Mental questions???

on 2/12/12 9:16 am
I am starting my journey and commiting to several different things in order to get everything in line. That being said I was wondering...I know just losing the weight does not change the person and am looking forward to making all the needed lifestyle changes so should I actually get any kind of therapist or such being that just having the surgery does in no way deal with the mental aspect of how you see yourself?
I mean I am honestly thinking that once the weight starts to go the mind is gonna change with what the eyes are seeing but, I have read a lot of post where others still struggle with that aspect of it all! Self esteem for me is a 0 at this point in my life and I just want to do everything that can be an asset for me while traveling this journey for this message board and site are basically all the support I have going into this! I will pretty much be doing my day to day alone and would love to find locals who are going to have surgery or who have already done it and just kinda be support for each other!


on 2/13/12 7:58 am - AL
Hi! Congratulations on your decision! You'll make lots of great friends on here and have wonderful support! I come and check in usually daily and always learn something new!!
Kim S.
on 2/14/12 5:44 am - Helena, AL
You are correct-the surgery rearranges your does nothing to your head or state of mind.  That being said, not everyone has body issues and many people see themselves as they really are.

If you have any self esteem, addiction, eating disorder, depression or any other host of issues....they will not be cured by this surgery and in many cases can be exacerbated.  Therapy is almost never a bad idea.

Have a great day and welcome!

Dakota Mom
on 2/15/12 3:59 am, edited 2/15/12 3:59 am - Montgomery, AL
As Kim, stated, therapy is never a bad idea. I have found the transformation was not hard for me at all, it was everyone else around me having a hard time with it. That in turn , caused me problems and I found myself self sabbotaging my weight loss. I would highly recommend therapy so you know why you are the way you are. 7,8 and 9 years down the round from now you will be far better off.

on 2/19/12 7:41 pm
Thanks ever so much! I sure do not want to have this surgery and not succeed or have issues that I should have dealt with. I have wanted this for far too long. I have no addictions or anything like that I have just always been a stress eater and being the mother of 2 mentally disabled adults can be very trying any day of the week. I have to stay on the emotional roller coaster they are experiencing daily but, it is starting to get a little easier as one no longer lives at home and the other is fairly independant now at 21. Maybe 1 or 2 bad days a week but nothing like the challenge of them being children and scrambling with all the doctors to try and figure out what was actually wrong or what we could do to help them! I have been blessed a million times over on so many occassions!! So I just waited to get things a little more in order where I knew I could have some me time going through this process! My daughter is my biggest fan so we are ready!
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