I'm under 300...still adjusting...

Oct 08, 2008

I visited my nutritionist yesterday. I'm doing OK per her instructions. She said that the concerns I have are very normal and that in spite of my issues, I am progressing well. I'm still trying to have faith in the process...I think all the focus on the food and weight are starting to drive me crazy. I don't do well with anything if it's spotlighted for too long. I keep having the feeling that I just want to be "normal". I know intellectually that I didn't get here because I was normal. Right now I think I'm just getting stir-crazy.

I was weighed and I was under 300 for the first time in probably 5 years! I thought I would be overwhelmed, but I still feel disconnected. The weight loss doesn't feel real. I don't want to self-sabotage. I think I need to really start connecting with the local support group and return to the counselor.

Physically, I'm getting closer to full recovery. The steri-stitches are starting to come off. I can bend over without pain. I'm so glad to feel better. Now if the fatigue would leave! I said it before...I never realized how impatient I am!!! I want...I want...I want...ugh.  

The ups and downs...

Oct 03, 2008

OK - I don't want to say I spoke too soon in my last post. I understand that each step, each day, is an adjustment...but I'm back to slowing down on my excitement. I've had dumping and no, it's not fun. I have been adjusting to the next stage of the diet and I thought I was doing well. I don't know if I ate too quickly or if it was a sensitivity to one of the foods. I am slowing down on the purees and adding a little more liquid to see if it helps. I see the nutritionist on Tuesday and I plan on discussing this with her.

The thing I did notice is the vast improvement in my abdomen. I think the combination of protein, rest, and walking are helping the muscles heal. I can sit up and down now without the feeling that my guts are going to spill out. The pain is much less.

So - I'm trying to stay optimistic. I'm just frustrated about how long the process is. I am impatient!!! I'm trying to slow down again...ugh.

2 Weeks gone...thank ***!!!

Oct 01, 2008

I just came back from my appointment with my surgeon. Everything seems to be healing well. I have a rash under the steri-stitches which is super itchy, but I can live with that. The good news is I'm on to stage 4 of the diet plan!!!!!! Yeah!!! I personally have had a hard time with the protein powders, even the "flavor-free" one. Just the smell has made me sick. I wasn't getting the recommended 50-60 grams of protein (actually only 20-25 per day) so I am hoping this will be a vast improvement. I just had scrambled eggs and they were the best I've ever had!!

I'm not going back to work yet. He said if I feel better within the next 2 weeks I can get the OK to go back, otherwise we'll review my progress in 2 weeks. I'm still very fatigued and my abdomen still hurts if I'm standing or sitting up straight. I'm nervous about how they will react at work, but pretty much I'm alright with being out. I know I'm not myself yet.

So overall, today has been the best day since surgery. I am happy to see progress in healing. I also lost 18 pounds since my surgery (2 weeks + 2 days ago). I'm going to go for a walk now. I am so excited. I really needed today...my spirits have been lifted!!! 

Surgery + 1 week out...

Sep 22, 2008

Well I finally feel like sitting here and typing a bit. My surgery (9-15) seemed to go ok....VERY relieved. I was heavily sedated and they were having a bit of a hard time waking me up. My family visited but said I could barely respond for more than 1 sentence in an hour. GLAD it's over.
My roommate (not bypass) was great. She and I helped each other out all week as bathroom and walking buddies. Mostly we slept and thought of having a bowel movement!

I had problems (and continue to do so) once I switched to the stage 3 diet. I have been nausiated and everything tastes like protein powder. I called the office and talked with the nutritionist who said I seemed to have tried everything correctly and might have a yeast infection in my mouth. My tongue is covered in white and yellow paste....uuugggghhhh. I see the surgeon Oct. 1 and can't wait to be moved to the next stage.

My wound is healing. Saturday I posted a question because I was worried about some bleeding and oozing. Everything seems to be going pretty well with it now. OH members really helped me out!!

I had my emotional meltdown Saturday as well. I felt lonely, sore, like vomitting, and useless. NOT a good day.

I went to a grocery store today for some yogurt and broth. I also made dinner for my family. I was pooped this evening. I'm still a bit foggy and slow. I guess it's my body's way of keeping me under control. I'm still not myself mentally or physically. This stuff ain't for sissies...

I'm going to sleep now. I appreciate OH and my friends here...it really has been what keeps me feeling connected and supported.

Less than 24 hours to go!!!!!!!!!!!

Sep 14, 2008

Well, this is it!!!!!!! I'm just about packed, I've bought my supplies, I've said bye-bye to work, and I've done my best to prep my kids...now it's my time to focus on tomorrow. I wish I could just go to sleep and wake up ready to go...but I am so wired! I'm more nervous than scared. I am going to take a picture in the morning and post it. My daughter took my measurements tonight. I tried not to be embarrassed and just think of it as data in my road to recovery. They said I'll be in the hospital until approx. Thursday. I'm ready. I'm so ready. See you on the other side!!!!!!!!!!!


3 more days...I hope!

Sep 11, 2008

It's Friday...my last day at work before I'm off for the surgery and recoup at home. I am still feeling like I won't get everything done before I leave. I never take time off like this and it's hard for me to let go. No one covers my job while I'm out.
Other than that, I have been trying to have faith that everything will go as planned. The hospital called and told me they were concerned that a prescription I was taking was too large. It's a time-released capsule and they prefer that it is someting crushable. I've been trying to get that straightened out with the doctor who prescribed it, but still haven't spoken with him. I am a bit frustrated because the center I am going through knew for months I was on this and never said I should discuss changing it until now. I don't want this to be an issue that keeps me out of the surgery schedule.
I need a couple more things for shopping. I'm in good shape there I think.
My house...oh, well. It will stay standing if I get it cleaned before I go or not. I'm not the only one who lives there!
Staying focused...target in sight...  

5 days to go...

Sep 09, 2008

OK - I'm trying not to freak out at this point. I had insomnia and saw the sun rise, then had a horrible day trying to stay focused and calm. I am trying to get all my work done so I can relax while I'm out. I'm also trying to pay all my bills so I don't have to think about them. I still have shopping to do. I feel like I'm going to be sent to prison and I have to get in every bit of living that I can. I am waiting for the hospital to call and set up my pre-op questions. It's like a slow tidal wave and I'm trying not to drown. I saw my counselor for the last time before surgery and never told her how I felt. To be honest, I don't know if I could have put it into words until now. I still want to have it done...but the waiting is torture. I wish I could sleep until I woke up in the recovery room!

First entry...1 week to go!!!

Sep 07, 2008

Time seemed to go so slowly to get myself ready for the surgery. Now, it's only  1 week away!!! I can't believe it. I am trying to prepay my bills and take care of the house before I go in so I won't worry about that while I'm away. I still have to shop for some of the food and vitamins I'll need after the surgery. Plus I have to pack. I'm trying to stay very busy and focused...I don't want to think too much about it!!! I have 1 visit left with the counselor to discuss my fears...I'll definitely use it well. OK - time for sleep. It's going to be an interesting week...

About Me
New Britain, CT
Surgery Date
Sep 07, 2008
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