Kathy S.’s Posts

Kathy S.
on 7/24/14 12:57 pm
Topic: RE: Struggling with weight gain? Come join us, Back On Track Together!

We are here for you!  Come join us in our private group that helps with regain.

Back On Track Together

Take care,


HW:330 - GW:150 - MW:118-125

RW:190 - CW:130

Kathy S.
on 6/30/10 5:04 am
Topic: RE: Members Speak - What has been the toughest challenge in this journey?
 Hey Members,

It's that time again, where we share and inspire others about our journey.  This month I wanted us to share with others what has been the toughest challenge in this journey?  Was it getting insurance approval, pre-op dieting, complications after surgery, no energy, food?

For me being so far out I am finding the biggest challenge is not gaining weight.  I need to stick with the basics and not let life get in the way.

Come on in and share with us and your comments may appear in the next edition of OH's Newsletter.

Take care,

HW:330 - GW:150 - MW:118-125

RW:190 - CW:130

Kathy S.
on 6/2/10 6:33 am
Topic: RE: Members Speak - Hot Fun In The SummerTime
 Is this going to be your first summer since WLS or are you a Veteran?

I had my surgery in August and remember being so miserable during the summer.  Wearing long sleeves to hide my ugly arms and pretty much didn't go out.  I would sweat just thinking about it.    

But baby oh baby, that first summer after losing weight!!!!  I was wearing shorts, riding bikes, walking my dogs, working in the yard and planting flowers for the first time in years. I went to the beach and wore a swim suit for the first time in 20 years.  My fear of not fitting in the rides at the theme parks was a thing of the past.  The biggest Summer WOW for me was training for my first 5K run.  

Come share with us" your" hopes and dreams for the summer!  Your comments may appear in our June edition of ObesityHelp newsletter.  
Take care, Kathy

HW:330 - GW:150 - MW:118-125

RW:190 - CW:130

Kathy S.
on 5/10/10 3:19 am
Topic: RE: WLS enables you to climb mountains, hike volcanic islands and walk a city of 4 million
 Yep, it is true!  I am a oldie but goodie.  Had surgery many years ago and the impact it has had in my life still blows my mind.  I am 5+  years older, put on 20 pounds and was able to do things that I only watched others do in TV.

My son invited me to come on a trip with him, his girlfriend and her family to Greece.  It was a trip of a life time as I have never been out of the states.  He planned to ask her to marry him on the island of Santorini and wanted me there (get the kleenex).  If I had not had WLS, lost over 200 pounds and kept moving I would have NEVER been able to do this trip. 

I knew I was in for it from the beginning.  The kids took 2 buses and the "L" here in Chicago just to get to the airport.  Mind you I brought up the rear but kept up.  We flew on a brand new jet from Swiss Air and they do not recognize larger people.  The seats were smaller than small and if you were taller than 5 feet you had issues.  I was able to be comfortable thanks to my WLS.   My poor son is 6"4' and when someone laid back his poor knees were jammed the entire flight.  When we got to Athens, Greece, we hauled our luggage all over the city, taking several buses, trains and all to get to the Ferry to the island of Crete.  Before WLS they would have been calling the ambulance and I would have been too big for the stretcher.  Not to mention where is the oxygen?

There was a strike going on and we had to sit in the parking lot for hours.  I sat on my luggage without fear of breaking anything...  We finally got on the ferry and again space was small.  I only saw 3 over weight people during the entire trip.  After eating and living like the Greeks I think I know why they don't have a problem with obesity.  On the island of Crete we walked fishing villages, climbed caves, walked beaches.  We even walked to the store for groceries and all.  Can you imagine someone saying hey let's walk to Wal-Mart?  We walked miles to get to where we wanted to go.  And these streets are winding and an incline like you find in San Fransisco.  

We went to the island of Santorini and this is one of the most beautiful spots I have ever seen.  My son asked his GF to marry him in a little white church on the side of the cliff.  She said yes!!  You will have to see the pics but we hiked 1/3 of the island from where we were staying to a town called Oai.  Now mind you, this is a trail on a volcano.  There were times when the trail was dirt, rocks, lava rocks up down and right next to the cliff.  There were times I was on my hands and knees.  If you had told the 330 pound old lady she would be doing this one day she would have laughed and then cried.  YES I DID!!!!!  YES YOU CAN TOO!!!

