Roy Smoot

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 5 out of 5 with 42 ratings

Roy Smoot Bariatric Surgeon M.D.

19 yr Experience

19 yr in Bariatrics

14 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

13 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

100% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 18

Max Age of Patient is 59

42 Reviews for Roy Smoot
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I have to wait until my new insurance kicks in in October before I can schedule an appt. with Dr. Smoot.


I liked Dr. Smoot from the very first time I met him. He is very up front about the surgery, what to expect, and what he expects his patients to follow through with.

He is very concerned that patients continue with post surgery care. I found him to be ready to answer any and all questions that I had. He has a structured aftercare program established.

Dr. Smoot takes his time with his patients and truly listens to your questions/concerns. He's looking out for your best interests to make you healthy.

I was referred to Dr. Smoot by my primary care physician and have the utmost confidence in him. His bedside manner was tops in my book! He was very upfront and candid and didn't gloss over what was expected or what to expect. Personally, I like that in a physician - I want the facts!


The surgeon that I have contacted for bariatric surgery is Dr.Roy Smoot in Havre de Grace, Maryland. His office is called Upper Chesapeake Bariatric Center. They are right next to Harford Memorial Hospital. Its my understanding that they are a year into setting up a complete Bariatric Center in Harford Memorial.
My first impression of Dr.Smoot office was a good one. The office is in an old, art deco building on the second floor. The staff person you first meet is Melissa who handles the desk and submitting insurance information. She is personable and a Bariatric Bypass patient herself *3 years ago I believe*.Chris is Dr.Smoot's nurse, and she handles giving basic education on the process, follow-up, eating, etc. There is a nutritionist whose name I don't recall but I haven't met her yet. I will update this part after I meet her.
The consult took several hours, and in the beginning is done in a conference room format with several people at the same time. Chris presents all the basic information, then Dr.Smoot comes in and introduces himself. He then gives a presentation about the surgery, how the surgery is done, risks, possible complications, his experience, how he handles everything, etc. He is open to questions at any time during all of this!
Following this he talks to each person privately and individually, asks if you have any questions or concerns, asks basic questions to find out what possible issues you may have that may require tests *for sleep apnea, gall bladder, etc.*. Following this, with a smile he sends you back to Melissa who gives you all the pertinent contact information and scripts for tests, answers and final filing questions, and you are done until the tests are completed and you are called to schedule a second pre-op appointment.
My first and lasting impression of Dr.Smoot is that he is personable and down to earth, friendly, caring, committed to his selected specialty and the patients. I left feeling really good about everything and expect my opinion will only go up from here! I could easily see Dr.Smoot as someone that I would enjoy having over to dinner with his wife and kids on Memorial Day to talk about fishing and the latest things in the news.
One thing I didn't know about until the orientation meeting was that the whole process does have a $1000 follow-up program fee that must be paid prior to surgery. This is something that insurance companies will not pay for, and Dr.Smoot is VERY big on follow-up, support group, nutrition counseling, etc. While initially rattled by this I was comforted by the fact that they want patients to go through the ENTIRE process...not just the surgery and immediate care.


1st impression, he was great, In my work as a paramedic I have met many doctors and specialists. Dr. Smoot is like most doctors, he does not play games with you but gives the FACTS right from the beginning. He tells you the risks and advantages on the first meeting. He is always glad to give honest and immediate answers to any question thrown at him. He knows his job. The ladies who work in his practice are also extremely friendly and knowledgable about what is going on and they handle themselves quite well also.
I have been to my 2 meetings prior to surgery and to this day I have nothing to offer negatively about Dr. Smoot or his staff.


He's straight forward and answered every single question I had. We had a group session with him first and I'm sure he was in there longer then anticipated because with almost every slide somebody...ok had a question. He stopped and answered every one without hesitation. His office staff (Chris and Melissa) are just as sweet and helpful as they could possibly be. Because of insurance issues with my first surgeons consultation I ALMOST gave up trying...then 3 different people in the space of a week suggested I try Dr Smoot and I'm SO glad I did! He's very adament about aftercare which I liked as well. *grin* many doctors do YOU know that will take the time to answer their own phone if his staff is busy? He does!!! You can't help but walk away feeling like his whole office cares


He is extremely knowledgeably, a competent surgeon and answered every question I had. He is an "all business" person, with a dry sense of humor, but he truly cares about his patients.

He left Seaford, DE (where I had my surgery), so I know nothing about his present office staff.

He wants his patients to succeed. Therefore, he will "get on you" BIG TIME if you are not doing what you are supposed to do. (And that's the way it should be!)

Although I do not know for sure, I would be willing to bet that there is a very structured after-surgery program that includes a dietitian, a psychologist, an exercise trainer, a nurse,etc.

On a score of 1 to 10, I would rate him a 9.


He seemed to know alot, and has a plan to follow.

No, the further I got in the process, the more I felt I had made the right choice.

The staff is well trained, compared to comments from other bariatric surgery friends. I was always treated very good.

At first he seemed very demanding, but since then, I have learned it is only to benefit the patient.

He is very concerned in helping the obese live a higher quality life. He stays up on the latest things concerning the bariatric programs.

Aftercare is critical, he gives the patient a tool to lose weight. The aftercare helps you lose and maintain the weight loss.

He does have structured aftercare, and follow-up visits are encouraged.

He was very upfront about risks of the surgery. I actually had a complication, and he was aware of the problem, and started treatment so I was able to recover.

His surgical competence is great, the bedside manner was good. But, I'll take the surgical competence over bedside manner anytime.


Love him dearly!! He let me know from the very beginning that this "is a tool and you have to learn to use it". I am learning the hardway after gaining back 60 pounds. I feel as miserable as I did before i lost weight.


I met Dr. Smoot and Chris Bauer, the Program Coordinator on Wednesday, June 2nd at my first consultation appointment. Was very impressed and at the same time felt a little overwhelmed by all the info. they provided. Dr. Smoot is extremely blunt and tells you exactly how it's going to be. During my "one on one", he told me point blank that I had to quit smoking for 3 months before I could have WLS. So after 25+ years of smoking about 1/2 pack per day, I quit yesterday cold turkey! I believe that I am finally ready (it only took 35 years!) to make the commitment to this program and lose the weight once and for all. I am looking forward to moving closer to my surgery date!

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