Paradise & kicking the can

May 30, 2015

Arrived yesterday in Puerto Vallarta. Today we went to Yelapa, a tiny village on the coast you have to take a boat to get to. We then hiked through the village and partially into the jungle to see a waterfall, then we spent the rest of the day lay on the beach being waited on by a very eager attendant. Yes, this isn't a bad a way to live. Towards the end of my relaxing day I was checking the time on my mobile and forcing myself not to play candy crush, and I saw a text come through from someone who is probably the most stressful person in my life. The person who can send me from 1-10000 in ten seconds. I've been keeping my distance due to them being such a food trigger and emotional can of worms. So, I decided to turn off my phone until the surgery and immediate recovery is over. This is a healthy choice, mentally and physically. This is a choice that supports my changes for a better life. When I feel mentally equipped to be able to handle the emotional whirl storm that comes with opening her brand of can, I will. But for now, I want to walk into all this in peace.

