Starting my journey!!

Aug 11, 2010

So I waited the required 2 days to call in to get my first appointment.  And I excitedly announce that I have recieved my appoinment.  I just know that before I know it Oct. 22 will be here.  Right now I am doing a count down til I leave for my vacation but as soon as that is over my new count down will be to my first appoinment!! Excitement is in the air!

Yesterday I went with my family to Long Point for a day on the beach, I have to say I couldn't count how many times I thought that next year will be different, next year I won't feel like this, I won't look like this.  Next year I will get that Wonderland season pass cuz I WILL be able to fit on all the rides!!  Next year I wont feel bad for my fiance for looking so odd next to me, cuz I "know" people must look at us and wonder what an athletic and decently good looking guy is doing with her?!?! Trust me I know some do think that but mostly its my own insecurities, but NEXT year I will be different inside and out.  That this is the first step to the rest of my livfe.  My new healthier life!!

