healthydee2b posted a discussion topic 11 years, 11 months ago
HELP! Need feedback about 5 day pouch test - i'm so unhappy.  at 16 months i was down to 125# and only 5# away from goal.  never made. it.  april 13th i had a kidney stone and gained 5# from the IV fluids.  since then, i've g...

healthydee2b wrote a blog post 12 years, 4 months ago
1 yr, 2.5 wks! 7# to goal!! - wow!  what a year it's been.  i was off for 2.5 weeks during the Christmas holiday and came back to soooo many comments/compliments.  size 4 pants help a lot!  so does now wear...

healthydee2b wrote a blog post 12 years, 5 months ago
50 weeks! only 9# to goal!!! - i'm so close to my goal that it's almost painful at times.  but, to be very truthful, i'm not sure i will want to be at goal once i get there.  i'm thin!  i mean, i'm really th...

healthydee2b wrote a blog post 12 years, 7 months ago
44 wks! 11# to goal!! - well, it's been 44 long/short weeks since surgery.  i'm wearing size 6 that are now loose... and have actually purchased a size 4 pants!!  not kidding.  and definitely in a medium ...

healthydee2b wrote a blog post 12 years, 10 months ago
31 wks & 16# to goal! - slow going... but, i'm still losing! in between a size 6 and size 8 jeans.  8's too loose and not comfy by the end of the day... 6's too tight in the beginning of the day fo...

healthydee2b wrote a blog post 12 years, 11 months ago
28 weeks & 17# to go!!! and NORMAL labs!! - so hard to believe!  i've "only" 17# to go for my goal!  once the stall broke, i've lost 3# total in 3 weeks!  whew!  i can be honest and say i've learned a lesson.  i think th...

healthydee2b wrote a blog post 12 years, 11 months ago
S K I N N Y!! that's what they called me today! - omg!  not sure what i've done differently today but no less than a dozen peeps have called me 'skinny' or 'thin' today!  i'm floating on clouds i forgot were there.  i actually saw...

healthydee2b posted a discussion topic 12 years, 11 months ago
S K I N N Y!!!! that's what they called me today! - omg!  not sure what i've done differently today but no less than a dozen peeps have called me 'skinny' or 'thin' today!  i'm floating on clouds i forgot were there.  i actually saw...

healthydee2b wrote a blog post 12 years, 11 months ago
27 wks, 50#, and i'm finally a loser again! - 10# pre-op with 40# post op.  daily getting nsv's from peeps at work, AND, even have been 'flirted' (gasp! bigger news is that i actually recognized it as flirting) with.  it's...

healthydee2b posted a discussion topic 12 years, 11 months ago
27 wks, 50#, and think i'm finally a loser again! - 10# pre-op with 40# post op.  daily getting nsv's from peeps at work, AND, even have been 'flirted' (gasp! bigger news is that i actually recognized it as flirting) with.  it's an ...

healthydee2b posted a discussion topic 12 years, 11 months ago
good news vs bad news... half empty or half full? - well, i'm kinda on the fence of still being excited and depressed over this stall.  yesterday was 6 months surgiversary.  i've lost 'almost' 50# since the first of december; 40# po...

healthydee2b wrote a blog post 12 years, 11 months ago
6 months! - bmi still the same.  i've finally stalled for real.  in the past month i've gained and lost the same 2#.  ugh, not sure if i'll break this stall or not.  i'm in size 8 pants, a...

healthydee2b wrote a blog post 13 years ago
@ 22 weeks! - well, i'm still going down and melting away!!  melting, melting, melting.  for the first time, i'm starting to feel smaller.  i don't feel "thin" by any stretch, the huge hango...

healthydee2b posted a discussion topic 13 years ago
NSV for me! - i'm in single digits on pants sizes now!!  the 10's are just a bit too baggy in the boo-tay area, especially by the end of the day.  i've lost my butt, wishing it'd been my hips an...

healthydee2b wrote a blog post 13 years ago
@ 21 weeks + 2 days... - wow!!  i've lost 46# total, 36# since surgery.  slowly, but steadily, i've lost.  i now have 22# to goal!  in single digits on my pants sizes now and medium tops.  thrilled doe...

healthydee2b wrote a blog post 13 years, 1 month ago
@ 17 weeks + 2 days... - i can't believe it's been a month already since i've posted.  i've been so very busy.  i'm now 25# from my personal goal and have lost 43 since surgery in 17 weeks!  i'm gettin...

healthydee2b posted a discussion topic 13 years, 2 months ago
new shoes!!! - i had to get new shoes!  my feet have 'shrunk' a size.  i am so very excited about new shoes since i'm a shoe hound and since i can now wear cute heels and pumps more comfortably ....

healthydee2b posted a discussion topic 13 years, 2 months ago
i'm overweight!!! - 13 weeks + 3 days post op and i am now overweight!  my bmi moved from the obese category this morning!  i can't stop doing the happy dance, just can't stop!  feeling better every d...

healthydee2b wrote a blog post 13 years, 2 months ago
@ 13 weeks + 3 days.... - with revised bmi goal now of 22.2: happy dance!!!

healthydee2b wrote a blog post 13 years, 2 months ago
overweight!! @ 13 weeks! - it's happened!  it really really happened!  i'm overweight! To find your BMI, fill out the form below: Measurement system: ...

healthydee2b wrote a blog post 13 years, 2 months ago
12 weeks and 0.4 to go to be overweight! - so hard to believe that it's been only 12 weeks!  in 12 weeks since surgery i've lost 27#.  i need new shoes, new bras, and am wearing new clothes!  i've lost from size 14+ pants (...

healthydee2b wrote a blog post 13 years, 2 months ago
omg!!! 0.7 to go to be 'only' overweight!!! - i may need to revise my bmi goal.  i just figured out that my first goal of bmi 20.0 will place me at 100#!!!  yeah, i don't think so.  not at 50 years old, even if i am only 4...

healthydee2b wrote a blog post 13 years, 3 months ago
10 weeks today!! - i officially have ONLY 1.1 to go on my BMI until i will be ONLY "overweight"!  oh my gosh.  i am so elated.  i've been freed from my surgeon to eat "whatever" i can tolerate.  ...

healthydee2b wrote a blog post 13 years, 3 months ago
8 & 1/2 weeks out!! - saw my primary last week and had labs drawn for the first time since surgery.  HgA1C NORMAL!!  liver enzymes NORMAL!! all other labs NORMAL with the exception of cholestero...

healthydee2b wrote a blog post 13 years, 3 months ago
6 weeks, 1 day! - yesterday was 6 weeks that have swoooshed by so very fast!  so much life has changed since.  i've had to re-learn how to swallow.  both drink (i used to guzzle water in big big...
About Me
Surgery Date
Oct 02, 2010
Member Since

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Latest Blog 27
