but also sensitive and understanding. She laid it on the table, explaining the surgery, risks, steps to prevent any complications, and the aftercare that is most important. She was very up front about what we were considering entering in to, and what changes we were going to have to make. I will update this post when I have met with her one-on-one.
11/18/2003 - I LOVE HER! I had the one-on-one consultation today. She laid everything out again, explained the risks, asked me questions and answered all of mine (and I had a list!!). She had to leave right before seeing me to run over to ICU and put a tube in someone's chest, then APOLOGIZED to me! BAH! I am glad that if I have to have something like that, that she rushes to the rescue! She was very attentive and a great listener. She's such a cutie! I'm 100% comfortable placing my life in her capable hands.


I met Dr.Martin at the group meeting.I was very impressed with her.
I went to the office on 11/12/03 and I met with Jeanette Moss.
She was very nice to me,and never made me feel uncomfortable.
She explained to me alot of what I already know,and just confirmed alot of my questions.
She told me it would take about a week or so to submit my imformation to the insurance company,and then we could set my surgery date,she said probaly around January.


Dr. Martin was great. I feel like she and I are around the same age so I felt really comfortable talking to her. She was very honest about possible complications but was also very informative about the questions that I had. She also stressed the importance of this being a life altering surgery and a huge commitment. She was very blunt and straight forward. I am like that muself and I appreciated her being like that with me. If her personality is any indication of how well she performs the surgery, then I have no worries. I feel that I made the best choice in chosing to meet with her. I hope my surgery goes as well as my consultation.


Dr. Martin is a funny, honest, and sincere human being......yes unusual in a doctor. She welcomed any and all questions and took her time in the consultation never giving me the impression that I needed to hurry. I cannot say that there was anything I disliked about her. She is a very warm and radiant individual and I believe the hospital is blessed to have her as a surgeon.
She discussed the possibility of death and asked me if I felt as if I were at an impass with any weight loss attempts. Overall I would give her an extremely high rating.


My personal experience with Dr. Martin was excellent. I would recommend Dr. Martin to anyone. She is honest about the risks of surgery, but very kind and has a great bedside manner. I had to wait almost an hour to see her (not so fun), but the wait was well worth it because she took her time to explain everything to me and answer any questions and concerns I could think of. I feel very comfortable in her hands, and hope to keep in touch with her for years to come.


My first impression of Dr. Martin was that she was awesome. My husband and daughter went with me and she made them feel comfortable. My daughter who is very shy warmed up to her quickly. I was very pleased with her. Her outlook and personality blew me away. She doesn't act like Dr.'s that I'm used to. She took the time to sit down with us, talk slowly and go over anything that we had questions on. She didn't rush us at all, and seemed so down to earth.
My impression of her just got better and better over the time. Her staff is incredible. Hilarie in her office handled all my calls. She called me back everytime I called her the same day, and always seemed happy to talk to me about whatever I wanted to know. I can't think of one thing I didn't like about anybody in her office.
Dr. Martin is fairly strict with her aftercare, but I like that. I want a Dr. that wants to see me all the time and check up on me. It makes you feel safe. Its such a risky surgery to begin with why wouldn't you want to have constant aftercare? Dr. Martin was very straight forward about the risks with the surgery, and I like that. It made me feel more reassured that if I had a problem she wouldn't sugar coat it for me. Give it to me straight, thats the way I like it.
I wouldn't have trusted my life with any other surgeon.


When I first saw Dr. Martin, I was surprised on how young she was. She is very nice, pleasant and straight forward. She came right out in our introduction meeting and made sure she mentioned we could die from this surgery.

We need someone that is going to bring it up front on the dying factor. It has not scared me or discouraged me in any way. God is with me and if he is ready for me, then I am ready, but like I always tell my family and friends "He ain't through with me yet"


Dr. Martin seemed to be very informative about the procedure, what she was going to do, how she was going to do it, how long it was going to take, the problems that could happen, what usually happens, and answered all of my questions to the best of her ability. There was nothing that I didn't like about her because I have not really gotten to know anything about her not that I am supposed to but I never pre-judge anyone before or after. Yes she has a structured program. There are 2 week visits for the couple of months and then some every 6 weeks and then you move to 3 months, 6 months, and then a year. You could be in a coma or on a ventilator for little or no time. She said you could have leakage. She said you could come right out of it or it may take some time. Each individual is different.


I really like how she took her time with us during our visit and she explained everything that we need to know. My impression did not change over time. Her office staff take time to get to know you and your family.I think shes a great doctor and surgeon and if you have any question ask her. She told all the risk of the surgery and what could go wrong during the surgery. If it was on a scale from 1-10 I would give her a 10.


I am very impression with Dr. Martin. She is very up to date with the procedure that I am going to have. Dr. Martin's office staff is very friendly and helpful in every way. Hilarie Surratt is the person who does all the foot work with the insurance company and schedules all of the classes and the surgery date and time, when you call her she calls back the same day and answers any questions you have. Dr. Martin is very concern with her patients and gives you all of her attention when talking to her about any questions you have. She places alot of emphasize on after the surgery care by doing everything that is told to the patient to do to make the surgery a success. She was very up front and honest about the risk of this surgery, during the surgery and after the surgery if you do not follow the aftercare program. I would rate Dr. Martin high because of her concern for her patients and wanting each one to do well with this surgery. Both bedside manner and surgical competence is great with Dr. Martin. I have talked to 5 other surgeons about this surgery and very pleased with Dr. Martin with everything overall.

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