Extremely nervous about surgery 8days away

on 2/20/12 9:41 am - miramar, FL
RNY on 02/28/12
so im very excited i finally get to have my rny on 2/28 and im terrified about going under...i had an endoscopy done last week but i know i cant compare twilight to major anesthesia..lol but ive been under before when i had my gallbladder removed laprascopically...any tips guys?
on 2/20/12 10:04 am - NY
VSG on 02/14/12
 Be positive and have confidence in your surgeon. If you suffer from post anesthesia nausea, let your anesthesiologist know, they can give you meds in the IV that can at least reduce the nausea. These are highly trained medical professionals, several people will be in the operating room(surgeon and their assisting physician, surgical nurse, anesthesiologist and their assistant) and you will be closely monitored at all times and you have undoubtedly received medical clearance for surgery. I was sleeved on Valentines Day and general anesthesia was my big fear too- everything went very well, I was fine, and you will be too. All the best!



on 2/20/12 10:51 am - IN
Anesthesia should be the least of your worries if you've never had trouble with it before. It will seem like you were asleep for two minutes :) You'll be fine  - good luck!
on 2/20/12 12:22 pm - OK
 I had my surgery 2/7/12.   Stay happy everything will go great.  I was very nauseated after surgery but it will pass.  The second day I was sore but wow the third day was like a new day.  Everyday you get more energy and know this is going to be an amazing journey.   I still have days I want things but I don't eat them.  Today I have no desire to eat.  That is a strange feeling but tomorrow I will get back on track.  Shake it up.  Smile this will all be worth it.  Keep us posted. 
on 2/20/12 12:51 pm - Niagara Falls, NY

Hi...congrats on the surgery.  Don't worry too much about going under..I mean I have had a few surgeries so I know how it is to be anxious about that. Don't worry too much because they will have you monitored.  Also...well...I know for my hysterectomy, I asked for a little "something" before they put me under to calm my nerves.  It helped a lot.  Far as the getting sick..I haven't had that experience.  It did make my eyesight blurry tho

on 2/20/12 1:35 pm - La Verne, CA
Most of us go through that, you know, we work so hard to get to this point with the stress of getting approved, etc., and then we sort of forget that the real thing is coming around the corner, here it is and then we get worried.  Relax, enjoy, the ride of your life is coming up!  Take good care, it will work out great!
on 2/20/12 2:32 pm - VA
VSG on 02/16/12
This should be exactly like your gall bladder surgery.  So if you did fine then, you will do great now.  I was afraid as well, but I had my surgery 5 days ago and everything worked out well. 




on 2/23/12 9:13 am - miramar, FL
RNY on 02/28/12
Thanks so much ladies for the encouragement...sorry it took so long for me to get back i didnt realize my notifications go to my email..lol well i saw my surgeon yesterday and he sais my endoscopy came back very good and im all set for surgery tuesday...signed all the consent forms now all thats left ir pre-registration at the hospital on monday where ill meet the anesthesia team and repiratory therapist..oh yea and ill also have another clinical phisical by the docs at the hospital..yay 1st day liquid diet is sunday..im enjoying my last couple days of solids..lol
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