Guillermo Alvarez

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 4.98143564356 out of 5 with 1186 ratings

Guillermo Alvarez Bariatric Surgeon MD

Guillermo Alvarez Bariatric Surgeon Picture

18 yr in Bariatrics

18 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

18 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

100% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 11

Max Age of Patient is 75

Brandi Carter Profile Pic
Brandi Carter
Patient Coordinator
Rosie Flores Profile Pic
Rosie Flores
Patient Coordinator
Lourdes Carranza Profile Pic
Lourdes Carranza
Personal Assistant

1186 Reviews for Guillermo Alvarez
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Dr. Alvarez performed my gastric sleeve surgery on January 10, 2011. I am now 5 weeks post-op, have lost 37 pounds and 3 pant sizes. I am at peace with my surgery, knowing that Dr. Alvarez did a fantastic job, my surgery was a success, and that he is only a phone call away if I need him.

First Impressions:
I knew before going to Mexico that Dr. Alvarez was an exceptional surgeon and that if I were to have gastric sleeve surgery, there would be no doubt who I would want to do it. His qualifications, experience, and passion for his work iare unparalleled…these things I knew before I met him and knew I would be in the best hands possible. I was hesitant about traveling to Mexico, mainly because so many of family were scared for me. But I researched the area, talked with Susan and another patient of Dr. Alvarez, and never looked back.

My dad and I flew to San Antonio where Rosy drove us and my "sleeve sister" and husband to Eagle Pass, TX to spend the evening. She then picked us up the next morning and we headed to the hospital in Mexico. Rosy is awesome – she explained what we would experience as we crossed the border. They do random vehicle searches as people enter Mexico. We were through in less than 5 minutes, sitting in the van while two gentlemen looked in our vehicle. Rosy drives this route throughout the week, and it was like going through a toll booth in the states...nothing to be afraid of. We entered Piadras Negras and were at the hospital in less than 10 minutes. A great video of this process is on YouTube – “4 days in 4 minutes” which follows a couples experience with Dr. Alvarez.

Impression over time/ Description of Office Staff/ What future patients should know:
The moment Dr. Alvarez saw us enter his office he came out, shook our hands and introduced himself. He had me at hello…lol. Really, meeting the man from my research face to face could have been intimidating, but he felt like a friend before we even hit the OR. Not only did he welcome us personally, his assistant surgeons and nurse were there to greet us as well. It was like being welcomed to a big family. He was already familiar with who we were and was very welcoming and friendly. My dad and I went into his private office area where we went over my medical history, asked questions, weighed, and got to know one another better. Dr. Alvarez answered all questions, went over what we were going to do, and then his nurse took us to my room to get settled, do pre-op blood work, and chest xray. I always dread stepping on a scale at the doctor’s office, but Dr. Alvarez is passionate about helping people with obesity and never made me feel self conscious, guilty, or embarrassed about myself. His staff/team was also phenomenal!

Emphasis on aftercare/After care program/ Addressing risks of surgery
Dr. Alvarez is very dedicated to the success of his patients; therefore he makes aftercare a huge priority. Patients sign a contract to abide by a detailed outline of what must be done after surgery. A leak test is performed the day after surgery to ensure that all is well. I was able to watch my new tummy work, as he had a monitor for patients to watch and told me everything that was happening – twice! He is adamant about following a 4 week progression to regular foods, allowing the new stomach time to heal. Susan, his coordinator/nurse, emails important information before surgery and then Dr. Alvarez personally goes over all information with patients before releasing them from the hospital. Dr. Alvarez and his assistant surgeon came to my room and discussed what is expected after surgery – what I need to eat/drink, symptoms of possible problems, how to contact him, and prescriptions for the following 2 weeks. He also had a folder with info, receipt from surgery, description of surgery and note to employer, other information, both doctor’s business cards, and medication schedule. He gave me post surgery pain medicine, an antibiotic, and heartburn medicine in a bag that could be carried on the plane home. Dr. Alvarez was very thorough, but also took time to set my suitcase up, get my “special pillow” out, sign it, and repack it. How many doctors in the US take that kind of time and care with their patients?

