Joined a gym yesterday!!

Feb 24, 2011

So I finally joined the local gym yesterday afternoon, and went back for a workout last night.  Honestly I didn't quite know how it would go my first time, but I was pleasantly surprised.  I did 45 minutes on the treadmill, burning 200 calories and walking 2.5 miles, all done at a quicker pasce than I usually walk and on an incline.  I was red faced and sweating up a storm!  I also did 15 minutes on the bike, getting my heart rate up to the desired 150 and keeping it there until my legs were jello!!  And boy were they when I got off and got ready to go home.  I feel really proud of myself, and can't wait to go back today.  More so I am looking forward to going and trying the aqua fit class on Monday morning, should be really good.
Now if I can get my protein shakes to go down better, but I have just come to realize I have to take half a gravol just before I have a shake or else I feel really ill. 

Looking forward to my first outting tomorrow night, most haven't seen me yet, so that should be fun.  But not having much to wear is hard to get used to!!.  I think I have 4 pairs of pants and a couple of tops that aren't now dresses!!  I need to weed out my closet and dessers, which scares me because I know there won't be anything left.  I am putting off buying new things only on an as needed basis at this point.  But I know I will have to buy panties soon, what a weird feeling the other day when I noticed how ill fitting they now are, I had to laugh at the saggyness of them.  Just a reminder of how well things are going on that front.  Yay!!

