Peter Kelly

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 with 38 ratings

Peter Kelly Bariatric Surgeon M.D., F.A.C.S.

21 yr Experience

21 yr in Bariatrics

21 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

6 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

70% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 12

Max Age of Patient is 80

Biliopancreatic Diversion

Biliopancreatic Diversion with Duodenal Switch

Duodenal Switch




and 2 more...

William Rupp Profile Pic
William Rupp

38 Reviews for Peter Kelly
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My first impression of Dr.Kelly was that he didn't have the holier than though attitude that most doctors seem to have. His office staff is so helpful. If you call them and have even the dumbest or annoying question, they will call you back the same day and be happy you called, and not act like your bothering them at all.

His office and their whole program has a major focus no preparing you or conditioning you before surgery. I feel that due to their information I am very prepared. There is a big emphasis on aftercare. They highly recommend it. There is a structured group that works closely with the Psychitrist that works closely with their program.

I think that they care and really do their best in helping understand all the issues, dangers and otherwise. I feel safe.


he seems very nice and knows what he is doing
he always asked the patient what they want
i appreciated that alot.


I was referred to Dr. Rupp by my PCP as "the only surgeon I (the PCP) trust to do this surgery". I am waiting for the required informational meeting on Jan 15th. Will post more about the Dr. when I know more.
Jan 15, 2003, had the informational meeting today. I am highly impressed with Dr. Rupp and his staff. He seems vey down to earth and caring. More like a real person than just a doctor. Very kind in answering all questions and concerns that were brought to him. I think I will enjoy having him as a surgeon very much.

April 27, 2004 Rupp took a partner named Dr. Kelly. Since he's not as booked as Rupp and I know he has been working with Rupp for at least 2 years, I'm going to go with him as my surgeon. I will be meeting him on Friday and will tell ya what I think of him.
April 30, 2004 Met with Dr Kelly. He seems like a very nice man and I trust him well enough to put my life in his hands. Much quicker scheduling availability too! Does everything the same as Rupp.


I met Dr. Kelly on December 3rd, 2003. He is a very kind and patient man. He took the time to answer all my questions in depth until I felt comfortable with the answer. He explained that this decision is life altering and helped me to decide which proceedure to pursuit. I feel very confident in him and his staff.


I went to the information meeting in Sept.2002 and had my first meeting with Joyce Dr. Rupps nurse in Oct 2002. I thought they were both very nice people, they seem like they care about what you are going through, and what happens to you. I just wish that the wait for surgery wasn't so long I finally got up the courage to do this and, Well I didn't think the wait would be so long but, I guess you know you have a good Dr. if he is so busy.

Had my meeting with Dr. Kelly he seems like a very nice man,I liked him very much. He explained everything very well and seemed to care about you as a person. He listened well to my questions and answered them, I felt very honestly. It is nice to meet a Dr. that seems to care about you and not just look at you like this fat person that eats to much. I can't wait surgery June 3rd 2003!! I was so excited when they called with my date I think all my neighbors heard me when I hung up the phone!!


Surgeon is very competent, kind and sincere. A little rushed when I saw him the first time before surgery, but at my check-up I knew he really cared. He's a very kind person and treats his patients with kindness and respect. The aftercare program is strongly stressed as a necessity.
Bedside and surgical competence are great. I would recommend him to anyone.


Dr. Kelly and his office have been just wonderful. When I met him at my first postop visit he was really upbeat and enthusiastic about how I was doing. His nurse is really wonderful, too. He and Dr. Rupp have a monthly aftercare meeting for their patients, with different themes and people running them. The first one I went to was very helpful. I look forward to going to more of them. The only complaint I have about the whole surgical experience is that Dr. Kelly and Dr. Rupp both make really long incisions (breastbone to belly button). It's not the end of the world, but some surgeons have much smaller incisions.


My husband and I found Dr. Kelly to be very assuring and compentent. He answered all of our questions thoroughly and really listened to my concerns. The office staff was great! Heidi was very thorough during her visit with me. The office staff as a whole were very nice to work with. So far, I would rate him very highly! I will update AFTER surgery :)

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