Rating Dr. Alvarez overall:
Dr. Alvarez has given me hope when I just didn’t have any left. Within one week since surgery I returned to everyday life, with no pain or heartburn medicines needed. I have more energy now than in the past 10 years, and thank God everyday that I was able to take this journey.

I was so privileged to have Dr. Alvarez perform my surgery, to have met him and his team/staff, and begin this journey with such a supportive, caring and compassionate group of people. I was amazed at the personal care he and his assistant surgeons took to check on me and how often I saw them. One of the doctors even walked me back from my leak test. I was also impressed that 80% of my stomach was removed and there was no pain! His surgical competence, experience with gastric sleeve surgery, and bedside manner are out of this world. I cannot say enough about my experience and hope others are inspired to choose Dr. Alvarez as their surgeon.

Anything negative to say:
Although the website asked this question, I have no negative comments about Dr. Alvarez, his team, or traveling and staying in Mexico. I would do it all over again. I have no regrets!

12 people found this helpful


Hello all, I had gastric sleeve done on 3/9/18 in Mexico by the one and only Dr A. My experience from the beginning to the end was 5 stars. Dr A and his team were all amazing. I elected to go to Mexico because I was self pay due to a low BMI. This was the best decision i could have made and I'm so happy that i went thru with it. Mexico was extremely beautiful and safe. We went shopping had a cherry icee and we even had a massage and facial at the endo spa the after surgery. Once I returned home the first week was a little tough but here i am 5 weeks out and i feel amazing. I hoping my husband decides to get the surgery so we can go to the new hospital and this time it will be my mini vacation. If you have any questions or concerns feel free to reach out to me especially lower BMI people. Hopefully I can help ease your fears.

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I have wanted to explore gastric surgery for years but would always procrastinate. This past summer I started seriously researching the Sleeve. I found that while my insurance would cover it, I would have to spend 6 months on a supervised diet, psychological testing, counseling, and nutritionist visits in order to qualify. I am an instant gratification guy and not a hoop jumper, so I decided to check out Mexico- never thinking that I would actually pull the trigger. I came across Dr. Alvarez and Endobariatric and was blown away by the reviews. I contacted Susan and she sent me some info. When I breached the surreal subject of traveling (alone) to a Mexican border town to have 90% my stomach cut out with my wife, she freaked out a bit. However the more I read about Dr. Alvarez both online and in the material he provided, reassured me that if I was going to do this- this was the place I would need to go. I slowly softened my wife by filtering down literature, reviews, and videos. She finally got on board and I scheduled my surgery for October 17, 2017.
The fee covers everything except for the flight down but I travel extensively for work so I used Delta miles to get me to San Antonio. They have a pretty good system set up where Rosie the driver is dropping off yesterday's patients at the airport hotel just in time to pick up tomorrow's patients and take them across the border. The worst part of the whole experience was the long @ss ride from San Antonio to Piedras Negras. My ADHD was raging for sure because there is nothing of interest to look at and the internet signal is too spotty to watch Netflix or the like. I wish I would have downloaded something to watch.
Piedras Negras is not much to look at- a pretty downtrodden area, but the Hampton Inn where the patients stay is amazing. I stay exclusively at Hilton properties and have stayed at dozens of Hamptons. This is BY FAR the nicest Hampton I have ever been to.
The next morning the other Endobariatric van takes you to the hospital. Not going to lie- when we pulled up at the hospital is probably where I felt the most uneasiness. It's not exactly Grey's Anatomy hospital. A semi rough place in a rougher part of town. I was relieved to see that it was very clean on the inside and the staff was very helpful and friendly. Dr. Alvarez is in the process of building his own state of the art facility which you will drive by. Once he stops sharing space with a regular hospital (we witnessed an elderly lady in the waiting room screaming in stomach pain) it will be that much better.
After bloodwork they take you to your room and in short order Dr. Alvarez pops in to chat, then the anesthesiologist does his thing. I remember moving to another bed just as I was being "relaxed" but woke up back in my room with 5 bandages on my stomach. I slept most of that day away and walked the halls in the evening trying to ward of gas pains that really never came.
Discharge was the next day back to the Hampton where a nurse is on call and a doctor visits you in the evening. Other than mild heartburn that first day, I had no complications (and have had ZERO since).
The final morning Alvarez says goodbye and you head back to San Antonio. I flew the next day with no issues.
I weighed 334 when I started the two week pre-op liquid diet, 315 on surgery day and on 11/17 (one month) I came in at 277.
I followed the post op diet timeline fairly strictly, give or take a few days. I have had no problems digesting any food that I have tried in very small portions. I usually get the hiccups after about 3 ounces of food so I know when to stop.
Surgery Day is the only night I have ever stayed in the hospital so I have limited experience, but I have to say this was the best medical experience I have ever had.
Here's the takeaway that should speak volumes. If I had it to do over again and had the choice of going to Endobariatric or having the surgery done 5 minutes from my house under the same terms and price- I would go to that dingy little border town ten times out of ten. Hell, even if my local hospital offered it at half price, I would insist a loved one go to Dr. Alvarez. He. Is. That. Good.

