B. Dean McDaniel

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 with 80 ratings

B. Dean McDaniel Bariatric Surgeon D.O.

12 yr Experience

9 yr in Bariatrics

18 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

9 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

98% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 18

Max Age of Patient is 75

80 Reviews for B. Dean McDaniel
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I started seeing Dr. McDaniel this past Feb. '09 and although he did not do my lapband surgery I would not hesitate to recommend him to anyone who is interested in having weight loss surgery.rnLet me tell you how I came to see Dr. McDaniel...rnIn May 2006, after being a regular member of Curves for 5mos. and starting another of many diets, I had not lost a pound. I was in tears after my latest weigh in at Curves and decided then and there to try the lapband.rnI had seen an ad for Dr. Spiegel in Houston and after attending his free seminar I made an appt. with him and by weeks end, was in surgery. I believe him to be an excellent surgeon, but he leaves you flat when it comes to follow-up. You are pretty much on your own....so, I talked to a family member who had been to Dr. McDaniel in Victoria.rnI had my first appt and really like him as well as his office staff.


My first impression of Dr. McDaniel was wonderful. He was very knowledgeable and explained everything very thoroughly. He made me feel very comfortable talking to him about my obesity. The information packet your given covers everything that was explain and discussed to you at your visit. His office staff was very kind. Ron, Dr. McDaniel PA, is also very wonderful. He also is very knowledgeable and answers any questions. Super sweet guy. Very caring.rnI would rate the whole experience an 10 out of 10.


My first impression of Dr. McD. was one of \"get it done plus get it done safely\". The office staff has been very helpful. Quick to answer questions, give information and go to battle with the insurance company. Places great emphasis on after care in that the surgery is just a tool to assist with weight loss. If I revert back to the old patterns then my body will revert back to its old size. Also, emphasis placed on the importance of walking and getting out and getting moving. All the risks of surgery were addressed and because of my excessive weight there was even more risk involved. Overall I would definitely say that Dr. McD is capable. Kind of quiet but able to get to the point and give the information accurately and concisely. I know some people might say that bedside manner is better but if I need someone to save my life I don't necessarily need them to hold my hand but competence is great! If they have a nice bedside manner, that is a bonus to saving one's life. If you get to Citizens Ron is the doctors PA and was extremely helpful with words of encouragement and pep talks. The information packet is awesome.


Dr. McDaniel and Dr. Ron were awesome! Dr. Ron walked me over to the hospital and I felt really happy to receive such attention.rnrnThey both came by to see me and I was glad to see familiar faces. The nurses were great and I thank each and everyone of them for being so efficient.


He was great, very patient and very thourough. His staff, especially Ron is great. Aftercare is pretty important. Ron even came to see me in the hospital 16 months out. I was in for a nonrelated problem. He discussed the risks mostly by having me read some of the national information and discussing them. Overall I would rate him very high. He had done another surgery for me a few years earlier, and was great. That was why I decided to go with him. His competence and bedside manner are both good.


I was super nervous the day of my consult. My weight is not an easy subject to talk about. Dr. McDaniel and Ron were so professional and sweet ! They know that I have a problem that will not get better and they are here to help. Not once did they critique my failed weight loss attempts. It's all about the future now!


I like him when I first meet him, and I really like his caring staff. I would refer him to anyone that was wanting to have this surgery.


Dr McDaniel is the most upbeat, positive, most motivating doctor I have ever had the pleasure of seeing. His office staff is so very supportive - they are always willing to answer any questions or listen to any concerns. rnrnHe has a complete program from pre op to post op and then for years to come.rnrnHe truly cares about his patients and it shows !


He is the greatest! I have heard nothing but good things about him! He was very reassuring when I met him and I feel confident he is the one for me!


Dr. McDaniel is an incredibly caring and compassionate surgeon. He tells it like it is, doesn't sugar coat anything, but communicates in a positive way - no shame/no blame/here's how to fix it. Office staff is positive, upbeat, ready to answer questions. Aftercare is pretty much mandatory for the first two years, with monthly weigh-ins, B12 shots, and vitamins. Dr. McDaniel reviews each file, requires regular blood work, and will plan to see you if there's any deviation from the \"plan\", not just at 3, 6, 12, and 24 months. I knew all the risks, got all my questions answered, and was ready for the \"knife\". He has terrific surgical competance (he is the Chief of Surgery at CMC, after all), a great bedside manner, and is a great human being.

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