lyndee’s Posts

on 7/5/07 9:10 am
Topic: RE: Mushroom Blue Cheese Turkey Burgers

UUUUUMMMMMM, Those sound so good! I am saving this recipe for when I'm on solids in a few weeks. Thank you! Thanks again, Lyndee

on 7/5/07 7:13 am
Topic: RE: Ask Dr. Curry
Dr. Curry, I was just banded 6/13/07 (Three weeks ago) I did not hear much about erosion, slippage or reflux before I was banded, since I found this site I hear about these things quite alot. I am now really afraid this may happen to me. How common are these problems? What causes these problems? How serious are these problems?. - Also where they put my port tube ( the large incision ) under that incision I feel a lump and when I stand from sitting I get a very sharp pain. Is this normal? Thank you, Terry (Lyndee)
on 7/5/07 4:00 am
Hi, Sorry, my Dr. and nutritionist says no salad greens untill 5 months plus. I wonder what other banders Dr's. and nutritionists had to say about this. Because I would love a good salad. Good Luck, Lyndee
on 7/4/07 12:21 pm
Topic: RE: What do I bring to the hospital?
Hi, They told me to leave everything at home including my wedding ring. I wear contacts they told me to wear my glasses. I wore a dress and flat sandles. My husband kept my clothing and shoes, brush,  I.d., Ins. card and money. I kept my glasses and chap stick only. Also we arranged for the doctor to give my husband the perscription for my pain medication so he could have it filled while I was in surgery, That was really great since I had an hour and a half ride home, when I got home I had my pain med. and I was very happy about that. Good Luck !!!! Lyndee
on 7/4/07 11:10 am
Topic: RE: Lap band long incision
Thank you all for your response to my question, your answers have helped me and I feel better about it now. I had been wondering about this for two weeks now and just had to ask. Thank you again, Lyndee
on 7/4/07 5:27 am
Topic: RE: Lap band long incision
Hi, I had surgery 6/13/07. I was told that I would have 4 or 5  2" incisions. I have 3 - 1" incisions and a big 4" incision on the left side below my rib cage. I was shocked to see this as my surgeon never said a word about it  to me or my husband. Is this normal or standard for lap band surgery? Has anyone else experienced this? I don't see my surgeon untill the 13th to ask him. Thank you, and Happy 4th to all, Lyndee
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