The last leg of the trip was the city of Athens, 4 million strong.  WE walked everywhere, to the store, farmers market.  We did rent a van to go to the beaches and it broke down.  We had to leave it on the side of the street and walked around all the demonstrations that were going on at the time.  We walked all the way back to where were were staying.  Walking all the ruins entailed climbing and stairs, stairs, stairs!!!

Now confession time.  By now my knees were getting to me.  You can't be overweight all your life and get old and not pay the price. My knees and back has....but let me tell you, while I have them propped up now, re cooperating.  I am so damn proud of the fact I did it!!!!  I did things I only watched others do on TV.  And may I add, several years out and still going strong.  So don't think weight gain is a given, don't think the first year is the the best it's gets and DO DREAM, YOU CAN DO IT!!!!  Thank You WLS!!!!

BTW, something I noticed that blew my mind. There were NO handicap features in Switzerland or Greece. I found that so strange...but then I NEVER saw anyone in a wheel chair.  There were older people walking....WALKING with a cane but that was it.  And I bet you they were 100 but looked 80.  So the moral of this story is, eat right and move, move, move and you will live a very long healthy life!

View more of my photos at ObesityHelp.com

This is where we were staying, and the white you see at the end of the island is the town we "HIKED" to.  Yep, I said hiked.  Now that is a WOW moment 5 years plus after WLS!

Take care,

ps..will post more about the food later.

HW:330 - GW:150 - MW:118-125

RW:190 - CW:130

Kathy S.
on 4/2/10 8:17 am
Topic: RE: Members Speak - Who Has Been Most Influential In Your WLS Journey?
 Hello Members  

It's that time again where we get to sound off, share, and inspire others on Members Speak !

This months topic is - Who has been the most influential in your Weight Loss Journey?  

For me, my husband and son were very supportive.  Others in my life were not and I had to lose a few friends along the way.  The most influential person I think was me.  I made the choice to have the surgery, I did the research, I choose on a daily basis to work the tool, and I have made choices to keep me healthy!  

Please share with us who was your most influential person in your life.  

Your post may appear in our April's edition of the OH's Newsletter.

Take care,

HW:330 - GW:150 - MW:118-125

RW:190 - CW:130

Kathy S.
on 2/5/10 2:41 am
Topic: RE: Are you gaining weight and or not reached goal?
Come join us in the Back On Track Together group.  It's a safe place to get back on track and you will find more support than you know what to do. 

Hope to see you there soon 

Take care,

HW:330 - GW:150 - MW:118-125

RW:190 - CW:130

Kathy S.
on 2/1/10 2:11 am
Topic: RE: Members Speak - February is just around the corner
Hey Members 

It is time for Members Speak again!  This is for our February OH Newsletter.

February is known as the Month of Love, with Valentine’s Day right around the corner. What are some of your Valentine's Day memories & plans?    Anything you want to share about getting through the month of February?

The month of February for me is a reminder of how far I have come.  Before my surgery, February meant stuffing my face with chocolates and all the candy I could eat.  For dinner anything deep fried or covered with gravy.  After my surgery I get a thrill out of receiving flowers instead of candy and the high I get buying a sexy outfit is better than any high I got from eating chocolate. 

Come on in and share with us.  Your post may appear in our upcoming Newsletter!

Take care,

HW:330 - GW:150 - MW:118-125

RW:190 - CW:130

Kathy S.
on 10/22/09 12:31 am
Topic: RE: Let's Give Cathy A Big Shout Out! 8 Year Anniversary!!!
Hey Everyone,

Cathy Wilson is one of the most giving persons I have ever known.  She is always there for us all and has inspired hundreds of us to keep going no matter what life throws in front of us.

