This time with help

Jan 11, 2015

I posted my story in a few groups and had excellent responses.  A lot of ppl giving suggestions and only one who was rude with me. Considering everything and everyone that has written back I would say that's really good. I found a my fit pal that's in the same boat as me, she's going to start today with me getting back on track. We can do this Iknow we can. In about 45 min I'm going to drink my first protein shake for the day. I'm not counting calories but I still have pretty good restriction So i'm just cutting out all but one snack a day and the one snack will be a protein shake. This should keep my calories low enough. If I could just start loosing again after a year of nothing lost that would be awesome. I'm so anxious even considering making any kinds of goals So right now my first goal is 2 lbs by the end of January. WIsh me luck.


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Dec 01, 2014
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