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I chose to go to Dr. Alvarez because I was a self-pay patient, since my insurance has an exclusion for weight loss surgery. I was never terribly nervous about going to Mexico for the surgery, I guess since I had heard good reviews of the experience from people in my community and also OH members. Of course, I did my research. I didn't want to just go to Mexico to get a "bargain price" surgery. I mean, this is your don't want to choose a doctor simply because he has the cheapest price. The number of successful surgeries Dr. Alvarez has performed made the decision for me. I could have had surgery here in Louisiana for just a couple thousand more, but do those doctors have as much experience as Dr. A?

Everything went smoothly, from the time we were picked up in San Antonio before surgery, to the time we were dropped off after surgery.

Rosy (his driver) is very nice. Taking a 2 hour trip with someone you've just met can be a little uncomfortable, but she is very friendly and I felt at ease right away.

Dr. Alvarez and Dr. Gabe, both, have great "bedside manners". I know that surgical skill is probably more important, but as a patient feeling vulnerable, you want to feel like your doctor(s) understand you and care how you're feeling.

Dr. A's day nurse (Cristina) and night nurse (Jessica) are available to you nearly around the clock. Both are a big help, should you need anything.

While all of Dr. A's staff speak English fluently, the nurses at the hospital do not. This was never a problem, though. They do know the words for the meds they're administering (i.e. pain, acid, nausea, etc.) and were on time, everytime, for all the medications. I NEVER had to call for anything.

The hospital is an older building, but very clean. It appears that the room I was in had been recently remodeled. It had a nice roomy tile shower (with a seat) and huge towels!

You're sent home with a bag that includes the meds you will need (pain & PPI), surgery report, receipt for taxes, his book and a few other goodies.

Last, but certainly not least, his patient coordinator Susan. We've never met, only spoke on the phone once, the rest of the time our correspondence has been by email. I feel like she is an old friend. She has patiently answered every single question I've had. I told her the other day that she is awesome, and she is! :)'s certainly not non-existant, although you should follow up with your PCP. BUT, Dr. A and Susan, both, are available should you have any questions. And believe me, I had questions. As an example, I started to develop blisters under the steri-strips that covered my incisions. Susan was very quick to respond to my emails and let me know that I had an allergy to the adhesive.

I honestly don't have any negatives to report. I would gladly recommend Dr. Alvarez and his staff to ANY family members or friends that were interested in weight loss surgery.

