Wow wee!!

Mar 14, 2011

Gosh it's been a bumpy ride thus far.  I couldn't even begin to count the amount of times I have said to myself, why the heck!!  My 3 week stall this soon out didn't help much either.  However I am finally on the losers bench again!!  Hopefully with all my hard work at the gym I will continue to be on the bench.  I am only 6 lbs away from my first step in heaven!!  I can't wait to get on the scale and see it start with a 1, Not a 2!!  I am oh so close.  Now to keep on my protein shakes, which are killing me.  I hate chocolate and the premaid ones I found only came in chocolate.  I am off to cross the border this weekend and am going to see if I can find something better.  Not much choice around here.  I am terribley sore today but when I see the scale move I am oh so happy.  But granted I think I am more sore today because we went 10 pin bowling and then later to the gym as well yesterday, so I had a double workout.  It felt good to get out and do something fun and active.  Tonight off to water arobics and then I get my 1st month check in with the clinic in the morning.  I am actually excited to go.  I return to work in just 2 short weeks and the thought of weighing under 200 lbs by the time I return has me so excited!!

