Joseph Kuhn

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 4.8 out of 5 with 125 ratings

Joseph Kuhn Bariatric Surgeon M.D.,F.A.C.S.

19 yr Experience

13 yr in Bariatrics

13 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

11 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

60% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 15

Max Age of Patient is 77

125 Reviews for Joseph Kuhn
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My first impression is that he is compassionate. I knew him personally before I decided to use him as my surgeon. His staff are nice. I have not dealt with them much. I think people should read his research. His desire to make WLS better and safer for all. He has a great post surgery pain management program, and he is doing research right now on post surgery pregnancy.


Dr. Kuhn seems like a very nice man and a knowledgeable, experienced surgeon. He has shown himself to be an advocate for WLS patients. He is a leader among his peers and undoubtedly very busy, yet he has never made me feel rushed.rnrnI had absolutely NO physical ill effects from the surgery: no problems with pain, nausea or vomiting, leaking incisions, nothing. My new digestive tract seems to be working exactly the way it's supposed to.rnrnI am less than happy with his staff's communications about what to do and what to expect after the surgery. I have had to seek probably 75% of the postop information I need to know from books, the Internet, and the generous patients on this website.rnrnBy all means ask questions of the nutritionist concerning the pre-op liquid diet. She told me to drink nothing but Boost and clear liquids for a week. I hated Boost and couldn't deal with drinking it. When I complained, the nutritionist said I could drink regular soymilk all week and even eat lean meats for two meals a day. Why didn't she tell me in the first place that palatable options were available?!rnrnMedical City was fine; no problems there.rnrnI am a cash pay patient and found Dr. Kuhn's deal at Medical City to be the best in town: about $23K altogether. Other surgeons' offices quoted me prices ranging from $28K to $38K. Their reputations were no better, and they were not doing the procedure at full-service hospitals like Medical City, which I preferred.rnrnAt 38 days post-op, I would recommend Dr. Kuhn, certainly to cash pay patients, with the caveat that you will need to do a lot of your own homework in order to educate yourself about your new life and your new diet regime. There is a LOT to know. Dr. Kuhn's staff's educational efforts (\"Here's a typewritten handout. Any questions??\") are inadequate in a situation where you, as the pre-op patient, have no idea what questions to ask or how much there really is to learn.


He is AWESOME!!!!!!! Dr. Kuhn actually saved my life twice! He is kind, caring, and extremely good at what he does.


Dr. Kuhn is the kindest man in the world. I am so glad I chose him. He looks like James Taylor, which is nice! But really, his manner and attention are the best. I recommend him for anyone who wants a great surgeon.


My first impression was that he was just as all the reviews of him that I had read; he was soft spoked and had a lot of compassion. The office and staff were very friendly and competant. I feel that bedside manner is very important but surgical competence is definitly most important. Dr. Kuhn has been voted best Doctor in Dallas for several years in a row. I feel that I am priveledged to have him nearby; to be able to get the best. I have a lot of confidence in him and that is most important. Dr Kuhn visited with me before surgery in the holding room. He was very positive and reassuring. After surgery he came to see me and also the next morning. He is always the same. Kind and reassuring. Patient and makes you feel like you are his most important patient. His associate also visited me and said \"Welcome to your new life!\"


After TONS of research I decided to go with Dr.Kuhn at Baylor in Dallas. He has a lot of experience and was rated one of the top doctors in Dallas several years in a row. I also liked the fact he was at Baylor which is designated as a Blue Care Distinction Facility for Bariatric Surgery (rating by BCBSTX)which means the hospital is well equipped as well. My first impression of Dr.Kuhn was that he was very knowledgeable and to the point. There wasn't a lot of extra conversation but I like that. He kept on topic and was very impressed that I had done a lot of research on my own. Kelly who does the pre-d's for BCBS has been wonderful. She has answered all my questions and returned all of my calls in a timely manner. She even found out what I needed to take care of the appeal without me even contacting her. I have not had surgery yet and have went through all of my pre-op stuff so I will update more later. So far I am very impressed and do not feel that I could have picked a better doctor.


Today marks 2 weeks since my Lap RNY, I am doing great. Dr. Kuhn is a brilliant surgeon with excellent bedside manner.rnHis office is extremely efficient and flexible. They are able to get insurance approval under the most difficult circumstances.rnI am a RN, and he did not speak down to me, nor did he assume I knew everything. He carefully listened to what I had to say and responded appropriately to my education level and experience.rnI have worked with or been treated by many physicians. Dr. Kuhn is the best to ever treat me.rn


Dr. Kuhn is wonderful!


My first impression of Dr. Kuhn was that, well he didn't look like his picture. LOL But he reached out his hand and gave me a firm handshake and off started the consultation. He is a soft-spoken man but he knows his stuff and is very confident in what he does. His office staff so far has been nothing short of awesome. I just love those ladies!! I can't say there was anything I really didn't like about Dr. Kuhn...he isn't a man of many words but I feel completely safe with him. They have a great aftercare program set up and alot of that is taken care of already pre-op. Dr. Kennedy has already addressed the risks of the surgery which is blood clots and they are going to have me on blood thinners for a week or so to make sure that doesn't happen. When it comes to surgical competence or bedside manner...BOTH is VERY important to me and I'm sure I have my cake and eat it to with him. Overall I would rate him AND Dr. Colleen Kennedy a 10!


Dr. Kuhn has a very efficient practice. Several tests were required up front in order to gain approval for the surgery from my insurance company. Any time I have met with Dr. Kuhn, he has been patient in answering my questions and the surgery went very well. rnrnThe only slight issue I had was waiting to get discharged from the hospital. Because of his busy schedule, I ended up not getting released until 7 or 8 pm the day after surgery. All in all, this was a relatively minor inconvenience. rnrnI would have preferred a more structured aftercare program, however, I would recommend Dr. Kuhn to anyone considering the surgery in the Dallas area.

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