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Dr. Alvarez has a short prescreening process. There are no fees to be prescreened. No dietitians, shrinks, or other providers to pay. US insurance does not usually cover surgery in Mexico; however Dr. Alvarez' fee is all inclusive. No billing hassles for the hospital, surgeon or anethesiologist. Dr. A's fee is reasonable especially if you compare it to drugs you are already taking for conditions that will be solved by weight loss surgery, copays for a US surgery and the time it takes to get approved for US surgery by an insurance company. In the US I figure the Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy (which I had) could easily run to four times what Dr. A's all inclusive fee is. This is money well spent.

Dr. A and staff are located approx 3 hrs south of San Antonio, TX in Piedras Negras, Cohuilla, Mexico. This quiet town shares the border with Eagle Pass, Texas. I am told that Eagle Pass is the home of the original "nachos" tex/mex appetizer dish. Dr. A's staff takes care of all transportation from and back to San Antonio for patients and their companions. All you have to do is get to San Antonio rendezvous point. You are safe and secure at all times with a veteran driver in a well marked van. At the Specialty Hospital in Piedras Negras, you have an English-speaking nurse available 24 hrs a day for whatever you or your companion needs. The hospital itself is in the middle of town and secure. It is cleaner than clean. Even compared to US hospitals.

Depending on your weight and bmi, you may be required to do an all liquid prediet. Consuming enough protein is key to not feeling hungry while on the diet for a week or two or whatever Dr A want you to do. You get enough detail about the prediet from Dr. A's office to be successful. The prediet is to help the liver soften so that surgery is more successful for the patient.

The procedure takes about 45 minutes start to finish. You get a general relaxer which will probably put you out immediately, and then anesthsia in the OR. Five small incisions and voila! you are done. Let me mention here that the bougie size (generally speaking the width measurement used to close off your stomach) that Dr. A uses is smaller than most surgeons use in the US. This means you will have a smaller stomach pouch and therefore more success at weight loss, in my opinion. The surgery is laproscopic. Your abdominal cavity is filled with gas (nitrogen mixture I believe) to help the cameras and intruments and Dr. A to do his work. After surgery, you wake up back in your room. A leak test has already been performed. Although the gas is taken out of your abdomen, you'll want to walk the hospital hallway to loosen up any leftover. You will get pain meds, anti-nausea and antiacids all night the first night. You will be intubated during the surgery, so you might wake up with a sore throat that will go away pretty quickly.

Recovery is quick. After surgery you will be required to stay on an all liquid diet for four more weeks. This is to promote healing. On your release from the hospital in Piedras Negras, you will be driven back to San Antonio for another night in a nice hotel. Be sure to have your passport for coming back into the US. Again, you will be very safe during the van ride.

I am very pleased with my surgery and my stay with Dr. Alvarez and his staff. I started at 258.8, did a pre-diet and on surgery day was 248.8. Now one month later, I am 223. I'm looking forward to more weight loss as time goes on. I would recommend him to anyone wanting to circumvent the US procedures and get to the solution for his/her weight and health issues. You will be in good hands in Mexico with Dr. A.

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Dr Alvarez is not only a highly experienced doctor, but he is truly a caring and genuine individual. He takes the time to listen and makes you feel very comfortable. His whole set up is great, from talking to Susan many times while making my appointment and planning my trip, to Rosie his driver taking us from the hotel to the hospital & to another hotel, to the hotels being arranged, to his wonderful nurses & staff at the hospital who were absolutely great!!!...everything was easy & all planned out for us, i really liked that!! I just had to get plane tickets and bring stuff i needed. Dr Alvarez performed the sleeve on me on Aug 18th and ive already lost exactly 50 pounds, (which includes my pre-surgery liquid diet week). I do have to say that the first month was extremely hard!!!!!....probably because i was basically on liquids for about a month and was really weak and i got dizzy often. But i never had naseau and never threw up. I wanted to make sure & follow the diet plan so i wouldnt chance getting a leak. I ended up having a weird pain in my left side near the large incision and was nervous about it and even though i read a ton of reviews online about it being normal and ok, i just wanted to make sure. So i called Dr A and left him a message and he was able to return my call in just 14 minutes and he put my mind at ease that it was just a stitch that he put in there which was pulling because that incision was where my stomach was removed from....and thats exactly what i read multiple times online from people. Bottom line, even though this was very hard in the beginning, it was completely worth it & i feel a lot better now & im sure i will continue to feel even better as more weight comes off...even though im not too far away from my goal weight now! This has totally changed my life and i am extremely happy i chose the sleeve and Dr Alvarez as my doctor. I never once felt unsafe in mexico and actually hours after my surgery i was walking around the town and shopping!! Also the next day my bf and i went to the riverwalk and had a nice romantic night! I would do it all over again and not change a thing. I have had weight issues since i was young and for the first time i dont feel like food controls my life anymore!!! Thank you Dr A for giving me this wonderful gift!!!

