Riding thru this journey!!

Nov 02, 2010

I'm only in the very early stage of my journey towards the NEW and IMPROVED, soon to be me, but gosh the range of emotions already!  Most of my emotions are pure excitement and a new found positive out look toward the future, but  the negative is there as well.  The negative emotions only come when I have to defend my choice.  I really don't get it, some times its like people are threatened by my wanting to improve myself.  I get the few that are generally concerned that this is major surgery and there's always that what if factor.  But most don't seem to have that concern it seems, maybe I'm taking it wrong but I don't think so.  Its funny I heard about others having lost a large amount of weight loosing friends, that they seem to change towards you because of the change in your life, well I don't even have my surgery date yet and I have had the same problem.  Funny how some people can't handle change.  Well this girl is excited for the change.  I look forward to the days when I can run and play with my 3 beautiful kids for hours.  Days when other women look at my handsome husband and think  damn she's lucky instead of  what's he doing with her!!  These things haven't felt possible in really long time, but thankfully I see a light on the horizon. I completly realize there are dark moments and days ahead that this won't be a walk in the park.  But in those days I vow not to turn to food, instead I will turn to this website to help me thru.