Please give a warm shout out to Cathy as today is her 8 Year Anniversary 


Cathy Wilson
Director of OH Support Groups and Training

Take care,

HW:330 - GW:150 - MW:118-125

RW:190 - CW:130

Kathy S.
on 5/8/09 12:21 am
Topic: RE: Move To Lose - Week 2 - Cardio
Hey Everyone 

I am taking the day off from work, but working at home.  I need to clean house and get all the garden stuff done before Sunday.  My son and his girlfriend are going to cook dinner for me on Mother's Day.    How sweet and I can't wait  

Let's finish the week with some info on cardioCardio is great for you're all over health but with breathing heavy you take in more oxygen and that benefits your heart, lungs and your mental health as well    Some great cardio workouts may consist of jogging, skating, biking, skiing, walking, swimming, wall climbing.  Our number one cardio workout for us girls?  Shopping 

Where I get confused is how much, for how long.  They say you should do cardio at least 20 mins at 80% of  your Maximum heart rate    This stuff makes my head hurt....  Here is a great chart I use. 

To figure out your maximum target heart rate, subtract your age from 220. 

Cardio is the best for lowing your body fat.  Cardio should go hand in hand with your weight training workouts.  For losing weight try and do 5 or 6 sessions a week.  If you are just starting out, do it for 2 days a week and then work up to 5 or 6 days a week.  Push yourself, you can do it.  Celebrate the fact as the weight comes off you can do something some of us only dreamed of doing?  Moving

So my friends, Did You Move To Lose and or Maintain Today?  Come on and let's finish the week hard and celebrate the coming weekend by being accountable for  your exercise.

Take care,

HW:330 - GW:150 - MW:118-125

RW:190 - CW:130

Kathy S.
on 5/7/09 1:04 am
Topic: RE: Move To Lose - Week 2 - How many? And Breath...
Hey Everyone, 

Ok, we know session, sets and reps, now how much of what?  When starting your workouts it's a good idea to start with one set and after a couple of weeks you can go to two sets.  After a month or two then go to 3 sets or more.  You will find you know best as to when to increase your sets  To determine how many reps the last one or two should be hard to do and you may even not be able to do the last one.  This is what we call "failure" and that is a good thing.  So if you find you can do 5 reps and not break a sweat you need to increase that number until you are groaning and straining to do that last one.  Yes, ladies I said groan 

Another important point is the amount of time you take to rest between sets.  When starting out you will find your breathing has increased after a set, take 30 to 90 secs for your breathing to slow down and go back to normal.  Once you progress you will find  if you decrease that amount of time between sets you get an awesome cardio workout as well as weight training.  This is something my son taught me. If I am short on time and don't have an hour for weight training and another hour for cardio we set up 5 different exercises for the body part we are working, for example arms.  I do one set for one exercise, then without stopping move to the second one and then third and so on...  When I am done doing a set for all 5, I am huffing and puffing....  This is a great way to combine cardio and weight training.  But for now, take that time and rest between sets 

Next we need to talk about the importance of Breathing...  This was one of the hardest things for me to learn.  To this day I still don't get it right all the time, but trust me when I tell you all the experts are right.  When you breath right it gives you added power and energy to push through and get that extra rep or two when you think you have no more to give.

Have you ever been working out and felt dizzy or light headed?  One of the reasons is you may not be taking in enough oxygen while working out.  So how do you do it?  Most of the time you inhale quickly during the easiest part of an exercise and exhale just as the hardest part is finished.  Think about this while doing your reps and again I know it seems like a lot but so very important. 

So my friends, Did You Move To Lose and or Maintain Today?  I am doing my boxing class tonight if I get all my yard work done on my "To Do" list.  I am so behind, I wanted to plant last night and it started raining just as I got the garage door up.  Grrrrr 

Come on in and be accountable for your Movin Today 

Take care,

HW:330 - GW:150 - MW:118-125

RW:190 - CW:130

Kathy S.
on 5/6/09 1:21 am
Topic: RE: Move To Lose - Week 2 - Sessions, Sets and Reps
Hey Everyone 

When you workout at the gym and or at home you will be doing  a workout Session. 

It really is mind over matter, you need to concentrate on what you are doing, during your Session.  Don't worry about anyone else around you.  When you are lifting that barbell and or dumbbell, stare at it like it's part of your arm....

Start out with light weights at first, you want to get the form right, don't worry about heavy weights, that will come later.  Again, concentrate on the weight and doing it correctly. 

Sets and Reps (repetitions) are two words you will hear often.  When you hear that you may say UGH?    I am confused, don't worry I was too at first.... 

Picture yourself raising and lowering a dumbbell, that action is one rep, now picture doing that 8 times then putting the dumbbell down, that is a set of 8 reps.  Got it?  If you pick the dumbbell back up and do 8 more reps, that is 2 sets of 8 reps or 2 X 8.

