12 hours away.. Any wonderful ladies CARE to SHARE??

on 5/8/11 11:49 am
Hey, im having surgery in a few hours and i just had a few questions that i was sure , you guys would know and LOVE to answer :] 

-Did the magnesium citrate clear you out enough?? [ I feel its not 'working' very well ] 

- How long were you hospitalized? [ Im hoping to be out by wed. ] 

-What did you do in your last hours of excitement??! :] [ Other then eat :/ .. what a great mothers day, being a mother cooking and not being able to eat?? I sure hope its worth the agony..]  ;; 
 ;;  ;;

Thanks again ladies in advance for your answers i hope come pouring in. I know its soo much to reply back isnt it?    I often find myself skimming through and hitting the back button.
Better quit that habbit.
Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.
--Dr. Seuss

on 5/8/11 12:08 pm - Big Lake, MN

Best wishes for a great surgery, and rapid recovery.
Yes, the mag citrate worked fine for me.  Didn't do anything special but rest as much as I was able to with the excitement/anxiety of anticipation of my life changes with the surgery.  I was in the hosp for 2 days.  BTW, it wasn't agony for me.  Pretty much off pain meds within a couple of days of being home.  Making room for you on the Loser's Bench.  Come check out the Minnesota Forum too.  Great group of folks there.  Blessings to you.  Carol

on 5/8/11 12:17 pm
Thankssss for the info :]. Ill be sure to check it out
Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.
--Dr. Seuss

on 5/8/11 12:23 pm - SAN PABLO, CA
YAY for you and I will keep in mind.  I took that MC also to clear me out but I was already on liquids so I can't really answer, but have you taken it all already.

I was hospitilized for 2 days, and I was packing the day before and relaxing with my baby.
First Meeting with Surgeon:2/10/2011  weight was 460
Surgery Date:5/03/2011  Weight was 428
Revsion To RNY 06/26/2012 Weight 
on 5/8/11 12:27 pm - CA
Wishing you the best.

I didn't have mag citrate - can't answer you there.

I drank all the way til midnight so I'd be hydrated for the IV the next day.

I was in for 5 days - complications. Ymmv

It's worth the "agony" ...it's sooooooooooooo worth it!! I watched bariatrictv.com til my eyes dropped close and I wandered to bed.


I have wasted enough of my life worrying about what people think of me.
on 5/8/11 12:32 pm - Cottage Grove, MN
If you were on a prop liquid diet....there probably wasn't much there to get rid of!! Don't worry, you are OK...just like Binda said, keep well hydrated until your cut off time for nothing by mouth...Good luck tomorrow...from another minnesotan!!
on 5/8/11 12:43 pm
Thanks guys!! No liquid diet here! only for today [the day before] ive been soo anxious and reading all these stories on all these different sites!! But omgg you just gave me a new ste "bariatrictv.com" im gonna have to check it out.

- And im sitting here with my baby too only hes 18 months and not too relaxing !! lol

Thanks for the input everyone. I appreciate it!!
Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.
--Dr. Seuss

Amy Smith
on 5/8/11 1:24 pm
I didn't have mag. citrate, only a clear liquid diet for 2 days which gave me a headache.  I went and floated in a friends pool ALL day the day before my surgery, came home and went right to bed!
My surgery was Monday and I was home by Wednesday afternoon.
For whatever reason I was totally calm and slept very soundly (more soundly than I am sleeping right now! :-))
You'll do great!  Get some rest!
on 5/8/11 1:43 pm - FL
I didn't have the mag citrate either, was on a liquid diet for a couple of days before hand and that was the hardest part of all of it for me.  I had surgery one morning and was on my way home the next morning.  It has been the best decision I have ever made.  I have made my goal weight and am no longer on any type of meds, other than supplements, a far cry from 400 units of insulin a day (that equated to an average of 12 injections a day)!  I feel better than I did when I was in my 20's. 

Good luck and let us know how you do!

on 5/8/11 10:07 pm
Good Luck~
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