Someone get the number of the truck that just ran over me?

Jun 04, 2015

This is my experience which hasnt turned out as I thought.

Three days ago I went into the hospital to have surgery. I was having panic attacks about it and crying on my way in. Sounds childish but this is the real deal, all jokes aside. I was wheeled into the operating room and stretched out, arms secured down. Next thing I remember is waking up in god awful pain, yelling. On top of the pain I had hiccups and remember grabbing the doctor and saying you're not listening to me, why do I have hiccups? The gas pain, the abdominal pain, so so bad. My husband told me that the surgery took over 3 hours when it was only supposed to be an hour, maybe + 20. Apparently when they opened me my entire abdominal cavity was filled with scar tissue coming from the intestines. He said it took hours to cut out all that tissue and he had to make 7 incisions instead of the 4 he anticipated. He said it was like 2 surgeries in one so the recovery would be difficult. What I struggled and hated the most was the nausea. I sat up and threw up blood and bile, yelling and grabbing my stomach. I was terrified that I was going to rip everything open. This happened several times. I begged for meds which they gave me. Later they took me for the leak test and I swallowed my first liquid. I remember the doctor doing the test said it was perfect. No leaks and they wanted me to move onto drinking and ice chips. The gas was/ is brutal. Bad pain and he wanted me to keep getting up and move. It was rough, I did get up, went to the bathroom and a few times made a few rounds the nurse station. When I finally got ice chips and lime ice cream in me I felt worlds better. Each day it got better, as the doc said it would. Today I was worried about being discharged, about being ok. He keeps assuring me that medically everything is good and as it should be but he's worried about me emotionally. Not to get too sad and depressed. I finally agreed to go to the hotel and he was right, I do feel better now that I'm here. I took a short walk on the grounds but also walk on my own to and from the bathroom. The gas has eased up, the abdomin is very very sore and the hospital bed dug into my butt bones to the point it's actually painful to sit down and my butt is still partially numb. The pain meds help, they don't take it all away but it's tolerable. The doc told me to try and focus on the positive, think of the better health and also how I will look in pictures. Truthfully right now I don't care about being skinny, I want to feel better. 

Do I regret having the surgery in Mexico with his doctor? Absolutely not. There is no way to diagnose abdominal scar tissue, I've never had surgery before so had no idea it was there. He said he took out 90% of it so he could do the vertical sleeve. I do believe that he has been professional, caring, kind and did what he thought was right. I don't fault him. The hospital staff were all helpful and attentive.


what do I regret? 

Not being able to loose weight and keep it off on my own.

having abdominal scar tissue

having such a bad reaction to the surgery and the pain.


everybody reacts differently to surgery. I've met those who had no complications and were out walk g the streets within the next day. I wasn't one of those. But I made it through the surgery and hope the worse is over.

Again, I would recommend my doctor and the hospital.