Tomorrow we will discuss how much should you do at first, and breathing.....

So my friends, Did You Move To Lose and or Maintain Today?  Are you out there?  I am not seeing to many of you jumping in here and being accountable!  If you think you will lose weight and keep it off without some form or moving you have your head in the sand.  Every time I have gained weight it was when I had to step away from my exercise for one reason or another. 

Please, Please, Please get on board NOW....you will be glad you did later 

Take care,

HW:330 - GW:150 - MW:118-125

RW:190 - CW:130

Kathy S.
on 5/5/09 1:25 am
Topic: RE: Move To Lose - Week 2 - Beginner Basics
Hey Everyone,

If you are just beginning your workouts this week is for you. If you are more seasoned, please read and you may pick up a tip or two 

We all know the mistakes we have made when starting a new workout plan.  How do we know?  Because it didn't work or we were so disappointed we quit.  The most common mistake is we want it and we want it NOW, the fastest, easiest, least amount of work routine.  Let me ask you something?  How is that workin for  ya?    Hmmmm, I bet the answer is it's not, and you don't want to hear it.    Imagine you are out walking on a trail and you are climbing and running and working up a sweat to get home and when you get to the end of the trail you find you are on the wrong trail.  You can avoid all the frustration and mistakes in your workout routines by doing it right the first time  

You want it simple (if it's to complex  you are going to quit), short (you need time to rebuild after a workout) and of course eat the right foods.  Another key to working out is Sleep    I know with all that is going on it's hard to get a good nights sleep, but there is no better way to hit the ground running than a good nights sleep.    

Tomorrow we will talk about sessions and sets/reps.

So my friends, Did You Move To Lose and or Maintain Today?  I have been working like a dog on my yard, getting out the furniture, getting the beds, pots and all ready for plantings.  So after work I will be out in the yard, working like a dog 

Come in and be accountable for your exercise, share and inspire  

Take care,

HW:330 - GW:150 - MW:118-125

RW:190 - CW:130

Kathy S.
on 5/1/09 1:44 am
Topic: RE: Did You Move To Lose Today? Week 1 - Know Your Body! Friday
OK, I am getting vitamin D depletion from lack of sun shine,   if it doesn't come out soon !!!!    That is the reason for the gray face on the post.  They say the sun will come out tomorrow, yea right, keep singing that song Kathy    OK, enough whining here.

This week we advocated getting to know your body in preparation for starting your workouts.  One thing is for sure, it can be intimidating and confusing to say the least    I know what you are feeling as I did also.  Keep in mind it's all trial and error, what works for me may not work for you.  But if you take my hand we will get through the basics together and if you will be daring enough to try then you may be surprised.  

Next week we will start with Basics for Beginners, get ready  

Today is a cardio day for me, so I am walking Rocky and if it does not warm up this afternoon doing some bag work.

So my friends, Did You Move To Lose and or Maintain Today?  Come on in and let's finish the week strong 

Take care,

HW:330 - GW:150 - MW:118-125

RW:190 - CW:130

Kathy S.
on 4/30/09 1:32 am
Topic: RE: Did You Move To Lose Today? Week 1 - Know Your Body!
Hey Everyone,

I hope this finds you looking forward to the weekend.  If we don't dry out soon I will have a green yard but it's going to be mold not grass 

Today I thought I would touch on myths concerning women and working out with weights.  It's so important we do resistance workouts due to our bone loss through out our lives.  The only way to build bone is by doing resistance workouts and weight training is one of the best ways to do so. 

Women have a tendency to be afraid of working out with weights.  They fear bulking up like the Incredible Hulk and or just feel afraid of the entire process.  We do not bulk up, we can't unless we are taking drugs containing testosterone.  We do however burn fat become lean to where it will show your abs and defined muscles.  Now that I can get excited about    Come on, get excited about pumping iron, you will love it and the results 

So my friends, Did You Move To Lose and or Maintain Today?  Come on in and be accountable for your Movin and inspire others. 

Take care,

HW:330 - GW:150 - MW:118-125

RW:190 - CW:130

Kathy S.
on 4/29/09 7:46 am
Topic: RE: Did You Move To Lose Today? Week 1 - Know Your Body!

