The waiting game!!!

Dec 27, 2010

With the craziness of Christmas behind me I now look forward to both the up coming new year as well as my surgery and the door opening to my new life!!  I have now had all of my appointments leading up to the BIG DAY, well just waiting for my pre-op appoinment, and that oh so wonderful call from Christa with the date of the big day!!   I wonder if she realizes how often she is thought of at this stage of the whole process, I don't know about anyone else but I find myself looking at the phone praying its Christa calling, lol.  Hasn't happened yet, but I can assure when it does I will be screaming from the roof tops!!  I am so excited to finally get in an operating room.  I get asked all the time if I'm scared to have this surgery, but gosh it some times has me wonder if I'm weird that I'm not in any way remotely worried, scared at all.  I even had one person who just lost close to 150 lbs tell me I should loose weight like she did.  I couldn't help but ask how she lost all the weight, and she proceed to tell me from stress!!  Yeah, that was helpful advice.  How many out there are stress eatters??? I would have to raise both hands, as I'm others would too!!  Funny but I saw the surgeon almost 2 weeks ago and my appoinment was under 10 minutes!!!  He asked my age, not health problems, a little reflux, then said ok that's all I need please sign these papers.  So if the surgeon isn't worried about how I'm going to do surgery wise why should I be??

So for now I sit and wait!!

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