Artun Aksade

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 with 24 ratings

Artun Aksade Bariatric Surgeon M.D.

4 yr Experience

8 yr in Bariatrics

10 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

8 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

70% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 18

Max Age of Patient is 75

Allison Unger Profile Pic
Allison Unger
Kathryn Sheller Profile Pic
Kathryn Sheller
Exercise Physiologist
Amy Romberger Profile Pic
Amy Romberger
Ann Bogari Profile Pic
Ann Bogari
Bariatric Insurance Specialist

24 Reviews for Artun Aksade
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Dr. Aksade was amazing. He did an amazing job by preparing me for what I was going to go through before and after the surgery. His staff is right there to answer any questions you have. He was present for the swollow test and after the swollow test he also brought me back to my room so that I didn't have to wait for someone to transport me back! He will answer any questions at any given time and is truely concerned with your well being!


Pre-surgical care has been excellent. Dr. Aksade has a team that is very caring and empathetic. The insurance person, Ann is like a little steamroller. She works relentlessly with the insurance companies to help every patient. Mandy, the program coordinator is kind and sensitive and helpful. Whitney, the Nutritionist, is a great teacher and an excellent resource for patients as we learn how to eat. Dr. Aksade is not a typical surgeon, he is kind, empathetic, and a great listener. He comes to support group meetings and even stops in at Nutrition classes to say "Hi". He is a genuinely nice guy who enjoys helping people and takes great pride in taking the very best care of his patients. He tells us the surgery is only 5% of our journey, we must do the other 95% to have weight loss success. A great team!


Dr. Aksade was great! The program at Easton Hospital was really amazing. I had 3 months of preparation and information before my surgery. By the time my surgery happened, I knew what to expect..and how to deal with everything. The information that the whole team shared with me made me feel like I could teach a class by the time I was done. It made me feel very confident that this was something I could do and be successful at. I have seen a lot of people have a surgery and gain the weight back.. I know that will not be me. Dr. Aksade and all of his staff were very hands on and always available to answer any questions I may have had. The office took care of all of my insurance issues.. I couldn't tell you if there were any problems..they just took care of it. In Easton Hospital.. I had a private room with a comfy bed and nice flat screen tv..the nurses were all friendly and very helpful. The room was clean and the entire floor was always clean and tidy.. I did many laps after my surgery, so I got to look around. Whenever I hit the button for the nurse, they came quickly. Dr. Aksade and Mandy came to visit me and check on me. Dr. Aksade seems to be a genuinely nice person. I have worked with Dr.s for years and that is not always the case. At my first follow up visit he listened to my concerns and addressed them and gave me encoragement.
I highly recommend Dr. Aksade and Easton Hospital's program.


I am a patient of Dr. Aksade. He is a very professional physician. The program is excellent you have many steps to take before surgery. There are many people involved as a team which includes Mandy, Ann, Whitney and the office staff. Dr. Aksade and Mandy have support group meetings once a month to help pre-op and post-op patients. This gives us the opportunity to ask questions to each other about their experiences before and after surgery. This is a great help because everyone wants to know your experience and what to expect. Everyone is different but it is a big help to learn what can happen and what you can do to make it better. I had the Lapband surgery April 2010 and it was the best thing I ever did. It changed my life for the best I lost 230 pounds. I have more energy and want to do things I could not do because of my weight. Thank You Rich Stefano


Dr. Aksade is very professional and very honest. . His coordinator Mandy and him are on the same page. If you ask one or both of them a question you will always get the same answers. His office staff is hard working and will try to fit you into their schedule if you need to. Ann the insurance specialist really knows her stuff!

The whole program really helps to inform you about the surgery and the life you will lead after
surgery. It prepares you early enough to start making changes to the way you eat and drink.

Mandy the Coordinator follows you from the time you enter pre-op till you are back in your room. This was really comforting. Just in case you have any last minute questions.

The support groups are very educational. It is very nice that Dr. Aksade attends and is eager to answer your concerns. Mandy the coordinator really knows her stuff. She always makes it fun and is totally honest. That is also what she wants from her patients honest and not to sugar coat anything.

I would recommend the program at Easton Hospital. Dr. Aksade and his staff are well qualified. Easton Hospital nurses and everyone involved with your care are wonderful!


