Ah the possibilities

Jun 26, 2015


Cant' remember my last post but can't be bothered to go back and re-read. Ohhh so lazy..


Finally in the last 4 days my ceroma has healed and I have a nice scab on my big incision. I think there is still a tiny tiny bit of drainage happening but not enough to keep the scab from forming hard. Yuck, I've never been so excited about a scab, lol.


In other news I'm pretty excited about my current stats after seeing loads of people posting about how they lost 25lbs in one week (why not me?!) and their fast and big weight loss. I had to stop weighing myself every day because I was freaking out over the scale moving so slowly. So I decided to go a Monday/Thursday weigh in. It's really helped my anxiety on my weight loss and thankfully it allows me to see the numbers move. I'm a slow looser. Usually about .5 - 1lb a day.

So my stats:


POW( did this for 3-4 weeks): 272


CW: 250 

So 20lbs in just shy of 3 weeks. I choose to be happy about this. I know others have lost far more but given my pcos and issues, Im ok with 20lbs.

A grand total of 35lbs lost in just under 2 months.

Ok, so that doesn't sound so impressive either. But Im so tickled to be sitting on 250. My birthday is at the end of July and I'm excited to see if by then I can be down to 240 or even (fingers crossed) in the high 230's. 

So my weight loss goals which I have no idea if they are realistic or not:

June - 285 -> 245

July 245 -> 235/230

August - 235/230 -> 225/220

September 220 -> 210/205

October 205 -> Wonderland!!


Keeping in mind about my 1/2 - alb a day loss, I could potentially loose more or I could stall and derail everything. Im choosing to remain positive.

