Liquid Hell!!!

Jan 19, 2011

So I started the liquid diet a few days ago.  I have to say Optifast isn't as bad as I thought it would be, however making it at work hasn't turned out as easy as I first thought it would be.  My first idea was to bring a funnel to work and use it to get the Optifast in to a water bottle shake and enjoy, yeah didn't happen.  LOL!! I made a mess, so now I bring my magic bullet to work with me.  MUCH easier!!  I was doing really good not craving food too much, well while I was awake anyway.  I can say by day two I had the most vivid dream about eatting a pork chop, I almost thought I ate it!!  But that came to a crashing hault last evening at work someones dinner smelled so good I thought I was going to die!! LOL!!!  I normally work afternoons, and as such only have to make my family dinner twice a week, tonight is night number 1 since the start of my liquid diet.  But I will be strong, and when all else fails I will drink a big cup of broth as I find it has helped me get over the rough patches,  Thank God!!  Cuz at times I feel like I'm in a bit of hell.  I think for me the worse part is having to pee a number of times a night, when before this I would never get up in the middle of the night, I like my sleep too much!!  But I do remind myself that at least I know I am keeping myself well hydrated.  As earlier this month I had strep throat and tonsilitis and ended up in hospital extremly dehydrated, it was the worse feeling.  Never again.

