All The Goals I've Set For Myself Are Acheived!

Jan 10, 2011

At the start of this journey, I set 10 goals for myself.  This past week I acheived the last goal I had set and it feels soooo good to have succeeded and acheived every goal I wanted.

My Goals:
1. To be approved for surgery.
2. To have the surgery before the end of summer 2010.
3. To get through the surgery alive.
4. To get off high blood pressure medicine and water pills.
5. Not always be the fattest person in the room.
6. Smile when I see a picture of myself.
7. To lose 100 lbs.
8. To wear "normal" size clothing.
9. To take a family portrait.
10. To no longer be embarrassed when I go to the pool.


Wow Moment: Rockin A Size 10 Now

Jan 09, 2011

We went to a family birthday party at Chuckie Cheese Saturday and my hubbie pulled me aside and said that I was getting baggy butt again and needed smaller jeans.  So I went to the store, and came out with a pair of Levis that are a size 10!  They are tight, but they work good :)  I am so excited and happy with my WLS journey.

Ultrasound Update

Dec 28, 2010

Ok, I got my results back today concerning ultrasound on gallbladder and liver...everything looks normal they said.  I am soooo excited to hear this, but still wondering why I'm having that uncomfortable feeling alot??? Anyway, I am very glad and happy for the good news!

Scope Update

Dec 27, 2010

Ok, had my scope done to see if I had ulcer again....great news!  Everything looks great and NO ULCER!!!  So today they did an ultrasound and will know the results hopefully tomorrow.  They checked the gallbladder and liver and something else.  Hopefully good news will be coming!

6 Month Check Up

Dec 20, 2010

Ok so there's tons of good news with my check up - I'm down 73% of my body fat, which my dr. said is really great for 6 months out.  My labs were all great. Protein back up to 18.2, which it was under 17 I think last time, so that was better.  All other stuff, calcium, iron, etc. looking great.  I can start having lean ground beef, oh yeah.  They said I'm about 30.5 lbs. away from my ideal weight, and that another 10 lbs. down and I will be will dr. calls my ideal weight, cuz the "actual" ideal weight is lower than it should be cuz they haven't updated the info in years.  Dr. said bmi is 28.1 and that "normal" is usually 18 to 24 so I'm very close to that as well.  I'm so excited about this great news...NOW THE BAD NEWS...Dr. is concerned of the symptoms I'm still having that are ulcers more than likely cuz I've had them last time.  So now back to the hospital to do another scope.  They don't know if they can get me in before the new year or not though cuz they've been booked. I'm really over these issues with ulcers.  I want to be healed of this.   

Need To Learn Patience :)

Dec 13, 2010

Nov. 13, 2010 - Ok, I guess I need to learn patience.  I dropped a little bit after last blog and now am 159.2!  Woo hoo!  Officially out of the 160's.  And another wow moment, I put my 14's on and someone told me they were getting a little baggy.  I hadn't really noticed.  So I got home and tried on the size 12's that are in the closet (i purchased them ahead of time cuz I like that style of pants lol) and they FIT!  And not super skin tight either...just a little snug (at least to me, I'm used to wearing loose things.)  I am so out of my slump and very excited again!  I guess I just need to learn to flow with patience and not let my feelings be motivated by the scale, PLUS I measured and lost more inches! That's always a PLUS!

Not Losing Any More Weight

Dec 10, 2010

I am just 2 lb. under the weight I was on November 20.  I have no clue what is going on!  I am so over stepping on the scale to see NOTHING.  9 more days and that will be a whole month with only a 2 lb. difference.  I AM SO DISCOURAGED about this. 

Have Ulcer Again

Dec 10, 2010

I am really over having ulcers!  I noticed the symptoms several weeks ago, but it wasn't every day, just kind of hit and miss.  I got with dr. and they put me back on the prevacid again.  I just got off it like 2 days prior and now more...and back to the solutabs instead of capsules cuz the capsules dont absorb well they say.  I now feel the symptoms every day about 3 times a day.  I am soooo over this!

100.4 LBS. GONE!!!

Nov 22, 2010

On November 20, 2010, I weighed in at 164.6 - that is 100.4 lbs. down from when I started at 265!  (my ticker is set from surgery date on...but I started MY count at right at preop diet stage)  SO I AM REALLY FLOATING ON CLOUD NINE!  I am sooooo ready to reach goal...and maybe a little under goal.  Words cannot describe the joy I feel!
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Something To Smile About

Nov 14, 2010

Ok, almost as soon as I hit month 4, my weight loss has been slowing down dramatically...which the dr. told me it would.  Dr. said the amount of loss for the first 3 months will take me about 9 months to lose the same amount as I did for the first 3.  I've been pretty discouraged about the slow loss or stall or whatever I've been on.  But today I got home and my pants were really baggy at church my husband said, so I tried the next size smaller I bought for when it's time, and they fit...a tight fit, but they fit!!!  Size 14! I know it'll probably be a couple weeks before I dare wear them cuz of tightness (i hate tight tight stuff :) )  Then I hadn't measured myself in awhile, so I started measuring, my neck went down 3 inches to a 14, my biceps went down I think 2 inches, my bust went down 1 inch to a 34, my waist went down 6.5 inches to a 39! I am sooooo excited!  I started at a 51 inch waist - that's 12 inches! woo hoo!  I was in a size 30/32 to a tight 14 / loose 16!  And tops were a 5x (30/32) to a L and XL!  I am smiling pretty good today after a week or so of feeling discouraged.  I also totally changed my hair for a fresh new I was losing soooo much hair it was getting pretty straggly. I will post my new do in a few :) 
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Jan 18, 2010
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