Face from the past? hmm

Feb 20, 2011

I went to church today and people are telling me that I'm starting to look thin in my face. I also am looking like my younger pics.. very very interesting. I'm not feeling any different. I feel like me. Just me. Well I'm tired today all this past week for some reason. I really need to get the rest I need in and do HOMEWORk. Homework is such a bad word in my head right now. I have no idea what I was thinking when I signed up for this session of classes; its totally interfering with my workout time and my social life. I really wish I had thought it through but now I am stuck trying to prioritize all of it in. Its so hard sometimes to maintain the family, house, education and health when there is hardly any time in my day. So I will muster through the homework and make the most of it.

So far my progress has gone well. I'm down 82 lbs from my original weight of 371. I'm feeling good about that. My clothes are fitting fine. My cheeks are getting smaller in size, both sets of them. Which maked my tushie ache when I sit for long periods of time. Im able to fit in theater seats from the "old" theaters. My next NSV will be going to Disneyland with my girlies. I'm so excited to do that. My debate is when I should go, maybe it should be in the summer or should it be this spring break? (next month) part of me wants to wait til summer so that I can be an even smaller version of me.
I'll have to let you know later on my decision.

