Jean B.’s Posts

Jean B.
on 2/4/08 6:09 am
Topic: RE: 6 lb. Weight Gain
I'm right there with you, if it helps at all. I've been playing around the same 5 lbs. since October. I am going in for a fill tomorrow, because I am able to eat way too much. But, my heart and head aren't in it as much as they were a year ago. However, I am very happy that I have maintained my weight loss for the past few months (I give myself a 5 pound window). I do want to lose these last 20-25 though for spring, so I am hoping the fill will help jump start things for me and help me get my head in a better place. Good luck to you! Jean B.

267/237/171/149      1st nurse's visit/surgery/current/goal
down 66 lbs. since surgery; 96 lbs. total

Jean B.
on 1/30/08 4:42 am
Topic: RE: Why Did U???
I agree with all of the above. I also like the maintenace factor that we have with the band. If I find myself eating too much a couple of years down the road, I can still go in for a little more fill to help me out. I know I can lose weight - it's keeping it off that I need help with! Jean B.

267/237/171/149      1st nurse's visit/surgery/current/goal
down 66 lbs. since surgery; 96 lbs. total

Jean B.
on 1/29/08 4:31 am
Topic: RE: Hello..a blast from the past
Hey Robyn,
Good to see you! I'm not on here much, but it's good to hear from you. Sounds like we've gotten down to about the same size - I want to lose another 20-25 lbs. and am hoping it comes off my hips! Going for another fill next Tuesday and plan to stick to the plan and finish this off. Jean B.

267/237/171/149      1st nurse's visit/surgery/current/goal
down 66 lbs. since surgery; 96 lbs. total

Jean B.
on 1/25/08 5:09 am
Topic: RE: Damn Restriction- What a difference in this one
I have a fill scheduled for the 5th of Feb. and really hope that's how I feel too. I don't think I have ever really hit the supposed "sweet spot" - too paranoid about getting overfilled. But, I need help getting the last 25 lbs. to go! Hope all goes well with your eating over the weekend. Jean B.

267/237/171/149      1st nurse's visit/surgery/current/goal
down 66 lbs. since surgery; 96 lbs. total

Jean B.
on 1/25/08 4:58 am
Topic: RE: OT: update on my friend's baby
Great to hear, Dev. I hope he continues to improve. What a tough time for his parents. Jean B.

267/237/171/149      1st nurse's visit/surgery/current/goal
down 66 lbs. since surgery; 96 lbs. total

Jean B.
on 1/25/08 1:10 am
Topic: RE: So Long
What an awesome job! Congratulations!!! It's so nice to see someone share their success. Jean B.

267/237/171/149      1st nurse's visit/surgery/current/goal
down 66 lbs. since surgery; 96 lbs. total

Jean B.
on 1/25/08 12:40 am
Topic: RE: OT: I don't often ask for prayers....
So sorry to hear about your friend's baby. What a horrible thing to experience. Hope all turns out well for them. Prayers are being said for all! Jean B.

267/237/171/149      1st nurse's visit/surgery/current/goal
down 66 lbs. since surgery; 96 lbs. total

Jean B.
on 1/24/08 11:52 pm
Topic: RE: Uninsurable since lap band...any one run into this?
I know when I checked into getting disablity insurance through State Farm, they said I couldn't get it until 2 years after my surgery date. I had told my agent to be real specific about the fact that I had lap band surgery because I had heard of others having problems. What makes me mad, is that they lump all WLS into one category. They don't get that the band just doesn't have the complications that can come with RNY.
Jean B.

267/237/171/149      1st nurse's visit/surgery/current/goal
down 66 lbs. since surgery; 96 lbs. total

Jean B.
on 1/23/08 4:12 am
Topic: RE: b12
Chastity, you are looking really good. I don't get on here much and it's the first time I've seen this picture. You're doing great! Jean B.

267/237/171/149      1st nurse's visit/surgery/current/goal
down 66 lbs. since surgery; 96 lbs. total

Jean B.
on 1/22/08 12:28 am
Topic: RE: I am the Story of a ban failure ( self sabotage)
You've gotten some great advice here already. And good for you for calling your surgeon. Are there any support groups around you - maybe in in Sioux Falls? I wouldn't be nearly as successful without the help I get from getting together with other bandsters. I know you're too far from the Cities to make it happen here, but check around. And you can always come here to the board - lots of great people, as you know. Take it a step at a time. You've had a lot to deal with, for sure. Hang in there. Jean B.

267/237/171/149      1st nurse's visit/surgery/current/goal
down 66 lbs. since surgery; 96 lbs. total

Jean B.
on 1/18/08 3:54 am
Topic: RE: Thanks for the good vibes - they helped!!
So glad to hear the bronchitis won't hold up your surgery. You are so ready for this, and now it's just around the corner. Congrats! Jean B.

267/237/171/149      1st nurse's visit/surgery/current/goal
down 66 lbs. since surgery; 96 lbs. total

Jean B.
on 1/18/08 12:19 am
Topic: RE: OT: Sneaking out...
Not only do I want to leave work early, - I want to get out of Minnesota for the next few days. Oh, if only....
Stay warm! Jean B.

267/237/171/149      1st nurse's visit/surgery/current/goal
down 66 lbs. since surgery; 96 lbs. total

Jean B.
on 1/17/08 5:21 am
Topic: RE: New Progress Pics
Wow Jen, you are lookin' great!!! Nothing says it like a picture. Keep up the great work. I never have taken enough pictures..... Jean B.

