Today is day 19 and my birthday..

Jul 16, 2012

Well I finally started losing weight again after about 10 days with no loss. I was stuck between 17 and 18.. I finally hit 19 today.. I had my period for what seemed like forever.. It was about 12 days after surgery so I am guessing that was stalling my weight loss. I will finally start pureed foods Thursday and I am ready for it. I initially had a really hard time like the first 8-9 days.. after I started taking my lexapro again (my anxiety/depression meds) I started doing a lot better. I felt like I was losing my mind and my surgeon feels it was a lot to do with my stopping those meds because the pharmacist said I should crush them and they tasted horrible so I just didn't take them.. I don't suggest you stop taking them if you are on them before surgery. I think it mentally made my first week 5 times harder than it needed to be. 

I honestly don't get hungry but do want to eat as it is a natural part of life that we have done since we were born you know. I will occasionally suck on some crackers until they are mushy and watery. The chewing is what I miss but I promise it really does get better. Like I said my pureed stage starts in a few days.. I am ready for it but just want to make sure I am watching my initial portions as to not make myself sick by eating to much. I will be careful and measure out my food so I am aware of what I can do. 

I went to play bingo with my girlfriend for my birthday tonight and had a couple of sips of pop.. I didn't even want to drink it because it just was to fizzy. Not my thing. Sometimes I do wish I could drink more water at one time but it has gotten way better. 

I can honeslty say that even without eating on my birthday it was still an awesome day. I am bless to be alive and I won't forget that. Next year I hope to do something more....action filled.. not sure what but something. 

I will say this again and again just so people know whether because I stopped taking my pills or not I don't know but the first 8-10 days really sucked but it does get better. I don't recommend attending parties in the first 8-10 days but I promise it does get better. I didn't know if I would feel that way after how down I was in the beginning. It is hard so make sure you have people around who are going to support you. I have a great mom and two awesome daughters. My mom and my oldest daughter who is 10 helped so much with her 4 year old sister, lifting and helping me do various things. No lifting over 20 pounds for 4-6 weeks and there is good reason for that because it will hurt all those muscles that are trying to heal. 

Also I have pulling in my belly still but nothing that I can't deal with..just guessing that must be normal in the healing process. I know one thing I am so ready for another week to be over so I may be able to start doing my Zumba. I see my bariatric nurse July 30th and will find out at that point if I can start dancing.. 

Thats all I have for now. I did buy a web cam so I will start doing my you tube postings so I can tape my journey for others to experience. It helped me soooo much so I want to do the same for others. 

Take care and talk to ya'll again soon. 


About Me
Surgery Date
Oct 26, 2006
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