Dr. Aksade is probably the best bariatric surgeon in Pennsylvania if not the entire United States – not just because he’s an experienced surgeon with impeccable bed-side manners – but he and his staff demonstrate sincere care for their patients from beginning to end. For them, it’s not just about having surgery to help lose weight – it’s about helping people realize the importance of life style change and impacting lives in a very profound way. They are involved from the first phone call, through education sessions, through surgery, through offering ongoing support indefinitely.

There is no question that my experience with the program at Easton hospital has improved my health; and, I’m very sincere when I say it has improved the quality of life of my family and those closest to me as well. My experience and success has touched and inspired the lives of others by sharing what I have learned in the program (eg. about nutrition, exercise tips, etc.). It’s a win-win for everyone!

In short, Dr. Aksade is a very concerned and caring doctor and he and his staff are 100% committed to improving the lives of their patients!


My second son was born in October of 2007. I had gained 80 lbs during my pregnancy. When he was born I joined Weight Watchers for nursing moms and the gym. In December of 2007 I passed out at home with my newborn son and my 2 yr old son, my husband was working. My 2 yr old son called 911 and I woke to my paramedics from Suburban and my sons crying. I was taken to a local Emergency Department where they found I had swelling on my brain. After tons of testing, my neurologist diagnosed me with Psuedeo Tumor Cerebri (Swelling on the brain that compresses the nerves to the eyes and can cause blindness). Needless to say 2 yrs of trying to lose weight and my weight loss failed with Weight Watcher, Physician Weight Loss Centers, Gyms and Personal Trainers. My doctors gave me 6 months before I was going to lose the vision in my left eye in June 2010.
In June of 2010 I was the maitron of honor at my best friends wedding and I looked like a giant watermelon in the watermelon colored dress we wore. After that wedding, I went and spoke with Dr. Aksade and Mandy at Easton Hospital. That day was the day my life style changed forever. Dr. Aksage's program prepared me for surgery, thoroughly educated me on life style change, eating habits, nutrition and much more! I can not say enough about Dr. Aksade and his team, everything they said they followed up on! No promises were left unkept. Because of Dr. Aksade and his program at Easton Hospital I now no longer have PseudoTumor Cerebri, I no longer wear glasses, my vision is 20/20, I am coaching soccer for both of my boys, more active now then I ever was and I am 114 lbs HEALTHIER!!!



I had gastric bypass surgery 7 days ago and can not say enough about Dr. Aksade and the bariatric surgery program at Easton Hospital. The staff at his office were so friendly, patient and reassuring during my visits and many calls to the office to confirm all was in order before my surgery. I was a little nervous the day of the surgery and he and his assistant Mandy were there before the procedure. They were my cheerleaders - so reassuring and explaining everything that would happen every step of the way. His bedside manner and office demeanor were both exemplary, something one doesn't see in many physicians in 2011.

I am born and raised in the Lehigh Valley. I was born at St. Luke's, had my children and 3 other surgeries at St. Luke's. My family doctor recommended the Easton Hospital program and I thought I would check it out. I never looked back, and am very happy I chose Dr. Aksade and Easton hospital.

The nurses on the floor post surgery were top notch, too. I unfortunately only remember Lynette and Crissi, but they were all familiar with bariatric surgery patients and gave us tips on sleeping comfortably, told us how to get up and move about to minimize discomfort, something I never received before. Lynette really went out of her way and should be commended.


This program is a second chance to a new healthier life. The program itself is very informative. There is nothing you wont know when all is done and any question you may have they will know the answer to. Dr. Aksade is wonderful. He is knowledgeable and a confident in what he does. He is very nice. Like others have said he has great bedside manner. His office is very helpful and will always find a way to squeeze you in if you need to get in there. Mandy and Whitney are also to very great resources when going through this process. Any question they can probably answer. I am very grateful to have had the opportunity to have this procedure. Dr. Aksade is the one and only surgeon I would recommend to anyone who is considering having the procedure done. The program is top notch and leaves no question or concern left unanswered. Thank you Dr. Aksade for this chance for a healthier me. You took great care of me and my family is thankful for that. Thank you, your office, and your program for everything.


The whole program is just wondrful. Dr Aksade is very thorough and has great bedside manner. Coordinator is also wonderful. I have had no problems and had a lot of education. I would recommend him to everyone!

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