267/237/171/149      1st nurse's visit/surgery/current/goal
down 66 lbs. since surgery; 96 lbs. total

Jean B.
on 1/17/08 5:03 am
I hope you each can find peace. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Jean B.

267/237/171/149      1st nurse's visit/surgery/current/goal
down 66 lbs. since surgery; 96 lbs. total

Jean B.
on 1/10/08 3:53 am
Topic: RE: Two year progress picture
Oh, I can see a differnence in the last year. You look beautiful. I'm sure, in time, the rest of the pounds will go. Jean B.

267/237/171/149      1st nurse's visit/surgery/current/goal
down 66 lbs. since surgery; 96 lbs. total

Jean B.
on 1/8/08 11:35 pm
Topic: RE: My lowest low
Mine was when I was turned down for insurance. Due to some changes at work, I had to look for individual insurance and at 267 they said I was a high risk. I hadn't had any other issues, but the weight alone, was enough to be denied. I always knew I should lose weight for my long-term health, but it really shook me up when I had to get (and pay so much for) high-risk insurance. Now, I understand, since I've had the surgery, it will be difficult to get regular insurance. Weird, how I've done something to help myself and must continue to pay. Jean b.

267/237/171/149      1st nurse's visit/surgery/current/goal
down 66 lbs. since surgery; 96 lbs. total

Jean B.
on 1/8/08 4:01 am
Topic: RE: OT: My old friend tried to KILL ME!
I thought the worst too, but really, you are so lucky to have someone to go walking with. My walking buddy moved last fall and I really miss her. I do have a dog that needs walking every night though - and I do it even in cold, cold Minnesota. We go at least a mile every night and when it's nicer, we go further. By the time I get back in the house, I'm actually pretty hot. Gets the blood moving. And, I've heard you burn more calories in the cold because your body works harder to stay warm. Have fun walking! Jean B.

267/237/171/149      1st nurse's visit/surgery/current/goal
down 66 lbs. since surgery; 96 lbs. total

Jean B.
on 12/20/07 11:12 pm
Topic: RE: "MERRY CHRISTMAS" . . . There, I said it!!
It does feel so good to say it! Jean B.

267/237/171/149      1st nurse's visit/surgery/current/goal
down 66 lbs. since surgery; 96 lbs. total

Jean B.
on 12/17/07 11:12 pm
Topic: RE: What not to do with the band...
Glad to hear you figured out what was going on with your band. I am so paranoid about being overfilled, that I think I go too long between fills. I don't lose weight really quickly, but I do want to keep this band going for a long, long time. And, now that you've broken your plateau, too. That's great. Hope all continues to go well. Jean B.

267/237/171/149      1st nurse's visit/surgery/current/goal
down 66 lbs. since surgery; 96 lbs. total

Jean B.
on 12/17/07 5:56 am
Topic: RE: First Fill with this New Band
Hi ya Mary!
Time for the first fill already? Hope it goes well and you feel some restriction from it. I've meant to e-mail you and tell you how great it was to meet you at the Unity support meeting. That's a long way for you to come especially at that time of the night! Wish you lived closer. Hope to see you again sometime. Jean B.

267/237/171/149      1st nurse's visit/surgery/current/goal
down 66 lbs. since surgery; 96 lbs. total

Jean B.
on 12/14/07 4:08 am
Topic: RE: First Fill-Sooo Easy!!
Hi Ronda,
Glad to hear all went well with your first fill. I lurk on the MN board and used to see you post there and I knew you'd had your surgery, but haven't seen you post there for awhile. Hope everything else is going well for you. Jean B.

267/237/171/149      1st nurse's visit/surgery/current/goal
down 66 lbs. since surgery; 96 lbs. total

Jean B.
on 12/5/07 11:43 pm
Topic: RE: ot ~ it's cold out!
Oh man, I'm with you, Wendy! I'm so tired of winter already, and it's only December - BooHoo!!!! I still have to get out and walk the dog though - you should see me when I get all the layers on. Fortunately, I can get 4 or 5 extra layers on now under my old winter coat! I have heard that you burn more calories outside in the cold because your body has to work harder in the cold to try to stay warm - I keep repeating that to myself as I'm freezing my butt off. Good luck with staying warm! Jean B.

267/237/171/149      1st nurse's visit/surgery/current/goal
down 66 lbs. since surgery; 96 lbs. total

Jean B.
on 12/5/07 11:27 pm
Topic: RE: I'm overweight !
Did you ever think you'd be so happy to say you're "overweight"?? Congratulations. I hate those BMI charts too! Jean B.

267/237/171/149      1st nurse's visit/surgery/current/goal
down 66 lbs. since surgery; 96 lbs. total

Jean B.
on 12/5/07 11:06 pm
Topic: RE: One Year Band Anniversary
Happy Bandiversary! You look beautiful - good for you. It's always so great to hear the success stories. Sounds like you have a whole new life and you are obviously happy. What an inspiration. Jean B.

267/237/171/149      1st nurse's visit/surgery/current/goal
down 66 lbs. since surgery; 96 lbs. total

Jean B.
on 11/29/07 11:40 pm
Topic: RE: 6 month bandiversary
Wow!!! You have done really well with your band. Dr. Jeff must be thrilled with and for you! You'll be at goal in no time! Guess I should get out of my maintenance mode and try to lose my last 20! Jean B.

267/237/171/149      1st nurse's visit/surgery/current/goal
down 66 lbs. since surgery; 96 lbs. total

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