Learning painful lessons of "Dumping"

Oct 29, 2010

  I am learning many lessons on eating foods with starch, sugar, carbs, etc.  When I was diagnosed with diabetes a year ago I had to learn a new way to eat.   I try to eat that way now and I get thrown into a hypoglycemic or "dumping" episode.  My heart rate goes sky high... my blood sugar soars...and it is like an On/Off switch...I am down for the count for about an hour.

  At last night 's GSH WLS meeting the long-time success Gastric Bypass people explained this process and that I need rethink completely how I eat.  Before I could have alittle sugar and carbs, but now I should try my best to stay completely away from them... cuz once the sugar gets in my system my body doesn't know how to regulate the sugar anymore and it goes into a harsh hypoglycemic state.  Bummer... I like (no love) sugar and carbs!    What I haven't learned is what do I do when it happens?  Do I just put up with the pain? and sleep? or is there a way to counter act the process?  I am still trying to find answers to this question.  

I also, learned my multivitamins with both calcium and iron cancel out each other so I am not getting my Calcium or my iron... I need to rethink all this and get new vitamins (again).  


About Me
Diamond Springs, CA
Surgery Date
Apr 03, 2010
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Before & After
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August 2010 - 4 weeks before RuNy
7 yrs after surgery My wt has gone up and down but settling around here

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