Can't blieve the scale actually starts with a 1!!!

Apr 03, 2011

I was wondering if this day was ever going to get here, but it did!!  I am over the moon to actually have finally have reached this goal.  I have been wanting to get under 200 lbs for so long that it amazes me that I am finally here.  It feels so good, but now to set the next goal, this was the big one for me, next big one is my end goal of 150.  This is so amazing.  I should have know it would come soon, because I actually bought a pair of pants this week in a 14 and they fit.  I thought that down the road they would fit but because I bought them at Costco I had to wait until I got home to try them one.  So close to single digit clothing sizes.  Its at times odd cuz a year ago I was closing in on 300 lbs and now I don't have to be worried about that becoming a reality.  No more nightmares about waking up one day and needing a crane to get out of my house. 
I actually enjoy working out now, and I am looking forward to being able to run an play with my family this summer.  I'm on cloud 9 today!!

