6 month check up

on 6/28/12 1:50 am - Marathon, ON, Canada
RNY on 02/02/12

So glad things are going so well for you, Robin!

As for the platelets...

They are fragments of cells (megakaryocytes, in case you wanted a new word for today) that aid in blood clotting. Having a lower than normal platelet count does not, in itself, mean anything. Normal values tend to be between 150-450 or so. Sometimes the count looks low simply because of the way the blood was drawn. If it was a difficult draw or if the tube wasn't properly mixed once taken, the platelets do what they are meant to do and clump together. Unless someone looked under a microscope at your blood smear this wouldn't even be noticed. Of course, normal reference ranges are determined by using numbers that 95% of the population fit into. Just because you don't "fit in with the crowd" doesn't necessarily mean anything. People can have lower platelet numbers with platelets that function beautifully while someone with a platelet count of 800 might have platelets that are useless. All that to say that number does not always equate with functionality. Plus, your bone marrow is quite adept at pumping out the cells that your body needs. Platelet counts will usually rise after surgery, child birth, or any type of trauma that causes bleeding. That being said, I'm sure the centre will keep an eye on your platelets. If they get very low you may need a consult with a hematologist and will have to take certain precautions when doing things that might lead to bleeding (dental cleanings, for example.)

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Robin H.
on 6/29/12 1:21 am - Thunder Bay, Canada
wow thanks for the education on that one! yes vivian will check them again in 3 months and if still low will look at a course of action to investigate futher.  Not too stressed about it, I feel great :)
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