
on 2/5/12 7:50 pm - MA
RNY on 02/07/12

So tomorrow is my surgery day.  I was told to wash twice a day for two - three days before surgery and the morning of surgery with Hibiclens wash.  Well i have neen doing just that and i broke out with an itchy rash on my stomach and chest (mostly on my stomach)  .  Will i still be able to have my surgery???? I am so nervous right now.

Did this happen to anyone else???

on 2/5/12 8:22 pm
Sorry I've never heard of it. I think I would call the Dr. though.
    Nothing tastes as good as skinny will feel.         
on 2/5/12 8:25 pm - MA
RNY on 02/07/12
i think i will do just that.  It actually looks like heat rash.... so strange.  I am assuming its from the hibiclens because i have not used or changed any detergents or anything like that..
i really hope i can still have the surgery
on 2/5/12 8:46 pm - AL
I had the same thing happen with the soap the Dr told me to use. Didn't stop my surgery.
on 2/5/12 8:52 pm - MA
RNY on 02/07/12
That is great to hear..  Thank You
Michelle V.
on 2/5/12 9:21 pm - Livonia, MI
I used hibiclens with no problems. I'm guessing you had a mild reaction to it - have you ever had problems when using a different laundry detergent or soap?
on 2/5/12 9:35 pm - MA
RNY on 02/07/12
yes..i do have problems when i use a different products than my skin is used to..But i have used hibiclens before and this didnt happen.

I am just so nervous that they wont do my surery and i am freaking out

everythin has gone so smooth up until now..and then this happens
on 2/5/12 10:22 pm - PA
RNY on 04/04/12
I guess this could have come from the wash but Hibiclens is an antibacterial surgical wash.  I've used it on many occasions for breakouts on my thighs and never had a problem.  I would just call your doctor, they may just say to stop using it.

Peace & Blessings... Kelly                                             


HW 292 / CW 191 / GW 130

on 2/5/12 10:51 pm - Midlothian, TX
Hbiclens is a skin irritant.  We would see rashes pre-op from people using it that had sensitive skin.  Call your doctor, he might let you use an alternative.  MOST of the time the rash was not bad enough to delay the surgery, but occasionally it was bad enough or in just the wrong spot to be an infection risk.

Call your doctor.
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on 2/6/12 2:00 am - PA
 Hi, I have to use soap like that Wednesday and Thursday am before I go into the hospital....I think mine is called dynahex?  I have heard from several people that it can be an irritant and most likely won't postpone scheduled surgery.  I would let the dr. know and you probably can discontinue the use.  I have some of your same feelings.  I swear there will be a natural disaster this week to cancel my day on Thursday, haha!
Best Wishes!
HW 267/SW 243/CW 177/ GW160

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