Over Coming Liquid Hell!! LOL!!

Jan 20, 2011

Well I have found that just staying as busy as possible is a deffinate plus in getting thru the liquid hell.  It hasn't been that bad today as I had shopping to do to pick up some more clear fluids.  I do thank God I really like jello that makes this a lot easier to take.  I have found that the days I don't work are harder to get through than the days I work, so until my surgery date I have 8 more shifts at work and only 2 more days off in the middle.  It also helps to make the time go fast.  I can't wait for the 31st, I am so excited to get into that operating room.  I went to St. Joes today to pick up my meds, and was excited to finally put a face to the voice on the phone for Christa.  But also couldn't help but smile when I saw a woman walking the halls, obviously newly post op.  You can't help but smile and think that too will be me, and very shortly.
This has been such a roller coaster ride of emotions in the last year since I started this process.  But really now that I think of it even before the initial paper work went in it took me months to decide whether to take the first step or not.  Its amazing if only people knew how long I really thought this whole process out.  I swear most people think that those of us who are doing this are taking the easy way out.  If only it was that easy.  Cuz really every step of this process has been anything but easy.  From the soul searching to even put the paper work in, right up until now dealing with the hunger when I smell something good to eat!!  But I am lucky to have friends and co-workers who have went thru this same process in recent years, I can look at how well it has worked out with them.  And see that as an inspiration.  And god knows that from time to time I need that inspiration to keep me going.  Like yesterday when I was dying to eat everything in sight!!  LOL!!

