Just an update....where I am , and where I am not...

Jun 04, 2011

Well, I did quit my job.  My well paying, highly benefitted job.  But the stress, the anxiety, the constant crap is over.  Everyone said it would be impossible to find a job, even being  a professional with an advanced degree.  WRONG.  I started working exactly one month to the day that I left.   Not well paying, No benefits, but a job -- making almost 4 times what I would be making topping out on unemployment; and I have more breathing space to look for something bigger and better with a benefit package. 

I've been stalled out for a week on any weight loss, inspite of the fact that I finally made it to curves three times this week !  It's on my newest set of goals --- get into Curves 3 times a week.  difficult with having to travel IN THE OPPOSITE DIRECTION for work now, but I really need to get in there, and work it out.  I feel better when I do, and THIS is the YEAR OF ME !!!!  So, I"m giving it my all to try to get in there.  Didn't make it today, but I did do something more important --- I slept well, and slept late for the first time in about a week. 

I don't lose weight if I'm not sleeping enough.  I know that.  I've known it for years.  I actually gain weight when I'm not sleeping well.  I'm not a great sleeper anyway, so sleeping a whopping 9 hours (yes, 9 !!!) was unreal.  And I woke up really refreshed, and feeling well.  Which is a really great way to wake up.  And the scale finally moved after a week of stand still.  Not a huge loss, but almost a pound down, and that is a pound less than yesterday (or last week even !). 

I'm still applying for jobs, reading the internet job sites for social work jobs and counseling jobs where ever they pop up, and now working -- but putting mileage on the car, and on the ever shrinking budget.....but feeling pretty darned good even with the stressors. 

Went in to have a nurse visit, to get my weight put in my chart, and my blood pressure was DOWN, weight was 219 (evening weight, with clothes and flipflops on)  My last charted weight they had was 278 in January !  So this was a needed update.  Must remember to go in from time to time and get them to take a weight to update my bmi and chart information. 