HW:330 - GW:150 - MW:118-125

RW:190 - CW:130

Kathy S.
on 4/29/09 3:26 am
Topic: RE: Did You Move To Lose Today? Week 1 - Know Your Body!
Hey Everyone,

Have you seen the sun?  Where the heck did it go?  I know April showers bring May flowers but come on.....

Ok, yesterday we talked about ways to find out your body fat comp.  Next start taking stock of your body, your fitness level.  If you have done nothing but the couch to fridge shuffle for years then you are not going to start out running a marathon.  But you can start by walking around the house, then the block and so on and so forth. 

Age is not a factor    I hear so many say but I am to old    It's never to late and don't you tell yourself otherwise ....

Throw our the scale    I know you are saying are you nuts   We should judge how we feel and look not just a number on the scale  

Cardio is awesome but don't forget the weights    Weights help with with your overall health, endurance, flexabiltiy, increases  your heart and lung health.  Increases your muscle mass (women do not bulk up) and therefore burn more calories  Where's my free weights? 

So my friends, Did You Move To Lose and or Maintain Today?  Come on in and share and be accountable for your exercise  I

I hit the gym this morning and did some arm work and then 30 mins on the treadmill...

Take care,

HW:330 - GW:150 - MW:118-125

RW:190 - CW:130

Kathy S.
on 4/28/09 4:06 am
Topic: RE: Did You Move To Lose Today? Week 1 - Know Your Body!
Hey Everyone,

When working and losing weight it's always good to start at the beginning and have a plan.  First thing to do is know your body    I know, I know some of you are saying do I have to ?

Start by finding out your body fat percent.   You can do this using several methods like:

Caliper/Skinfold Test - they are used to grab a fold of skin from 9 sites on the body

Waist to hip ratio - Use a tap measure and waist girth is divided by hip girth to determine a ratio
Men want to be 0.85 or below and Women 0,80 or below

Underwater Weighing - measures the density of the body

Bioelectrical Impendance (BIA) - electric current goes through the body to measure fat percent

Dexa - accurate X-Ray to measure  your bone density and can also measure body fat percent

MRI - very expensive but accurate

BMI - common but inaccurate way to measure body fat

Tomorrow we will discuss more steps you can take to GET TO GOAL! 

So my friends, Did You Move To Lose Today and or Maintain?  Come on in and share and inspire and get it DONE 

I will be doing a ton of yard work and getting the back yard ready for summer so lot's of bending, squats, lifting and a great workout with nature!!!

Take care,

HW:330 - GW:150 - MW:118-125

RW:190 - CW:130

Kathy S.
on 4/27/09 1:16 am
Topic: RE: Did You Move To Lose Today? 54 days until summer!
Hey Everyone 

I want to say sorry for being gone for a week or two.  We were so busy on the boards and to be honest not many people were posting so I thought there was no interest in the thread.  I have gotten a lot of emails say "hey where are ya".  So thanks and here we go 

For those of you that know me I am a BIG Oxygen Magazine fan.  I love the workout plans they put together for you and the photos on "how to" do them ROCK.  I love Tosca Reno that writes for the magazine.  She is in her 40's and looks fabulous.  If you hear me say "Eat Clean" that is where I get it from.

I have bought her books about eating and working out and will share with you all what she has to say.

I can't believe it's only 54 days until summer.. No matter where you are with your weight loss journey think how much better you will feel and look staying the course in 54 days 

So my friends, Did You Move To Lose and or Maintain Today?  Come on and let's get out butts moving 

Take care,

HW:330 - GW:150 - MW:118-125

RW:190 - CW:130

Kathy S.
on 4/10/09 1:13 am
Topic: RE: Did You Move To Lose Today? How do you eat a chocolate bunny?
It's sitting there in the box, with it's smilie face calling your name....You open the box and begin to endulge   

Do you lick it first?  Do you suck on the ears, or just go for it and take a Big bite?

How do you eat a chocolate bunny?  Do you eat the ears first?  Feet, legs, tail.  Do you break it in pieces and then eat the pieces?  OH the feeling of smooth, rich, creamy chocolate on the tongue.  If you are like me you want it to last and last and last...so you take your time.....

