Monte Schwartz

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 5 out of 5 with 34 ratings

Monte Schwartz Bariatric Surgeon M.D.,F.A.C.S.

3 yr Experience

8 yr in Bariatrics

100% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 18

Max Age of Patient is 60

Adjustable Gastric Band

Biliopancreatic Diversion

Biliopancreatic Diversion with Duodenal Switch

Duodenal Switch



and 1 more...

34 Reviews for Monte Schwartz
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He was all business and straight to the point. Easy to talk to and would look at you when he spoke. Very laid back and friendly.

His office staff was okay - I didn't feel welcomed - just another patient for them to have to wait on. His nurse, though, was a sweetheart.

I personally know a couple of people that have had the surgery with him and had no complaints.

There is a support group in Grinnell that he highly recommends on attending, which I do.

I would rate him a excellent.

I would choose surgical competence first!


Dr Schwartz looked breifly it my paperwork and said i was a very good candidate for the surgery. explained why LAP was not for me although said he would do it LAP if i wished. told me what weight he would like to see me at and said this was reachable through the surgery.
he reminded me of DR Green from ER!
Seemed very competent.


My first impression was that he was young! He is the most experienced Dr. at the clinic, but appears to be in his mid-30's. He was courteous and up-front. I felt he had my total attention. He got paged twice during my consult. He took the first call, but then turned off the phone after the second. That made me feel he was interested in ME at that moment. He did not go into too much detail, but I feel that is because he was aware of my previous knowledge. During the big schpeal I did kind of get the "sales pitch" feeling. But I know that I am a candidate so I guess it didn't really affect my feelings towards Dr. Schwartz. His office staff was very friendly. The facilities were obese friendly. They give you a video to take with you that goes over everything too. Which is nice if you want to teach others about the procedure. I guess the only bad thing about Dr. Schwartz is that he is 1.5 hours away and isn't quite as experienced as I expected. They do offer after care, including a support group that meets once a month. They give you tons of handouts about diet, exercise, counseling, plastic surgery, your consultation packet. Dr. Schwartz directly addresses the risks of surgery. I would rate him as a 9 out of 10. I liked him. I had a much better experience with Dr. Schwartz than I had with either of my other two surgeons (C-section and gallbladder). I thought he had a good bedside manner. I was impressed that he did his internship at the Mayo Clinic.


Dr. Schwartz was a get to business kind of guy. No joking smiling nothing. But let me tell you I had a list of questions for him. He first started out with his presentaion, by the time he got done talking he had answered ALL my questions and I hadn't even asked them. Very knowledgeable. I think his staff was very nice. The nurses all skinny gals, never once made me feel like I was a fat chick. They were all very kind. I guess I wished Dr. Schwartz would have been a little more personable with me. He is to business. Dr. Schwartz didn't leave anything out about the risks of this surgery. He let me know every thing that could happen. Which I wanted to know everything. I would rate Dr. Schwartz a big 10!!!!!! After surgery he was so kind reasurring. At my first post op appointment he even smiled and made a joke. He said what a good job I was doing, I felt like he really meant it. I think his surgical competence is the best and his bed side manner is a close second!!


Dr. Schwartz is great. I highly recommend him to anyone!


His manner was straight to the point and gave no bad or great feeling.

Office staff was great I am some times defensive when it comes to diffrent situations but they were really nice.

It didn't seem like he really looked at my file much and just told me so basic things and that was it.

I would rate him in a 6, after surgery I would have to rate him again.


Dr. Schwartz was very friendly and "matter-of-fact". I feel that he is an extremely compitent surgeon and I am going to trust my life to him. He had complete confidence that I will succeed with this process I am about to embark on. I would recommend Dr. Schwartz to anyone right now!


Dr. Schwartz was very professional and knowledgable. His staff was amazing. He answered all of our questions and spent time explaining everything. For someone that has done the research, made their decision and takes the initiative to make lifestyle changes; he's the perfect doctor. Jason's surgery only lasted 45 minutes and there have been no complications so far. You can get into see him quickly because he's newer to their staff. You do meet a nutricianist a few times, but you have to take the initiative to make lifestyle changes. He wasn't overly funny or friendly. He's a great surgeon, right to the point.


I met with my surgion May 19th for my consultation. He was extemely informative and answered all my question. He stated that I was in early stages of being overweight that over time my weight would show more sign. I would have more trouble that what I am already experiencing! I would suggest to anyone resercing for this surgery to contact his office. The office staff are very helpful and extremely caring.


12-13-02-Had appointment at Iowa City. Very informative. Met with a Dietician and the Doctor.Every one was very helpful .They lay the cards on the table. There is nothing hidden with their staff. They tell you how it will be for the rest of your life. How you could die. Other problems. Now for the next 3 months I am working on my eating habits. Will go back to see Dr. Maher in March. Iowa City- Dr.Maher does not take this surgery lightly.If I had to Rate their staff and Office I would give them a 9 on a scale of 10.Nobody is perfect! You spend alot of time with the nurses. They were wonderful! They know their job. 7-7-03 Well I have changed to Dr Schwartz in Grinnell. I would reccomend him to any one. I really enjoyed my visit with him. Just waiting for approval from my Insurance.Good staff. They are direct and to the point.If I rated him I would give him a 9.Why did I change .After going to Iowa City I felt like They would not be of service to me. I am not saying they our bad. I am just saying not for me.

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