Who would have thought??

Feb 24, 2011

I never in my wildess dreams would have EVER thought I would look forward to going to the gym.  Now I get that I am still in the honeymoon faze, but honestly I wake up in the morning looking forward to going and when I'm there it doesn't feel like a chore.  When I leave I feel so good about myself, I know that I am doing this for me and me only.  That some time soon I can look back and say damn, I did really good for me and my kids.  I can see oneunderland in my sights so close I can't wait to report that I am there.  I finally stopped say to myself in my head, why the heck did I do this.  The pain at night has finally almost all subsided, thank god!!  I made for a really hard time sleeping when everytime I rolled I felt like I was being stabbed in either side or both.  Not fun, but only had minimal pain lastnight.  So I finally feel like I am getting there for real.  I kept telling myself that, but now I truly feel it.  I plan to just keep myself at a steady pace and see where I go.  I and I have to mention that I noticed yesterday that my thighs don't rub together like they used to!!  What a thrill that was, god that will be nice this summer not to have my thunder thighs on fire.  Can't believe it, can't even remember when I didn't have to worry about that!!  Yay!!

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