Close your eyes and visualize how you LOVE to eat a chocolate bunny  

Now.......................visualize where the chocolate bunny ends up on your body 

If you eat the ears first then visualize the ears on your arms 

Have  you noticed how bunny legs appear to be one big leg?  Now visualize the bunny legs on your legs  

Do you eat the bunny tail first?  Now visualize the bunny tail on your tail, all round and bumpy 

Bunny's bodies are all round with no curves, now picture the bunny middle on your middle, all round and no curves  

Now wipe the drool off your face put the bunny back on the store shelf (people are looking) and get MOVINand LOSIN 

Happy Easter Everyone 

Take care,

HW:330 - GW:150 - MW:118-125

RW:190 - CW:130

Kathy S.
on 4/6/09 4:11 am
Topic: RE: Did You Move To Lose Today? Where's The Shovel?
Hey, Hey, Hey.....little did I know that my cardio today would be shoveling snow    Yep you heard me right, SNOW in April 

I am late today as the boards have lost their minds today and it's been busy, busy, busy....

So my friends, Did You Move To Lose and or Maintain Today? Let's rock this week and be accountable and MOVE TO LOSE  


Take care,

HW:330 - GW:150 - MW:118-125

RW:190 - CW:130

Kathy S.
on 4/4/09 1:22 am
Topic: RE: Did You Move To Lose Today? Weekend Workout!
Hi Everyone, 

The weekend is a great time to rest if you have gotten in 5 days of exercise.  It's just as important to let your body rest as well as working out.  The weekend is also a great time ti get another workout in if you missed a day during the week 

Today I am going to try and get some cardio in with boxing on the bag and take Sunday off.

So my friends, Did You Move To Lose and or Maintain Today?  Come on in and be accountable and let's inspire each other...

Take care,

HW:330 - GW:150 - MW:118-125

RW:190 - CW:130

Kathy S.
on 4/3/09 12:52 am
Topic: RE: Did You Move To Lose Today? Jammin Friday!
Hey Everyone 

Making it fun is the key to staying on track with exercise    So I challenge you to put on some music before this Friday is over and dance, dance, dance    Cleaning house?  Put on some tunes and dance while cleaning.  Kids just got home?  Put on some tunes and all of you dance around the family room...have fun, laugh...  When your loved one gets home from work, put on some Jazz and dance...

Today I am cleaning house and putting on some tunes while doing so.  Then I am doing 3 miles on the treadmill during lunch...

So my friends, are you going to Move To Lose and or Maintain Today?    Let's call this our Jammin Friday 

Take care,

HW:330 - GW:150 - MW:118-125

RW:190 - CW:130

Kathy S.
on 4/2/09 1:06 am
Topic: RE: Did You Move To Lose Today? Get a workout buddy!
Hey Everyone 

It's cold and rainy again today    UGH!  It's hard to get motivated when life, weather, job and other thing**** you hard.  One thing that will help is finding a workout buddy.  It can be a spouse, friend, family member...  If you are at the gym and find someone that appears to be at the same stage as you go up to them introduce yourself and commit to being there at the same time.

Trust me, when you know that someone else is going you will pull  your butt up off the couch and go exercise.  Get that exercise buddy today 

Today is arms day for me.....

Standing Alternating Curl
Kneeling Kickback
Incline Curl
Single Arm Tri Rotation
Barbell Curl

So my friends, Did You Move To Lose and or Maintain Today?  Come on in and be accountable, share and inspire 

Take care,

HW:330 - GW:150 - MW:118-125

RW:190 - CW:130

Kathy S.
on 4/1/09 1:40 am
Topic: RE: Did You Move To Lose Today? 80 days before summer!
Are you bathing suit ready?  Not me    But we have time    Let's bet those booties movin

Today is a cardio day for me, either some time on the bag or treadmill....

So my friends, Did You Move To Lose and or Maintain Today?  Let's go, it's hump day and the weekend is around the corner 

Take care,

HW:330 - GW:150 - MW:118-125

RW:190 - CW:130

Kathy S.
on 3/31/09 6:57 am
Topic: RE: Did You Move To Lose Today?
Sounds like a great workout    Is Bob, the one pushing you to kick butt?

Keep it going, you are doing GREAT!

Take care,

HW:330 - GW:150 - MW:118-125

RW:190 - CW:130

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