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Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Liz WantsHealthForAll
on 5/1/24 5:00 am - Cape Cod, MA
VSG on 03/28/16

Happy May Day! Time to dance around a pole with streamers (I have a distinct memory of doing that in early elementary school).

I agree with those who said that they wouldn't want to be completely disinterested in food even though it would keep us slim. I do enjoy food - I just want to control the quantities and cravings. I know a woman who lost her sense of smell and therefore taste due to an accident. How sad to not even be able to taste anything.

I sure hope DD's district realizes what a fool they have for a superintendent and doesn't allow him to force the teachers into a strike. So shortsighted.

Today might be a beach day depending on shower activity. We might also bring a couple of now extraneous furniture pieces to Habitat for Humanity (with the help of DH's son-in-law). And I am 6 weeks postop today. Hating the sling and wishing I could start PT, but I am following my conservative surgeons's directives (I did choose him because he is supposed to be one of the best).

Have a wordy Wednesday!

on 5/1/24 8:56 am

New semaglutide low today. So exciting to approach a "I can't remember when I weighed this" weight.

Had a final-final session with my shrink on Monday. I haven't met with her for over 2 months, but she wanted a closing (and gratis) session. It was nice to close that particular chapter - especially on a very positive note.

Yesterday was a low appetite day. Today I woke up with an appetite. I'm curious to see what the day will bring. Tomorrow is shot day.

Liz, slow and steady will win out in the long run. I've known too many people who pushed recovery and it didn't end well.

Buster had is first breeding yesterday. He was excitedly muddled at first, but then caught on. He clearly enjoyed it. Later last night when I let the dogs out for their last pee, he went running over to the grooming shed where the deed was done and wanted to go back in. His behavior was really quite charming and sent me to bed with a smile.

Diamond D, I was so impressed to see your DH on the lines with you! The more I know of your DH, the more I think you struck it rich with that one! Aren't you lucky to have such a wonderful partner!

Off I go to teach my little SDC kids - one of my favorite groups of the week....

Liz WantsHealthForAll
on 5/1/24 9:04 am - Cape Cod, MA
VSG on 03/28/16

Sounds like Buster felt that he got lucky, LOL.

Having met DD's DH a few times I can readily agree that he is a great guy and partner to DD.

on 5/1/24 1:02 pm

I gained almost 2 pounds this week. Grr. Definitely feels like it stopped working all week, particularly yesterday. Today I took the last pen I have with no new stock in sight. I am going to have to try compounding again and go up a dose level to 7.5. Frustrating to have seen what it can do and then lose the effects. I did see they are testing two more higher doses (20mg and 25mg, currently stops at 15mg), so maybe one day they'll be more to move up to.

I'm waiting on the landscaper who said he'd be here at 10:30, but had to run to town for a mower part and hasn't been back. I've got some errands to run.

The trapper comes Tuesday to try to catch whatever is eating my trees and tunneling to Hades.

This morning, I found a bunny had dug a nest in my patio yard under a different tree and lined it with grass. Sweet as baby bunnies would be, that's carnage waiting to happen with Kirby in the yard. The bunny later filled the hole with rocks, not sure if she was hiding it or abandoning it because she saw me looking inside. But I packed it down and put a larger rock on top. She needs to make a new nest elsewhere.

Aside from that, I don't know much! Take care all!

diane S.
on 5/1/24 3:25 pm

greetings all

Happy May Day! Anybody remember making and delivering may baskets to friends? Made from little paper cups with pipe cleaners and candy? We would just leave them on porches. Who would do that now?

The sun is out big and so is the wind. Probably a good day for surfing. No thanks on that.

Spent some time at the studio this afternoon and started new projects. I am in sort of a creative rut and need to think of some new things. Meanwhile the house got cleaned. We had a lot of dog footprints. DH has been clearing out the garage though it has reached a point that not much more can be done without actually trashing some stuff.

Yeah why do these drug companies keep advertising the heck out of these weight loss and related drugs if they can't make enough of it to stock? And why do they cost so much?

DD it is confounding that your union needs to strike to get minimal raises. I say go for it.

Liz Peps is right not to rush your recovery. PT will come all too soon.

Yay Peps for Buster's breeding. May there be many more.

No clue whats for dinner tonight. Not enough leftover steak. Years ago I used to be able to plan a week of menus and shop accordingly. These days I am far too much of an impulse grocery shopper. Not good for either weight or budget.

Cheers. Diane S

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Liz WantsHealthForAll
on 5/1/24 3:39 pm - Cape Cod, MA
VSG on 03/28/16

I had forgotten about those May baskets. We did that too!

on 5/1/24 6:26 pm
VSG on 06/13/12

We did May baskets too when I was a kid! I think I remember a teacher having May baskets on our desks when we came to school. During Covid, our building administration delivered May baskets and a cute sign to our homes. It was so, so sweet. Gentler times. A!though my argument is not with my Principal or deans, they're awesome.

Thank you for the seriously kind words about DH. We're doing site specific picketing tomorrow and yes, DH is going to join me, along with DD who arrived this morning!!!

CC, I don't know if it's any consolation, but I have had exactly 2 pound up ticks a couple of times. Like this week. Then finally it goes away and takes a few ounces with it.

on 5/1/24 7:32 pm

Thank you, DD! I earned the scale increase. Looking forward to switching to the next dose amount. I was trying to stretch it out, but it's time.

on 5/1/24 7:30 pm