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Dr. A!!!

Well today is Day 8! I start phase 2 tomorrow and I CANNOT WAIT!! I am doing very well. Today was my first day back to work and I did not have any problems. My energy levels are good. I did get a hunger pang and to be honest it scared me a little. The protein bullets and benefiber helps, A LOT!!!

I just wanted to take a few moments to tell you how much that I appreciated my time in Piedras Negras! I didn't get to see the town but I received something (or lost something rather ) that will be with me for the rest of my life. I know that I received a service in which I paid for, but THANK YOU for your passion and committment. You and Dr. Gab ROCK

#1 - Susan has been great . I was hoping to meet her, but found out that she works from her home in California (oh my!). She is always so friendly and helpful. She made our trip seamless! She was there to provide any and all info and answer all my silly questions... We had some funny email moments!!

#2 - Rosy - Our chaffeur - she was great, as well! We didn't talk a lot but when we did we laughed and carried on. She has a great personality and is an asset to your team. (Ask her about that pour plastic planter at the convenience store...)

#3 - Jessica Mangarro - What a true blessing this young lady was to me and to my husband. She truly went above and beyond. She does not need to be taken for granted. I hope that she is greatly rewarded as an outstanding member of your team. For someone, like myself, I speak very little spanish. She shadowed the nurses and was constantly communicating with Curtis and I telling us everything they were doing and would be doing. She is priceless. She accompanied Curtis to the cafeteria for lunch on Monday and then on Tuesday she accompanied he and another gentleman (his wife had VSG on Tuesday) to a restaurant and helped them navigate and talk to the locals. Curtis was so grateful - he would have NEVER be able to enjoy your city had she not been there to help him. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!

#4 - Christina - This young lady is energetic and excited. She made me feel very comfortable.

Dr. A - I had a great experience and will recommend you to anyone that I can! Thanks for accepting my FB request. I hope that we will become great friends. I hope that someday you can meet my kiddos and that I will get to see you again - I didn't get to take my "before" picture with you. So hopefully I can see you again, someday and take an after picture.

Sandra Williams

"Never regret something that once made you smile."

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I live in Los Angeles and sought help here. My insurance covers the procedure here and I interviewed several doctors, but none of them were warm or personable as Dr. Alvarez. The LA doctors made me feel like I was an invoice. Dr. Alzarez and his staff answered my every question and assured my every worry. I felt genuinely cared for and treated like a person. Their hospital and staff in Piedres Negras, Mexico were top notch. I felt safe and well cared for with constant supervision and thoughtfulness. My surgery was in June and I have already lost 25 pounds and I'm continuing to lose weight. I am grateful for the care I received from Dr. Alvarez!

I highly recommend Dr. Alvarez. He is an expert in his field and has excellent bedside manner.

