Vafa Shayani

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 with 33 ratings

Vafa Shayani Bariatric Surgeon M.D.,F.A.C.S.

10 yr in Bariatrics

13 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

10 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

95% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 18

Adjustable Gastric Band



33 Reviews for Vafa Shayani
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Dr. Shayani has been very direct and sincere. My first impression was that he is very respectfull, patient, and eager to help. He seems to care about you as a "person" and not a "patient". His office staff is wonderfull. They have always been very nice, thorough and prompt. As of yet I have not had the surgery but I have no reservations about chosing Dr. Shayani as my surgeon.


The Dr. was a great help. He was very nice. His office staff was also very helpfull.


Dr. Shayani was very nice and very honest about what the surgery can and can not do. I liked that he asked lots of questions about my feelings and he made sure that I had done my research. I think his staff is very kind and have been very helpful. I have no complaints about Dr. Shayani and his staff.


I've only seen him once, at my consult. I liked him, very blunt, matter of fact about the surgery and what it can and cannot do. He was very upfront about the fact that he has completely abandoned RNY and feels that it is inferior to the adjustable gastric band and that he will never perform another RNY. He looked at my case from all angles...I have a large fibroid uterus, the size of a 25+ week pregnancy and he was demanded the results of my last ultrasounds to be sure of where the uterus was and how high up it extended into the abdomen. He takes what he does seriously, very big on aftercare and has started a support group for his patients.
I heard bad things about his staff, that they were disorganized and slow but that was not my experience. The woman handling my clearances really worked to get my pulmonologist and cardiologist to respond,as my twice weekly requests were going unanswered. She was going on maternity leave and wanted to get me all squared away because she was afraid her replacement might not know what was going on with me. His secretary called me several times to schedule and confirm the surgery date and to inform me that my file had been submitted for insurance approval. I think the disorganization others have experienced is due to the fact that the doctor and hospital are severely understaffed.
So far, I think he's great. I'll be able to comment further once I have my surgery.


My first impression of Dr. Shayani was a good one. He is very informative and seems very educated in doing the lapband procedure. Future patients should know he is very direct and lets you know from the start if he thinks you will succeed


My first inpression of dr shayani is he gets right to the point he ask questions and he pretty much tells you weather you quailfy or not , and he only does lap-bands at the present time which i'm happy about I have only seen him once but from what i hear if i have questions he seems to get back to u with the answers, the only thing that i wish was that he asked me if i had any questions although i could have just asked him but i was just surprised that he did'nt ask.. Future patients should know that dr shayani moves very fast he's in and he's out and even though i did'nt ask many questions he was still very informative. Dr shayani does address the risk of the surgery and also tells you to go research the surgery before you decide to get the process going he also lets you know that it's not going to happen tommorrow it takes time to get all of the testing done and etc.


Dr Shanyani is a caring direct person. I have researched him and he did a fellowship in lap surgery so Im very confident Our meeting went well and he was very informative He has called me back with all my million questions. His office staff in the beginning was a bit grouchy on the phone , but now Gail is there and is very helpful. Ill update after the surgery!!!

Post surgery-9/4/02
Dr Shayani works at Loyola University which is a teaching hospital so you need to expect a million students around and not so much Dr Shayani. I found his residents to be kind helpful and caring. I wished someone had explained I might come out with a NG tube and why ,but I survived.
I think a post op food handout would be good I pretty much know what the yeahs and neahs are but sometimes just to have a handout to the definete nos and some suggestions from his other patients would have been helpful .
I would also sugget that Loyola or Dr Shayanis practice have a pre and post op support group which I think is essential and they do not have at this time. I believe it invaluable to be able to talk with other patients who are going through the same issues as yourself and to get that support and all the tips!!!
All and all it has been a good experience- as surgeries go LOL


Dr. Shayani was very helpful. He gave me alot of hope. He seemed concerned and wanted to help. Meeting with him was a definite confidence booster. The office staff was very friendly and professional. Only one rookie doctor was allowed to exam and question me. It was very up close and personal. I expected him to have a long talk with me, but he kept it short, sweet, and to the point. Future patients shoould know to just be comfortable, answer questions honestly(dont exaggerate). The surgery is only the beginning. After care is the real challenge. It is vital to your recovery. I can choose to do the after care with my regular physician atUIC or I can do it at Loyola. Ithink that I probably will do after care with my surgeon. Dr.Shayani addressed the risks of surgery very directly, no beating around the bush. From 1 to 10, 1 being the lowest, I would give him about a 91/2. Both surgical competence and bedside manner are very important.


My first impression of Dr. Shayani was a good one, he is informative, and very professional, in fact, my general practioner was also very impressed. The office staff appeared to be pleasant, I had a brief talk to the examining nurse and she seemed to be helpful. I haven't yet had surgery but I'm seriously considering it. Dr. Shayani moves extremely fast.


My first impression of dr. shayani, reassuring, and self confident. he is not insurance driven, and your surgery will most likely be scheduled before insurance approval has been given. I met dr. shayani and I'm scheduled for surgery all within a three week period. LOVE IT! His office staff has been very helpful and has not given me any problems. Future patients should know that if they are nervous about this procedure, check this dr. out because even after his first office visit, he is so reassuring that you will no longer be anymore. I believe that he has three of us scheduled for the same day. I let you know more post op. This wednesday I have presurgery test ran.

r. jackson

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