Time's Tickin' Away!

Nov 02, 2011

Just 5 more days until my RNY! I'm excited, and I know my buddies out there are too who are having theirs done the same day(or a day close to mine). I'm doing ok on my liquids. My weight has dropped a few pounds this week. I've also been able to hit the gym regularly this week. Last week was a nightmare, and I just couldn't get there like I wanted to. But this week is proving to be better. I have a lot of energy, so I've spent the morning putting away Halloween decorations and cleaning and doing laundry. The weather is nice so I'm heading outside to pick up some leaves. Lots to do and not a lot of time to do it. Thats how I like it. It keeps my mind off of the surgery and keeps my nerves in check.

My husband had his 2 week follow up with the doc yesterday from his VSG. Everything is looking good for him. I think he was a little shocked by the "soft diet" he is now supposed to follow. It requires a little thought, but when you look at the sample menus it's not too complicated. He's not allowed any more soups right now, and I think after two weeks of practically nothing but soups and protien shakes, that would be fine with me. But it's pretty limited. 30 cc's of Egg Beaters, the same amount of cottage cheese or plain yogurt, more protien shakes and LOTS of water. Problem is, he hates cottage cheese and yogurt. He can also have peaches, but only 2 tablespoons. They also want him to cut back on juices, unless he's adding a little to his water. In a couple of weeks he can move up to soft meats and a little more fruits and fibers. I remember hearing about this during our nutrition class way back last winter when they described all the stages of the diet we'd be following. So I knew what was coming. My husband however, had the idea that "soft foods" were things like mac and cheese, chili and meatloaf and mashed potatoes! Last week he told me "when I get off liquids I want you to make a meatloaf and mashed potatoes." Boy did they burst his bubble! He and I differ as far as our tastes go. If I'm hungry, I can tolerate just about anything. He is getting tired of the protein. Another issue for him is he is not exercising at all. He sits in the chair and watches tv and dwells on the fact that he can't have the foods he likes. I made the mistake of taking him grocery shopping with me the other day to get the house stocked with foods for my teenage sons who still have to eat even though we are not. He picked up two cans of that wretched Dinty Moore beef stew (to me it looks and smells like dog food) and puts them in the cart. "I can eat this on a soft diet," he says to me. I picked up the can and showed him the fat and sodium content in a serving of that slop, and he just wouldn't hear of how bad it was for him. He will be able to eat it eventually, so he wanted it onhand for when that day comes. I just kept my mouth shut. Whatever. I guess part of me thinks I should keep on him until he changes his way of thinking about the foods he eats. But on the other hand, he's a grown man, he see's the same nutritionist that I do, he is just as educated as I am on this stuff. I am not a babysitter. I thought the whole idea of doing the surgery was to re-tool yourself to make the changes in order to get yourself healthy up to and including changing the way you eat, even after you've been given the "all clear" to eat whatever you want again. I realize this is a process. A "divorce" from food so to speak, at least the wrong kinds of foods. So like any separation, it takes time to get used to. But I just don't know about him. I'm not sure he is ever going to conform the way I will. I guess it remains to be seen. He goes back to the doctor in December. Right now, I'm focusing on getting myself ready for Monday, and my house and family in order. The rest will have to take care of itself.

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Barberton, OH
Surgery Date
Oct 05, 2011
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