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If you are looking for the best WL surgeon in the world and hoping for the most fantastic possible results...if you are a diva wanting to be pampered every step of your way...if you are terrified and want to have someone you can trust, along with a team of professionals, who will individualize your treatment and scrutinize every detail...if you are unsure that you have what it takes to follow this journey to reach your goal, and you need a support system before, during, and after your surgery...THIS IS THE DOCTOR FOR YOU! I was all of these things, and more. Now I am one month postop from my surgery date, forty pounds lighter, a thousand percent healthier/more active/able to LIVE my life again, and eternally grateful to Dr. a and the Endobariatric team. The whole process has been wonderful! My first visit to the website was terrifying (because I was FINALLY taking the steps I had thought about and dreamed of for so long), but I was immediately greeted by one of Dr. A's extraordinary staff and guided thru the initial.steps of being approved for surgery. I found communication at that time, and all through the trip, plus since returning home from surgery, to be struggle free. I was met at the hotel near the San Antonio airport by the sweetest lady, Rosie, who explained the process of entering Mexico (I had already read all of the materials Dr. A sent, but needed to hear it again as a pep talk before actually doing it), what to expect when re-entering the US, and lots of facts about the area (I talked her ears off with questions, LOL). Entering the country was stressful only due to my own fears, that were quickly proven to be unnecessary. Seeing the town of Piedras Negras for the first time was not a culture shock at all; there are very similar stores and ways of living that we experience in the variety of lifestyles around us in the US...I just couldn't read some of the signs. At the hotel in Mexico we were greeted by one of Dr. A's nurses who saw us to our rooms and offered to arrange a visit to the local market or the Endospa for us. After shift change for the nurses, the evening nurse recommended local eateries within walking distance, but my mother and I (along with my sleeve sisters and brother) chose to stay at the hotel due to being tired from our travels, so she helped us select items from the hotel's chef. We enjoyed an extremely tasty meal (even though mine had to fit the boundaries of my pre-op diet), then we were free to enjoy the hotel's amenities for the evening. The staff at the hotel spoke English very well (with the exception of a few, but there was always someone nearby to translate if needed). The pool was beautiful, and the rooms were extremely clean and comfortable. The only complaint we had was that the only channel we could find in English was CNN, but we were too tired and too excited about the trip to really watch TV. That evening we had our meet and greet meeting with Dr. A, another of his doctors on his team, and the evening nurse. Dr. A was amazing. Walking in to meet him was like coming home to see an old friend. He was so pleasant and charming. He talked to us about his experience, his techniques, his success rate, his life, and his motivation behind his passion to help others regain their lives through weight loss surgery. He took the time to answer every question we had. He was very reassuring and GENUINE! I couldn't have asked for a better meeting to calm my nerves! This meeting also confirmed that I had made the right decision when choosing who to place my trust in for my surgery. The next morning we were met in the lobby and transported to the hospital for prep and surgery. The doctors I met, the nurses, and the nurse assistants were all fabulous. The hospital was not what we are used to in the US, because it was an older building and the rooms seemed dated, but the surgical suite was state of the art. Cleanliness and concerns of that nature were not an issue at all. Surgery was quick and without complication. The aftercare in the hospital was top-notch! I pressed the nurse-call button during the night and heard the nurse literally RUNNING to my room! They made sure I was comfortable and that my every need was addressed. The feeling I got was that nurses are trained in very traditional, professional ways: nurses wore the traditional white uniform type clothing--no scrubs! The thermometers were real glass! The alcohol wipes were cotton balls soaked in alcohol, carried in a stainless steel container. And I NEVER saw meds taken out of a pocket as I've seen with nurses in the US...they were brought in on a tray, all laid out. I never for a moment doubted that I was receiving the best care! After discharge from the hospital, Dr. A, the other doctors from his team, and his nurses who stayed with us at the hotel, made sure we were comfortable and well. The next morning we were greeted by Dr. A and his group for a fond farewell. We had been given all the meds we'd need for the first week or so, so our only concern was the trip home and healing. Rosie drove us back into the US (not a problem at all!) and helped us check into our hotel in San Antonio for the night. We rested for the evening, woke the next morning, and headed out on our flight home. I honestly couldn't have asked for better treatment or a more precise, skilled surgeon. The hype I heard from others about being fearful of traveling to Mexico for surgery was unfounded in any way, and I have been sure to let each of them know how wrong their mindset is! On a side note, my 80 year old mother also traveled with me on this adventure. Dr. A and his staff went out of their way to make sure she was comfortable, well fed, and completely taken care in every way! She said it's the most pampering, peaceful, restful vacation she's been in in a long time and she's ready to go back! Don't hesitate to choose Dr. Alvarez and his team to help you change your life for the better. My only regret is that I didn't do this YEARS ago! Dr. A and Endobariatric rocks!

