And so it begins

Aug 09, 2010

Today I had my orientation session at St. Joe's
I am so glad to finally have everything laid out for me, I have been thinking about this for a while now.  Riding this merry-go-round of dieting.  Its funny when I discuss this topic with my friends and family they all ask me the same question, "Have you tried everything else?"  Easy for others to ask when they haven't been on this ride for the past 18+ years with me.  Gosh and in those 18 years you know what has changed? My weight, in all my trying and trying and trying to loose I have gained the weight of almost a second person.  When is enough enough??

Is it wrong of me to be excited about the prospects of my new up coming life??

Gosh this sounds so negative, I do have a lot of support.  Just that question has been asked of me one too many times.  Like I have to justify my choice, or like I haven't worked hard enough or long enough.  Well I'm excited to say I give, I can't do it alone so I'm getting much needed help.  The thought that a year from now I could actually shop in a regular sized store.  Not to have to run to the back of Reitman's ashamed of my size.  Cuz god knows I'm ashamed enough!!

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