4 Month Lab Results

Feb 18, 2011

Yippee!  My results were great!  Woo Hoo!  I am down 80 lbs and all my results were right where they were supposed to be...except....... my B12... I remember during my preop research that everyone kept talking about having low B12 levels and even had to get B12 shots... so I was being safe and taking a B12 a day... well, I kinda over did it.  The normal levels are below 900 and I have 1999.  Opps! I forgot to follow Dr. Zare's recommendations of one B12 sub-lingual once a week.  See, I kinda over did it.  My bad!  

Well, I have readjusted my thinking and medication tray.  He also said my Calcium and Vit D levels were really good, but my blood work showed my body was taking some Calcium from my hormones which is not the chosen way...so I need to increase my Calcium.  No problem.  My Mom has Osteoporosis and I already have Osteopenia, so Calcium beware... I will start gobbling you up.  

I was VERY please with my blood work results and I am soooooooooooooooooo still happy I had my surgery.  I am feeling great.

I hope and pray anyone reading this can say they are feeling great and happy. 




About Me
Diamond Springs, CA
Surgery Date
Apr 03, 2010
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
August 2010 - 4 weeks before RuNy
7 yrs after surgery My wt has gone up and down but settling around here

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