Stephen G. Boyce

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 with 89 ratings

Stephen G. Boyce Bariatric Surgeon M.D. FACS, FASMBS

20 yr Experience

20 yr in Bariatrics

20 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

12 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

95% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is individual

Max Age of Patient is individual

Adjustable Gastric Band

Biliopancreatic Diversion

Biliopancreatic Diversion with Duodenal Switch

Laparoscopic Greater Curvature Plication



and 2 more...

89 Reviews for Stephen G. Boyce
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I have to admit, when I saw his picture on the website. I thought he looks like an a$$. But after I went for my consult. He was extremely nice and very down to earth. He answered all my questions and was very patient. I also went to his seminar and he just seemed so knowledgeable and smart! He has a great system for pre-operative and post-operative care. You can tell they really thought it all out and have learned by trial and error.rnrnrnrn


Dr. Boyce is very professional and I felt toally safe with him. He is a very good looking man and never made me feel below him. He was just as nice at visit #1 as visit #6. The office staff was very helpful and always pleased with my progress. rn


He is a good listener, and was not judgemental. He was informative and upfront with me regarding both the risks and benefits of each procedure. His office staff has been helpful and caring. The entire staff emphasizies the before and aftercare and seem to have a good program.


On 1st meeting with Dr. Boyce there was a quite intelligence that put me at ease. Within a few sentences I realized that there were no problems with egocentricity which is wonderful. A person who thinks that they are much smarter than everyone else is dangerous. He is not at all like that. During the six month waiting period I found that he had hired a staff that was also intelligent and free from any airs of the hauteur. I am so very much pleased that I did this. I am 2 weeks out from surgery and am having no problems. I have returned to work and am losing weight at a rapid rate. Thank God there are people who are willing to spend thousands of hours studying then work the oddest of hours to help people who have a stumbling block in their life.rnThank you to Dr. Boyce and to all his staff. rnrnArnold Jones


My first impression of Dr. Boyce was that he really cares about his patients. Every office visit enforces that feeling. Every staff member has reinforced the feeling that they are there to help you. I am so excited to have found a doctor and staff that just don't do the surgery and then set you out on your own. I am so glad that there is a follow up program and that they will monitor my health. This decision to have this surgery is a life altering thing. I want to have the best possible chance of making a change in my life that is going to add years of healthy living. I feel that Dr. Boyce and his staff are going to be there for me and help my dream come true.


Dr Boyce has been kind and all of the staff very helpful and informative.


My first impression of Doctor Boyce was that he was a caring, and compassionate physician.rnHe still treats me the same at six months out.rnHis staff all work as a team and you feel like a team player. He truly believes in us the patient, and wants us to succeed. After care is a vital role in his program. He tells you all the pros and cons of surgery. Overall, he and his staff are excellent! His surgical skills and bedside manner are impecable and I truly believe he helped in giving me my life back.rnGod Bless you Doctor Boyce.rn Thanks,rn Kim Goforth


Dr. Boyce is wonderful. Very caring.


My first impression of Dr. Boyce was that he was very professional, well mannered, patient young man. His office seems very well organized and comfortable. His staff is very helpful, patient and understanding. Their emphasis on aftercare is very important to them and they can't stress enough how important walking is and following each phase of the diet. He addressed all the risks of surgery with me and answered every question I had. I haven't had surgery yet but will update this after surgery as to his care at the hospital and his bedside manner. So far on a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being Outstanding I would rate him a 10!!!!


My first impression of Dr. Boyce was that he was very thorough and professional. He has a very nice personality and doesn't make you feel bad at all about your current weight situation. However, he does tell it like it is for the surgery and the future. But, I wouldn't want anything less.rnrnHis office staff is AMAZING!!! There was not one thing that I went through (so far) that I really was not prepared for. They are definitely a team!rnrnHis follow up and aftercare is like none other that I've read about. There are support groups, you meet with an exercise phsyiologist. rnrnSurgical competence obviously is the most important factor in choosing a surgeon - and you immediately feel at ease with Dr. Boyce's competence. However, his bedside manner is professional and friendly as well.

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