sip. burp. sip. rub chest, burp.

Jan 31, 2011

That is what this past week has been all about.  I can't drink the damned protein drinks.  Every single one of the things either makes me puke, or gives me the worst case of the runs ever.  My body does not like artificial anything.

So I gave it up, and am concentrating on my mushie/pureed diet and as much water as I can get in (still not enough).

Today I had a soft boiled egg for breakfast; 2 Tablespoons of hummus for lunch with 1/2 oz melted cheese for lunch.  Dinner was one Table spoon of almond butter licked off of a spoon for a half hour.  Snack was 2 ounces of vanilla pudding.

Today wasn't the best of days.  One of my morning meds felt "stuck" after I took it, and it just hasn't felt right all day.  And it was a really small pill too.  Oh well....

My pain in my side is still there gangbusters.  Hurts to sit down on the potty. Hurts to do anything.  But today I vacuumed downstairs.  Plugged in the vac anywhere that was high, so not to have to bend down, and vacuumed well.  Figured it  was good for the house, and good exercise for me.  Still very dependent on pain meds to be able to do anything. 

Still definitely in recovery mode.  Only going up and down the stairs once a day -- I stay upstairs in the morning until I'm showered and dressed and have had about 8oz of water down me.  Then I head downstairs s-l-o-w-l-y and stay there all day and evening.  If I nap, it's on the sofa.  Then head up to bed for the night.  DD carrys my glass of water for me to my room, and I bring a small bottle of water in my pocket for the am. 

I consider each day progress that I manage to do just one more thing; sit up just a bit longer...

