Non surgery victory...

Jul 09, 2015

My pre op highest weight was 285.

I remember thinking omg, I am literally physically dying. On the pre op diet which I eased myself into, and before surgery I was 271. But there was a week in there which I had some good food and no scale. 

Anyway, today I'm 246.

5 weeks, 3 days out and having my first period. I've experienced a one week and a half stall sitting on 250 and so very slowly have started loosing again. I'm curious to see how much of this is water weight for the period (I'm talking just a few lbs). 

So month 1 - 21lbs

My goal is by my birthday which is July 27th, to be in the 230's, I think that is doable. Ok, I hope that is doable.

And if in 5 weeks time I am able to loose enough to get into the 220's I will have made one massive achievement. And if not, I will try and not be disappointed and just be grateful for my life and where I am.


Ok I've digressed...the today feeling particularly crappy because I started my period and have debilitating cramps I decided to try on a shirt and see how it fit. It fit good! It fit right! So that started a tsunami of clothes that I dearly love and haven't worn because of my weight in years. And they all fit!! Ok, I did pull out a size 18 and started to try it on and the dressed chuckled and said not so fast missy..

But oh my old beautiful clothes fit. So today I'm grateful. 


