I am getting back on track!!

Sep 11, 2009

So I have been working on getting myself back on track.  Been getting in at least one protein drink a day, trying out several different kinds to see which ones I like.  Cut back on my caffeine intake, increased my good fluids, working on an eating schedule that includes healthy snacks.  Still not great with my vitamins or exercise but I am getting there.  It is amazing how much better I feel with just the small changes.  I have lost 2 lbs and am very proud of myself.  I am working my tool!!!

Finally taking a chance to check in

Aug 12, 2009

Gosh I have been so busy I have neglected my blog big time.  We finally got to move in to our new home.  We have been here just a little over a month.  It is amazing and we are so much happier.  Now that things are a bit more settled and a lot is off my mind mentally I am determined to try and get back on track.  I weighed in the other morning and I am up to 172 lbs.  That is 20 lbs up from my lowest weight.  So I am going back to the basics.  I am working on my food choices, especially my snacking.  I am going to start adding in protein drinks again to help curb that.  I picked up some Desinger Whey this week.  I am dying to try it just haven't had a chance to yet.  Was going to tonight but we were out of milk.  Working on cutting out some of my caffiene intake.  Sor far that has worked well,  only having my two morning cups of coffee, no extra.  Increasing my water intake too.  That is hard for me cause I just don't really like water.  Been trying to get back into the crystal light and decaf tea.  Exercise is going to be another area this will be difficult for me.  I don't have a gym membership anymore and that is not in my budget at this point.  I will need to work on other exercise ideas.  I do know that having a house makes for a lot more daily movement and all but I need more actually exercise.  We shall see how that works out.  :) 

Finally got the house

Jul 01, 2009

We finally heard that we got the house.  We have been facing lots of delays with the closing due to finance paperwork issues.  First it was supposed to be June 19th, then the week after that, then the week after that.  We are finally scheduled for July 7th.  I am so excited.  We will have a chance to get in and clean up and paint a bit before we move over the weekend.  This is just going to be so wonderful!!!  :)


Still hanging in the air

May 26, 2009

Well the girls have gone home to their mothers although we are still trying to work with their emotional issues.  Still no house news although we expect something any day now.  I am not doing well about getting back on track and still smoking.  So many choices I have made that have not been right for my weight loss journey and I am disappointed in myself.  I know what I need to do but just can't seem to get myself motivated to do it.  My hubby and girlies have expressed wanting to eat better and exercise more.  Perhaps if we can all get into it then we will be able to work together on things and be a support to each other.  I am hoping to really get myself in gear but I am so afraid of setting myself up for more disappointment.  I think I am just going to have to bite the bullet and get it done. :)


Mar 29, 2009

Crazy update for me.  My stepdaughters have come to live with us.  The plan is for this to be temporary but who knows what will be the final out come.  We have been making it pretty well despite all the changes.  The biggest difficulty has been lack of sleep and alone time for me & my hubby.  The girls have a lot of emotional issues right now and we are working hard at being there for them and trying to help them work through it all.  The stess at home has been a bit higher.  I have managed to stay on track for the most part with getting myself back on track health wise.  The only thing that has been to difficult to tackle is my smoking.  I wish it was easier to put down but that isn't the case.  We are so hoping for house news.  If we could just get our new home it would make so many things so much easier.  Alas we just keep trying to be patient and wait for the moment.  :)

Working on getting back on track

Mar 14, 2009

So I have been working on it.  It hasn't been as dedicated as I want it to be but I am getting there.  Back at the gym working on my exercise.  Been doing pretty well with keeping up with that.  Working on cutting out the caffienated coffee and going back to getting in all my water.  Back to taking my vitamins, taking the Chantix so I can quit smoking and taking it all step by step.  I do need to work on my eating habits but that has not been going as well as I want either.  I am trying no to overwhelm myself with too much at one time.  I keep reminding myself that I am human and making mistakes are normal.  No reason to get down on myself.  :)

A long over due update

Feb 27, 2009

Wow, I didn't realize it has been so long since I have update my profile.  So far this year has been going pretty well.  There has been some stress and I have fallen off track a bit and gained some weight.  I really need to get back on track and get these extra pounds off.  I am aiming to make a strong effort beginning tomorrow.  I tried to quit smoking with the help of Chantix.  It worked really well and I went a week smoke free but then stopped my medicine & caved in to stress.  Another area I will start tackling again tomorrow.  We have been house hunting & it looks like we may have finally found something that will work great for us.  Hopefully we will have the answer in the next week or so.  What a wonderful thing that will be for my family.  Wish me success.  :)

2009 - a New Year!

