Feeling like so many before me

on 4/20/13 11:07 am

I had surgery Wednesday and have been doing pretty well. Only used pain meds one day. Sore but overall okay. Tonight I am in the OMG what have I done phase. I think it comes between I'm not comfortable and it's too soon  see if I've lost weight. Thanks to so many of you I think this is normal and I won't let it get to me. So anxious to see the scale move!



on 4/20/13 12:20 pm - Retirement Ville, AZ

See, that is probably a good sign!  The fat traps hormones and after surgery as we lose the fat, the hormones flood our systems making us feel crazy and wondering and all those lovely things.

So do not worry about the scales!  PUT the scale away.  This is the hardest thing to do but it will give you peace of mind and your body will just do what the plan and the surgery do best and that is redistribute and lose weight!  

Ya gotta BELIEVE and have some Faith... it will work!

Keep in touch and good luck.

RNY 12/11/12  HW:230   SW:220   GW:140   CW:130  5ft 1










on 4/20/13 1:38 pm - Morris, IL
RNY on 06/04/12
Congrats on the surgery with so little pain! Mine was very painful. Welcome to the hormonal rollercoaster wtf stage, the one thing that helped me through it was knowing I was losing fat to be that hormonal lol.

Keep up the work on water and protein and walk as much as possible. Keep us posted!

View more of my photos at ObesityHelp.com

5' 3" - HW: 244 SW:234  GW:120 LW: 107 CW:110 Made goal 3/16/13!    

on 4/20/13 7:15 pm - Jacksonville , FL
RNY on 04/08/13

Sounds like you're right on track.  I think we all go through the "OMG" phase to one degree or another.  Glad you had relatively minimal pain!  Congrats on a successful surgery and best wishes for your future progress. 



Kris R.
on 4/20/13 10:06 pm - Reynoldsburg, OH

You will do great!  I wanted to share something I just learned.  Wow, how I wish I would have heard this 6ish years ago before and immediately after my surgery.


I learned that a dream has four phases: Dream, Distress, Development and Destination.  It sounds like you are in the distress phase.  Just know that this is a very normal part of the process.  All I can share is that I felt the same and My Destination of Health and Wellness is better than I could ever have expected.  I wish you luck and love.  Kris

on 4/20/13 10:20 pm - Brighton, IL

Seems you are right on track. Glad to hear that you had little pain. Just keep drinking and walking and following your plan and before you know it the weight will be coming off and then you will know why you did this. The results for me ha e been so much better than I could even imagine.



Mary Catherine
on 4/20/13 10:47 pm

I had surgery on Tuesday, went home on Thursday with pain pills but never took any of them.  By Saturday I was doing light housework and full of energy.  I called my friend who had RNY several years ahead of me and said that I felt it could not be this easy.  I kept waiting for the pain and complications to kick it.  Vonnie said that it was only going to get better.

I did get on the scale everyday and delighted in seeing it steadily move downward.  I understand about fluctuations from water weight, constipation, etc and kept my expectations realistic.  I made protein a priority.  Mixed it into instant pudding mix, applesauce, yogurt and any thing else I could think of.  High protein, sugar free, and fat free are still my goals.  I found great internet recipes, made protein ice cream and kept a protein snack section of the refrigerator with cheeses, pepperoni, cold chicken or turkey, beef, etc. 

I did not touch bread, rice, potatoes, corn, pasta, candy, potatoes, noodles for years.  I would order a slice of pizza and just eat the toppings, get a grilled chicken sandwich and throw away the roll, Eat a Lean Cuisine and throw away the starchy part.  I still eat that way when I am by myself.  I no longer want people to know about my surgery, so in public I drink with my meals and have a slice of bread with my salad.

I still weigh daily and make adjustments if I see an unexplained increase.  I am still on a kind of high from the fact that after all the years of failed dieting, I now have a tool that works.


on 4/21/13 12:37 am - NV
RNY on 02/22/12

You are feeling normal and a bit anxious...just so you know many emotions will be setting in.  I would cry over TV commercials and without any reason.  You have made changes to your body and your head will have to adapt,  After a few weeks, maybe a month all will be great.  You will be so pleased  with your decision and efforts

Best to you


H/W 326   S/W 287                                                                                     GW 145                                                      
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