Peter Kelly

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 with 38 ratings

Peter Kelly Bariatric Surgeon M.D., F.A.C.S.

21 yr Experience

21 yr in Bariatrics

21 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

6 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

70% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 12

Max Age of Patient is 80

Biliopancreatic Diversion

Biliopancreatic Diversion with Duodenal Switch

Duodenal Switch




and 2 more...

William Rupp Profile Pic
William Rupp

38 Reviews for Peter Kelly
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Dr Kelly came across cool and unflapable. My impression of him did not change over time and his office staff was, for the most part, very helpful. Remembering that ultamitly it is your problem to stay on top of it and to do the double checking. They are human like eveybody else and are prone to " I thought she said" and " I'll Transfer you " YOU stay on top of it always double checking things yourself' St. Paul Surgens has a follow up structered support program in a meeting once a month on a specific topic as well as an already set up office plan to see him one on one. Overall I think Dr. Kelly is great surgen and has excellent"bedside manner" My family knew what was happening before I did


Dr. Kelly had a very nice bedside manner from the first moment I'd met him. Everyone in his office was nice. The only bummer was that he thought I was a good candidate, but said since my BMI was low (35) he didn't think I'd lose as much as others.

AFter surgery it appears that everyone had missed an anomoly in my blood work my platlets were dangerously low and they should not have done the surgery. (even though I'm glad they did.) When he found that out in surgery, I also had a severely enlarged liver (NASH Syndrome). So he appeared genuinely concered about me after surgery.

Dr Kellly was always up front with me and always seemed concerned about my wellbeing. I would recommend Dr. Kelly to ANYONE!

1 person found this helpful


Docter Peter Kelly was a amazing docter such good bedside manners did a clean job had my best interaste in mind i am really imprest and will recomend him to any one!!


First impression was like 'oh ok then'. But after a few mintues I felt much more comfortable with him. He has little bedside manner, but KNOWS what he is doing. He always has mde sure everything was exactly as needed, no guessing or fooling around. The office staff is out of this world. I love em all and would use and recommend them anyday!! Aftercare is really emphasized and made well known. Dr. Kelly is very knowledgeable in what he does, and does it well. I truly recommend him, you will be happy you did.


I think he is incredible. Has a great bedside manner. His staff was great to work with and I would recommend him to anyone.


My first impression of him was,He was very nice and kind-quiet,very serious about his work and professional.rnHis office staff was very knowledgeable and very professional.Overall I recomnend Dr,Peter Kelly and the staff at St.Paul surgeons specialist ltd.


'He was a very smart man


Dr. Kelly was a very quiet man but very knowledgable and kind. He immediately made both myself and my husband comfortable and confident in his skills. His staff for the most part was very kind. One person has a different type of personality and I felt that she had become almost robotic... that is when I quit going to my check ups, becuase I had to see her most of the time instead of the surgeon.

He and his staff strongly emphasized aftercare, I made the mistake of not following through with it.
I would rate him 10 out 10.


Dr. Kelly was my surgeon and he explained everything about the surgery to me very thoroughly beforehand. He is such a wonderful Doctor and I don't know where I would be without him.


He was very friendly and I thought that he had a good "bed side manner". I was right! The only complaint and it wasn't really against him was I was vomiting a lot and the tube that was in my nose wasn't doing a thing and I wanted him to remove it and he didn't for 5 days. So I had a tube in there that wasn't doing a thing and I was still vomiting! His staff is wonderfull!!!!! I would erecomend him to other people in a heart beat!

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