Jan 04, 2009

So 2008 was a pretty great year!  It did have it's ups & downs but what doesn't.  So many things that happened amaze me.  Of course I am blessed with a wonderful husband, 2 beautiful stepdaughters and great family & friends.  I couldn't survive without them.  With some of the things that were a struggle through the year, keeping up with myself was one of them.  I have personally worked through battling depression and figure out how to cope, battling stress & figuring out how to cope, and some other things.  In the process I managed to let the things that are important to my WLS life slide.  I have gained approximately 10 lbs, I struggle with my commitment to the gym and I have had a hard time keeping up with my vitamin regimen.  I have been analyzing all of this over the last few weeks and after talking with my surgeon's office and some important people in my life I have come up with a plan to get myself back on track.  I don't really want to say I set "resolutions" for the new year as I feel that may be setting myself up for failure but I have set some goals of things to work on and putting some plans into place to accomplish them.

1. Vitamins & water - I had been focusing on the major things but did let some minor things slide.  For now I will just keep making the effort to get it back into my daily routine and habit.  I was honest with my surgeon and luckily have not but myself at a danger point.

2. Exercise - I have been sporadic with this, a lot of it due to changes in my life and demands on my time.  I have decided that the best way for me to accomplish fitting this back into my routine is to make it a morning thing.  My hubby is also working on his own health goals, exercising being one of them so we have decided to work out together and support each other.  I will have to cancel my current gym membership since it is a ladies only gym but we have found a place to go together that actually won't cost us anything monthly so this will work great for us.

3. Smoking - yes I am a smoker, was before surgery & started back up just 2 months after surgery.  This is another area I would like to work on.  I have been trying off & on over the last few months to do it myself but just can't seem to do it.  Hubby is a smoker also and that is part of what makes it harder for me.  I do use it as my stress crutch.  So I am currently looking into the Chantix and will be researching it & talking to my surgeon & pcp about it.

4. Eating - I don't do horribly in this department but am bad about sweets & snacking.  Also not a morning person and am bad about not eating for 3-4 hours after getting up.  I am looking into protein options for my mornings, going to work  on healthy snacks & such.  Will also be making better meal choices.  Hubby is also wanting to work on eating better so this will be a family event to improve our meals & snack issues.

All I can do is take it one step at a time, work on my goals and be happy knowing that I am giving it my best shot.  :)

Christmas Eve

Dec 23, 2008

Wow it is so hard to believe that it is Christmas already.  Things have been so crazy busy in my life.  I have been battling my depression, a small weight gain and just life in general.  Work is crazy, home is crazy, some days it is just too much for me.  I am surviving but it is taking a lot of work.  I have made some adjustments to things or will be making them in order to get myself back on track.  I have been implementing some of them but need to get more dedicated.  Will be working on that after the holidays.  We are looking to buy a house.  It is kind of scary.  We put in an offer on a beautiful house in Faquier county not to far from where the girlies live.  It is a short sale so basically we are just waiting for the bank approval.  We are working on getting a renter for my condo.  It sucks that it didn't sell but at the same time things happen for a reason.  My girlies are having some issues at their mom's house.  It is making things really tough.  We are trying so hard to be there for them, help them deal with everything in their heads & get through it all.  Some days they just hurt so bad and it kills us because there is only so much we can do.

Looking forward to the holidays and some relax time.  Today we start with visits to family & friends, more tomorrow.  Not too much going on in the next couple of weeks.  We are definitely looking forward to the down time.  Merry Christmas!  Hope everyone has a safe & happy holiday!!!

Busy Thanksgiving Week!!!

Nov 28, 2008

Wow what a week I have had.  I worked on Monday but took the rest of the week off.  Tuesday I had my labs done & my 3 year appointment.  Things looked good.  Although I have gained about 7 lbs, they weren't concerned as my weight & bmi are at good levels.  I confessed my issues with depression & staying on top of getting my vitamins in.  She will look at my labs when they come in and make sure everything is okay.  She stressed the importance of getting back on track.  Wednesday I headed over to the optometrist for an eye appointment.  Asked questions about laser vision surgery & got a cute new pair of glasses.  Then we headed out to my daddy's to spend the night & watch the Thanksgiving parade.  After the parade we headed over to hubbys sisters for dinner.  We really enjoyed ourselves.  So hubby's neice came home with us so that she good Black Friday with me.  We headed over to the outlet mall at midnight.  Spent a few hours there, dropped her off so she could sleep for a few hours as she had plans for the day, I headed over to Kohls, then home for a nap myself, got back up, got the hubby up and then it was off to the mall.  We had so much fun but boy was I worn out.

Tomorrow is my 3 year surgiversary.  I am so thankful for all the changes and wonderful things that this surgery has given me.  :)

About Me
Remington, VA
Surgery Date
Oct 23, 2005
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Friends 85

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