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Thursday, May 2, 2024

Liz WantsHealthForAll
on 5/2/24 6:06 am - Cape Cod, MA
VSG on 03/28/16

Earlier walk than usual this morning partially because it is warming up a lot here but also because we have things to do. The excess furniture didn't make it to Habitat yesterday so that needs to be done (and we need son-in-law's help so need to get it done before they leave.). DH and his son-in-law are also playing golf today. I will likely have some pool time, then packing for the long weekend celebration in Fort Lauderdale.

A family friend flies into our local airport tomorrow morning to drive with us to Fort Lauderdale. We are renting a mini-van to hold the 5 of us plus luggage.

Which brings up something that DH and I have been mulling over. We only have 1 car here which is very low to the ground and is a 2 door. We do fine with one car but getting in and out isn't totally easy in the front and almost impossible from the back seat. So when we have company who aren't young/agile it is a real problem. DH hates the idea of replacing his bachelor somewhat sporty car but then he sees examples of why we should every day. Yesterday he had to help a neighbor get out of the backseat of a similar car. She was so embarrassed that she was unable to do it herself. And her husband and friends weren't strong enough to help her. Things you don't think about when you are young.

I took my last injection of the lowest dose of Tirzepatide this morning - my weekly weigh in is tomorrow. Probably won't be much better than last week. Too much going out!!!

Have a talkative Thursday!

on 5/2/24 8:29 am

My friend Bill says getting out of the backseat of a two door car is like being reborn. He's not wrong!

Kirby and I have training this morning down in Cottonwood at a park. We've been practicing with the car, so he should get in and out for me, fingers crossed.

The weather is absolutely gorgeous here. 70s currently on tap for the next 10 days. And lots of wildflowers. My favorite are the hedgehog cactus that grow wild here. They have hot pink flowers.

I made an appointment with Henry Meds for compound. I didn't feel like the JoinFridays one (RedRock Pharmacy) worked as well. So I'm trying something different. It's more expensive, but still less than the name brand I can't get. All so stressful.

DD, the scale was indeed down today as happens the day after my shot. Still up from my low, but better!

I should get moving and get dressed...

Have a great day everyone!

on 5/2/24 9:08 am

I had a good chuckle at the scale today. I woke up exactly 2lbs heavier than yesterday. It made me think of you and your ire at the scale yesterday. I, too, was a bit irked. LOL!

on 5/2/24 9:38 am

It took a hip replacement to convince a coworker (tall girl -6'3") that she needed to trade in her - my kids are grown, always wanted one, and can afford it- little red Miata convertible for a Ford SUV. She was not happy!

on 5/2/24 9:27 am

168.6 down - 16.8# from 185.4 on April 1st.

This is the first significant loss and longest string of mindful, intentionally healthy eating days (30+) I have experienced since, well before Covid, and no doubt the reason for this result. I'm sure now weight loss will moderate - and will continue only IF- I will just endure. On again off again-free days, etc does not work for me. Any regular sized portion of concentrated simple slider carbs/sugars trigger trigger cravings that, while I can obsess over resisting for a while---in the end are so uncomfortable I cave to them and (days, weeks, yes, years ) find myself back where I was and worse. It takes a lot of energy and will to even want to try again, start over and detoxify again .

A very small voice in my head whispers hopefully in my head, "Let now be the time-agin-to pick up and carry PRIDE ", *Progress*Realized*In*Daily*Effort with me.

Meant to post monthly stats yesterday but spent the whole of the day dwelling in a special HELL Hole that is---I Lost? Maybe was it was Stolen? my wallet. All day on phone, computer, contacting law enforcement- canceling-notifying entities that my identification, access to financial, everydangthingaboutme, may be compromised!

Today I'm much better, and secure as best I can for now, but still cleaning up a mess I hope never happens to me again. Plan to clean a bathroom, swatch and pot a few new watercolor paints, start a batch of yogurt, and go to bible study all in an effort to clear my mind and regain a modicum of peace. Tomorrow its off to replace my drivers license and whatever-

Have a delightfully pleasant and peaceful day

Liz WantsHealthForAll
on 5/2/24 1:31 pm - Cape Cod, MA
VSG on 03/28/16

That's stressful! I hope you find your wallet one way or another but that won't give you back the time you spent trying to avoid potential repercussions.

on 5/2/24 11:16 am

Retired dingbat moment. I would have sworn it was Friday. It's not. Our training is tomorrow! But we went. Argh.

Liz WantsHealthForAll
on 5/2/24 1:33 pm - Cape Cod, MA
VSG on 03/28/16

If an appointment isn't on my iPhone calendar it doesn't exist. I have to check it daily. DH has become just as dependent though he used to use a paper calendar before we met. Now we share one so we don't miss anything.

diane S.
on 5/2/24 1:57 pm

Greetings all

It was actually raining a bit this morning which makes for a slow sleepy day. My plan is to wash my hair and then pretty much everything else in the house. Also need to call a lawn service as the back yard looks like a pasture. Fortunately DH brought home a turkey wrap which will serve for dinner.

Yikes Bonnie on the missing wallet! What a mess. When I traveled someone told me to make photo copies of credit cards and passport so those were available if billfold was stolen. Wishing you the best to fixing all that stuff. I once reported a credit card lost only to discover it had fallen into a hole in the lining of my purse.

CC I love those little blooming cacti. Love how those humble little *****ly plants produce a fabulous bloom. Cactus plants are so sculptural. Even been to the big cactus garden in Phoenix? Some kind of park that has huge ones. Ditto the Huntington in Pasadena.

Yep Liz, back seat cars are for the very young. I remember my law school chum who had an old VW bug and we were always crawling in and out of the back seat. There were always a few old french fries back there as she had a stick shift and would drive while eating McDonald's. I used to have sporty car with essentially no back seat. Those days are over. Our new Nissan SUV has a very roomy back seat though we got it for dog purposes. So long ago our family took road trips in our Dad's Oldsmobile and me and little brother ruled the enormous back seat. So yeah I guess us older people need to be careful where we sit down and consider the logistics of getting back up! Like sitting on the floor......

Avocado toast for lunch today. Pretty filling. Should hold me until dinner.

Well, time to face the laundry. Cheers.

Diane S

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on 5/2/24 5:58 pm

The Desert Botanical Gardens in Phoenix is on my list! The Huntington Library's gardens were amazing.