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I am a 30 something Canadian, that had gastric sleeve surgery with Dr. Alvarez in Mar 2016. I own a nursing practice in Canada, and would like to share my perspective on my experience with Dr. A., so my fellow Canadians know exactly what to expect from the process, and his team.

Like many my main point of contact was Susan, a very kind lady that helped me make all of the arrangements. She is very organized, and helpful, even after the surgery when I needed an itemized receipt ect. She is there to help, and she really does! They pick you up in San Antonio, and take care of you the entire way to Eagle Pass, and across into Mexico. No issues, no safety concerns, smooth.

When you drive into Mexico, it is a typical small city in Mexico. They drive you straight to Dr. A's office which is a specialists office complex connected to the hospital. This portion of the building is a newer build, it is modern, clean, and professional. Once you meet with Dr. A., you will be put at ease. I am not a high maintenance person, and traveled alone to do this surgery, and have never had any type of surgery in my life, aside from dental. Dr. A. had a plan to contact my family back home as soon as the surgery was complete, which put my family at ease. The other people in my group were great, and were checking on me and supporting me through my recovery, along with Dr. A., the other surgeons, and all of the nurses.

I had my own private room, with a bathroom and shower. The room was decent, I would say that it is a bit dated and worn out, but spacious, with a tv, couch, ect. My dorm room in university in was in worse shape. The main hallway of the ward we stayed on was updated, but some other parts of the hospital were older. But for the most part anywhere we spent time in was modern. Although dated, this hospital was clean! I did not feel that it was an issue or concern. In fact the only reason I bring it up is to be 100% transparent, so you get the entire picture.

The medical care was very good. After meeting with Dr. A. they take you for a chest x-ray, and blood work, then up to your room. The nurse gave me clear instructions of how to get ready, then the Anesthesiologist came in and got me ready for the OR. I was unconscious before I left my private room, then woke up in my private room. I felt groggy, but they had given us instructions before had on what to do once you awake. I followed the instructions, and then went to the washroom. I had 5 small incisions, but no pain that was not managed by medication. The first day I felt rough, like a mild hangover. I did experience 2 brief periods of nausea. I had some dry heaving, which made me nervous because I thought I may injure my stomach or incisions. I was given some some medication, and within the 24 hours any nausea was completely gone. They make you walk a lot, which is good for the gas, and helps make sure you do not have complications ect. ***They do the leak test when you are in the OR!*** So unlikely patients that have surgeries elsewhere, you do not have to force yourself to drink some horrible liquid the day after surgery.

There was an english speaking nurse on duty with us day and evening, with other spanish speaking nurses administering some medications ect. I was check on several times by Dr. A., and the other surgeons each day. I would estimate I had a surgeon examine me at least 3 or 4 times per day, and the nurses were always nearby. Direct patient contact/care was higher with Dr. A, than in Canada. My spouse recently had two back surgeries in two years, and was lucky to see the surgeon or doctor once or twice at most. Here I felt like they were always monitoring me, and I did not even have any serious concerns. Before leaving the hospital, they give us medications, care instructions. It is straight forward and simple.

Why would I recommend Dr. A. to others who have decided this surgery is the right tool for their health?

He has a team of surgeons, and medical professionals taking care of you. He puts patient care ahead of volume. You matter.

I cared about myself enough to have the surgery; and cared enough to pay for the level of care I deserved!

Do I have any regrets about any part of my experience with Dr. A. or my choice to have sleeve surgery?

Not one, not for a single second.

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