4 weeks out.. 27 pounds lost since surgery!!

Jul 25, 2012

I have been doing really well the last week since I started pureed food. I was doing a lot of the same foods just to not have to think to much about what I could and couldn't eat. I was doing vanilla low fat yogurt with cinnamon and truvia with applesauce for breakfast, cottage cheese with banana pumpkin baby food for lunch and then dinner was pureed turkey sloopy joes and green beans with a little butter and salt otherwise they had no flavor.. It went just fine for me and tomorrow I get to go back to normal food. I have bought some protein bars to have in my purse and at home if I need to be on the run so I am making a good choice. I am just trying a few and if I don't like them I know of some that I do but that I have to order from www.netrition.com. They have tons of bariatric surgery friendly things.. 

I also tried Isopure flavored bottled protein and Alpine punch flavor was the best out of the 3 I tried.. I also tried like a Apple Melon and Grape. The apple melon was tart and the grape was grapy but they all have that "protein" after taste. Taste good at first then has a bit of an aftertaste and leaves some kind of film in your mouth.. weird but ok overall. They are spendy but I would definetly try them before you buy a whole bunch of them.  I also bought the premium ready made protein shakes from costco. You get 18 for like $25 dollars which is really cheap. They don't taste to bad for a protein shake and I would think if it was really cold it would be even better!! 

I am just trying to find everyway that I can to make sure I am getting in all the protein that I need. The goal is 60g of protein for women and 80g of protein for men per day with my surgeon. I see my bariatric nurse Monday and am super excited to find out what she has to say!!

Other news.. I am still tired a lot of the time so my energy is not returned totally, My scabs on my inicision are still not healed all the way. I seem to get fluid underneath the scabs and then it makes me want the scab off to clean it and let a new scab grow. I have started putting water proof bandages on before showers so the scabs don't get moist everyday and that seems to be going well. 3 are almost completly healed, 2 are doing really good and 1 is still big.. that is the one that has hurt the most in this whole process. Protein is key to healing so that is another reason I am doing my best to get my protein.. 

Enough for now!! Talk to you soon. 

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